Wedding March

Jul 18, 2017 22:06

Title: Wedding March
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Lavender-centric
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Fluff and schmoop
Word count: 560
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for ragnarok_08, with a prompt of "Repeat after me."
Summary: It's Lavender's wedding day.

Lavender checked her reflection in the mirror. She touched up her lip gloss and patted her honey-colored curls. This day had been a long time coming, and she wanted everything to be perfect. Lavender stepped back and turned this way and that, making sure her dress draped just so. It was a glorious gown, made of a silvery-lavender material that shimmered each time she moved. Lavender felt like a princess. She even had a tiara to complement her dress.

Lavender reached up to adjust the tiara. She tilted her head to the left and then the right, smiling as the multi-faceted rhinestones twinkled under the lights.

"You are positively radiant."

Lavender turned with a smile. "Thanks, mum," she said softly.

Her mother smiled back at her. "I always knew you would make a beautiful bride."

Lavender's eyes prickled with moisture, and her mum tutted at her and produced a handkerchief from her bag. "There, there, don't go crying and ruin your make-up, dear," said Mrs Brown.

Lavender accepted the hankie and giggled as she dabbed at her eyes. "Stop saying things that will make me cry," she chided.

"Well, what's a mother to do if she can't tell her own daughter how beautiful she is?"

Lavender sniffled again and then squared her shoulders. "Is Daddy ready?"

Her mum chuckled. "I don't think he'll ever be ready to walk you down the aisle and give you away into someone else's keeping."

"Oh, mum, you're going to make me cry again."

"I'm teasing you, darling. Your father looks splendid in his suit, and he is so proud of you and the lovely young woman you've become. He is quite ready to perform his paternal duty and escort you down the aisle."

Lavender impulsively threw her arms around her mother and hugged her. "You've both been a tremendous help these past few weeks," she said. "We never would have been able to organize this wedding without your assistance."

Her mother smiled and hugged her back carefully. "That's what parents do," she said. "Now then, where is your bouquet? It's just about time."


Lavender placed a trembling hand in the crook of her father's arm and took a deep breath. She was excited, not nervous. Lavender had no reservations about marrying her soul mate and taking the next big step in her life.

The music from the church organ changed, seguing into the Wedding March. Mr Brown smiled down at his daughter and escorted her into the church. They walked sedately down the aisle to the pulpit. All eyes were on the bride, but Lavender had eyes only for her intended. The smiling faces to either side of her were a blur, as were the flashes from a multitude of cameras.

At last, they reached their destination. Mr Brown handed Lavender off with a stiff upper lip and a sheen of moisture in his eyes. The pastor opened the ceremony, his pleasant voice a soothing drone in Lavender's ear. Her attention was centered on the person whose hand she held at the front of the church. Lavender had never loved someone so much, and now they were about to make their relationship official.

Lavender didn't focus on the pastor until he came to the most important part of the ceremony.

"Repeat after me," said the pastor. "I, Lavender Brown, take you, Parvati Patil..."

content: fluff, content: femmeslash, gift: birthday, rating: pg, content: rarepair

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