Thrilling Thirst

Nov 22, 2017 21:02

Title: Thrilling Thirst
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: ???/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Word count: 1270
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for xchubbycheeks, who requested more of Club Coquette
Summary: Draco...he's what's for dinner.

"Do you have plans this evening?"

Draco looked up from where he was spreading clotted cream on a scone to see his mother eyeing him intently.

"I planned to go out later, perhaps to a club," he replied.

Narcissa's lips thinned. "But you will be home for dinner?"

"Yes, mum."

"Excellent," said Narcissa.


Draco stifled an irritated sigh and tried to maintain an expression of polite interest. His mother had invited Mr and Mrs Trowbridge to dinner, along with their git of a son, Todd the Troll. Draco knew his mother wished to make a match, but he wasn't having any of it. He would need to disabuse her of the notion that there could ever be anything between himself and Todd. For now, however, Draco had to observe the social niceties. At least Todd was keeping his hands to himself while they were under the watchful eyes of their parents.

Shortly after dinner, Draco pleaded a headache and escaped to his suite. He took the time to shower, feeling in need of a wash after suffering the indignity of being stripped naked by Todd's eyes during dinner. Once he was clean and dry, Draco prepared himself with lubricant, inserted a plug, and dressed in his clubbing costume of a corset, short skirt, stockings, boots, and his feathered mask.

He stepped into his private Floo, tossed down a pinch of powder, and called out, "Club Coquette!"


Draco strode through the lobby of the club and into the gardens beyond the French doors. It wasn't terribly late, by club standards, and he hoped Zee would be there to greet him. Instead of his lover, Draco found a carriage awaiting him.

"Cinderella, I presume?" drawled the driver.

Draco nodded uncertainly.

The driver hopped down and opened the door to the carriage, staring straight ahead as Draco flashed a scandalous amount of skin when he stepped up into the conveyance. There was a folded note on the seat, addressed only to Cinderella.

Draco picked it up and smoothed it open.

Cinderella, I have been unavoidably detained. Please enjoy some champagne and nibbles until I come for you, after which, I expect you to come for me.

Yours, Zee

Draco smiled and squirmed on the seat, anticipating a heated reunion with his lover.

The carriage delivered Draco to the same restaurant on the club grounds that he and Zee had frequented before. This time, however, Draco was ushered through a private entrance and into a small, intimate dining area. There, a table was set for two. A bottle of champagne rested in a bucket of ice, and a tray loaded with fantastic hors d'oeuvres dominated the center of the small table.

A waiter popped the cork on the champagne, poured Draco a flute of the effervescent liquid, bowed to him, and exited.

Draco was glad of the repast; he hadn't eaten much at dinner. He sipped the champagne and helped himself to some nibbles. The only thing that would make this more perfect would be if Zee were here. Fortunately, it wasn't long after that Zee arrived.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Cinderella?"

Draco smiled at his lover over the rim of his glass. "I'm enjoying myself more now that you've come for me."

"Ah, but I haven't come for you yet," Zee teased. He brushed his fingers over the bulge in his trousers in a suggestive manner.

Draco quivered and shifted in his chair.

"Did you save me some champagne?" asked Zee. When Draco nodded at the bottle, Zee grinned. "Very good," he said. "I want to drink it from your hole."

Arousal slammed through Draco, and he hastily set his flute of champagne down, lest he spill it. "Here?" he chirped.

"The staff are very discreet," Zee said. "You can scream all you like while I tongue your pretty rim." He held out his hand, and Draco took it. Zee drew Draco to his feet and tugged him close for a hot, searching kiss.

Zee raised his head. "Hello, Cinderella."

"Hello," Draco breathed in response.

Zee turned him to face the table. "Brace yourself," he instructed.

Draco leaned forward and placed his hands flat on the table. He shivered when he felt Zee unfasten his skirt and pull it down, where it landed on the floor at Draco's feet. Draco's arse, hips, and thighs were now bared for his lover's viewing pleasure.

Zee parted Draco's cheeks, exposing the protruding handle of the plug Draco had inserted at home. He drew it out, teasing Draco's rim on the way. Draco's breath hissed out, and his fingers clutched at the table cloth. Zee pocketed the plug, no doubt to add it to his growing collection. He picked up the bottle of chilled champagne.

"Spread those legs wide, Cinderella."

Draco did so, heart already racing in eager anticipation.

Zee brought the neck of the champagne bottle to the top of Draco's cleft and tipped it, allowing the cold liquid to pour between Draco's arse cheeks and dribble down his thighs, soaking the tops of his stockings. Zee set the bottle on the table and dropped to his knees behind Draco. He tongued the underside of Draco's buttocks, lapping up the fizzy champagne.

Draco moaned and let his head fall forward.

Zee continued lapping at champagne as he dragged his tongue higher and higher until he reached Draco's rim. There, he chased down every last drop of the expensive liquid before forming a point with the end of his tongue and penetrating Draco's hole.

"Oh god," Draco groaned, pushing his arse back. His lover's hands were clutching his arse, while Zee's lips and tongue worked his hole until Draco's quivering legs threatened to give way. His cock throbbed in time with his heart beat, as he hovered on the verge of orgasm. Zee hummed in pleasure, his tongue delving deep and his lips pressed to Draco's rim. Draco threw his head back and wailed loudly at the height of release.

Zee withdrew his tongue and nipped Draco's arse before he stood up straight again. "My turn," he growled, opening his fly and drawing out his erect cock. Zee guided himself to Draco's dripping hole and thrust inside.

Draco's body clenched in another spasm of pleasure, and he slumped over the table, braced now on his forearms. Zee had no mercy; he pounded into Draco's trembling body over and over, surging deep and drawing back, only to repeat the motion as he fucked Draco into submission. Zee's hands gripped Draco's hips tightly, no doubt leaving bruises on the pale flesh.

Zee thrust in, high and hard, then groaned aloud as he filled Draco with the hot pulses of his release. When it was over, he ended up with his hands on the table, next to Draco's. Zee's heaving chest was pressed to Draco's back, and their bodies remained intimately joined.

Zee chuckled and kissed Draco's nape before he levered himself upright and uncoupled them. Draco wasn't ready to attempt moving yet. Zee snagged the champagne and drank straight from the bottle. He leaned over Draco again, turning Draco's chin and capturing his lips in a flavorful kiss.

Draco moaned into it, and he felt the first, faint stirrings of renewed passion.

Zee broke the kiss and took a step back, giving Draco's naked bum a stinging swat. "You are certainly a feast for the eyes like that, Cinderella," he said, "but I'm hungry, and I want to order dinner."

Draco stood up and stretched, relishing each delicious ache his lover had left him with. He turned to Zee and smiled. "If you're still hungry," he murmured, "you are welcome to eat me again."

Luscious Lust

content: use of toy(s), verse: club coquette, content: dirty talk, rating: nc17, content: rimming, content: cross dressing, gift: birthday, content: foodsmut, content: partially clothed sex, content: table sex

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