Title: Dragon Brew 9
enchanted_jaeFandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Harry, Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hp_coffeehouse Prompt No. 9 - homebrew
hogwarts365 Prompt No. 221 - contradiction
Summary: Harry makes up his mind.
It took three days for Harry to work up the nerve to visit Dragon Brew again. During that time, he decided the only way to get over Malfoy was to get Malfoy under him. One good shag, and Harry would be satisfied. He could then put Malfoy out of his mind and stop being so tense.
Filled with a new sense of purpose, Harry strode confidently into Dragon Brew, his I ♥ Draco Malfoy mug leading the way.
"Auror Potter," greeted Malfoy, smiling across the counter.
Harry's trousers got tight.
"Would you care to try some of our new, homebrew coffee today?" asked Malfoy.
"Isn't that a contradiction in terms?" Harry drawled. "Selling homebrew in a shop?"
"I brewed it at home, Potter," said Malfoy, relieving Harry of his mug.
"Oh, I see," stammered Harry. Damn it, how did Malfoy do that? With just the mention of him and home, Harry's thoughts and resolve scattered, along with his wits.
"...than you're used to."
Harry blinked, forcing himself to focus on Malfoy. "Sorry?" he prompted, accepting his travel mug and quivering a little as their fingers brushed together.
"I said, this may be stronger than you're used to," Malfoy repeated. A hint of a smirk lurked in the corners of his kissable mouth.
Harry took a bracing sip of the hot beverage, and his eyes widened. "That's good," he said. "What's your secret?"
"If I told you, it would no longer be a secret, Potter."
Harry acknowledged the riposte with a salute from his mug. He fished the money for his coffee out of his pocket and handed it to Malfoy. When Malfoy gave him change, Harry dropped it into Luna's animal rescue fund. He steeled himself to ask Malfoy out.
"Say, Malfoy, I was wondering if-"
There was a loud crash from the back of the shop, followed by a frantic yell.
"Mr Malfoy! We've lost several pottery mugs!"
Malfoy blanched and turned away, dashing back to the kitchen area.
Harry was left standing before an unattended counter, feeling frustrated and disappointed. Rather than wait for Malfoy to return, he pivoted on his heel and left Dragon Brew. Next time, he would ask Malfoy out.
Dragon Brew 10