Working Out Party

Jul 14, 2017 22:40

Title: Working Out Party
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Padma/Daphne/Parvati
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual situation
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: hogwarts365 Prompt No. 200 - Arithmancy
Summary: Two lovers are ten times the fun. Follows Sitting Out Party.

Having two lovers wasn't twice the fun; it was ten times as much fun, Daphne decided. It was simple Arithmancy, really.

It had been Daphne's first threesome, and she hoped it would not be her last, at least not where the Patil twins were concerned. Once the girls got over their initial shyness, they were bold, fearless, and inventive. They allowed Daphne to take any liberty she wanted, and to reciprocate, they returned the pleasure she had bestowed on them.

Daphne had encouraged Padma and Parvati to clamber out of the churning waters of the Prefects' bath and perch on the edge of the pool. That put the girls in prime position for Daphne to pleasure Parvati and Padma in turn. Once she had reduced each of them to a mewling, quivering heap, Daphne grinned and heaved herself out of the water to lie next to the gasping girls. In very short order, the two of them had launched their own sensual attack, lavishing attention on Daphne's breasts, belly, thighs and pussy until she had nearly screamed aloud from sensory overload.

Now, Daphne was lying at the edge of the water, between the twins. They were cushioned by thick, fluffy towels and warmed by the steam rising from the pool of water. Daphne was lethargic in the afterglow. This was an incredible experience, and one she hoped to repeat in the very near future. Daphne could only hope the Patil girls felt the same. She wondered if she should just come right out and ask them if they wished to meet up again soon.

"We should do this again sometime," drawled the twin on Daphne's left. Parvati, she thought. Or was it Padma? Daphne had lost track of which girl was which when the three of them were entangled with one another.

"Sometime soon," agreed the second twin. She followed that pronouncement by adding, "Don't you agree, Greengrass?"

A pleased smile curved Daphne's lips. "I do agree, one hundred and ten percent," she replied.

One twin responded with a snort. The Ravenclaw, Daphne decided. "There is no such thing as one hundred ten percent," scoffed Padma.

"Of course, there is," said Daphne. "It's simple Arithmancy."

Bouncing Out Party

content: femmeslash, comm: hogwarts365, verse: coming out party, content: threesome, rating: r, content: hogwarts era

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