Cuffed 5

Nov 26, 2017 16:51

Title: Cuffed 5
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, bondage, bukkake, dub-con
Word count: 775
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for gracerene, who asked for more of Cuffed
Summary: Harry is dominated by Malfoy once more.

Harry lay there in stunned silence, tied to Draco Malfoy's bed. They'd fucked, Harry had demanded to be released, but Malfoy had refused.

Now what?

"Do you have somewhere else you need to be?" Malfoy asked.

"N-no," Harry admitted in a rough whisper.

"Then you can damned well stay in my bed with your legs spread and service me," said Malfoy.

"Fuck you!" snapped Harry, tugging at the cuffs that kept his hands secured to the head board. He rubbed his face against the inside of one upraised arm, trying to dislodge the blindfold that Malfoy had subjected him to.

Malfoy jerked the blindfold free, leaving Harry blinking in the sudden brightness. "You came here because you wanted me to fuck you, Potter," said Malfoy. "You're not leaving until you've been fucked to within an inch of your life."

His dark promise sent a renewed surge of lust coursing through Harry's veins, stiffening his cock once more. Harry enjoyed being dominated in bed, but he sure as hell didn't enjoy letting Malfoy know that. He opened his mouth to say the spells necessary to secure his own release. Harry didn't get a word out before Malfoy stuffed a gag into his mouth.

Malfoy rose to his knees, between Harry's legs, and smirked at Harry as he began to stroke his own cock with slow, languid motions of his hand. "See what you do to me, Potter?" he purred. "It's like I can't get enough of sticking my cock in your tight little hole. Of course, by the time I'm through with you, it won't be so tight any more, will it?" he mused, continuing to wank himself. "You'll be so wet and wide open that I may have to throw you over for someone else. Is that what you want, Potter? Do you want me to fuck you until I tire of you?"

Harry was only vaguely aware of the dirty things Malfoy was saying to him. His attention was focused squarely on the sight of Malfoy, kneeling between his spread legs, while masturbating. Harry's cock was fully erect again and aching for release. The only thing that prevented Harry from begging shamelessly for Malfoy's touch was the gag in his mouth.

"Once you've been split open on my big cock enough times you'll be able to entertain two cocks at once. Would you like that, Potter? Does the thought of double penetration turn you on?"

Harry could only moan and shake his head. He didn't want two cocks at once; he only wanted Malfoy's cock. At this point, however, Harry would settle for Malfoy's mouth or hands or fingers. He no longer cared, so long as he got some relief from the unbearable ache in his balls.

Malfoy noticed Harry's eyes on the motion of his hand on his prick. "Is this what you want?" he taunted. "Do you want me to pound you full of my big, hard cock and fuck you until you scream?"

Harry whimpered and writhed on the bed. His head moved restlessly, side to side, and he pulled at all of his restraints. Harry knew that if he got free in that moment, he would knock Malfoy back and impale himself on Malfoy's thick shaft. It was humiliating, but Harry was beyond caring.

Malfoy snapped the fingers of his left hand, leaving a shiny slickness behind. He'd conjured lubricant. Harry could have wept with gratitude. He made a garbled sound behind his gag when Malfoy speared him on two fingers. Malfoy thrust his fingers in and out, spreading on the down stroke to stretch Harry's tender rim. He never paused in pleasuring himself, however, and Harry soon realized why.

Malfoy's hand sped up on his cock, and he groaned out loud as he began to ejaculate. The fingers inside of Harry pulled up, stretching his hole open. Malfoy aimed his cock, and his second shot of come spattered Harry's rim. Malfoy managed to direct some of his release right into Harry's waiting hole.

Harry should have been repulsed; instead, he was incredibly turned on. He bore down on Malfoy's fingers, twisted his hips, and catapulted into an intense orgasm of his own. Malfoy pulled his fingers free, and the final drops of his ejaculate landed on Harry's cock and balls. Between Malfoy's jizz and his own, Harry ended up liberally splattered with come. His chest heaved, and he gasped for breath.

Malfoy dragged the spit-soaked gag out of Harry's mouth, enabling him to draw more air into his lungs.

"Slag," Malfoy jeered. "Just look at you."

It took Harry two tries, but he finally managed to croak out a retort. "Fuck you."

Cuffed 6

content: use of toy(s), content: dirty talk, verse: cuffed, content: pwp, rating: nc17, gift: birthday, content: blindfold, content: bondage, content: wanking, content: dub-con

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