Sitting Out Party

Jul 07, 2017 20:42

Title: Sitting Out Party
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Ron, Rolf/Luna, mentions of other couples
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: hogwarts365 Prompt No. 199 - Nearly Headless Nick
Summary: Ron bides his time. Follows Jerking Out Party.

Ron drained his glass of pumpkin juice in one go. He set it one the table, then resumed his sullen slouch.

Luna frowned at her friend. "Would you like me to find Hermione for you?" she offered.

Ron cut a glance at her, then returned to studying his trainers. "No, thanks," he muttered. "I have a good idea where she is, and I don't think she wants to be disturbed."

"Is she experimenting?" Luna asked.

Ron's scowl deepened.

Luna squeezed his shoulder. "You did your own experimenting earlier."

"Bloody hell!" Ron exploded. "Is everyone going to keep throwing that in my face for the rest of my life?!"

"Of course not," Luna said soothingly. "I was only going to point out that you experimented and decided you preferred Hermione. Perhaps, once she's done experimenting, she'll realize she prefers you."

That thought cheered Ron a bit. He sat up straighter. "Do you really think so?"

Luna was prevented from answering when the Bloody Baron thundered through the Great Hall with Nearly Haedless Nick in hot pursuit.

"It's a coming out party!" Nick was heard to say before the ghosts disappeared through the wall.

Luna stood up and patted Ron's shoulder absently. "Rolf and I are going to enjoy the music," she said. "I think things will seem a lot brighter in the morning." She took her boyfriend's hand, and they returned to the dance floor.

Ron sighed and helped himself to some of the nibbles that Rolf had brought over. Maybe Loony was right, and Hermione would get it out of her system tonight with Bulstrode. Ron certainly didn't want a repeat performance of his earlier indiscretion with Dennis. It had been enjoyable, but it wasn't worth losing Hermione over. He could only hope she felt the same way about him, once this ruddy party was over.

In the meantime, Ron reckoned he could just sit here, stuff his gob, and watch all of the other happy couples. There seemed to be fewer students on the dance floor, he realized. They'd probably all skived off to experiment, just like Harry and Malfoy. Ron wondered if Harry would come back to his senses after this party, too.

Working Out Party

comm: hogwarts365, rating: pg13, content: rarepair, content: het, verse: coming out party, content: hogwarts era

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