Gains 267

Jul 05, 2017 19:49

Title: Gains 267
Author: enchanted_jae
Team: Aurors
Character(s): Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mpreg
Word count: 100
Written for: dracoharry100 Prompt No. 487 - competition
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Draco reflects on his meeting with Potter.

Gains 267 )

comm: dracoharry100, rating: pg, verse: gains, content: mpreg, length: 100 word drabble

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Comments 8

twistedm July 6 2017, 03:02:49 UTC
Its gonna take a LOT of work to get this little family into a happy place. But with two kids... yeah, I want them to be happy together! Sigh. Draco's been such a damn jerk, tho!


enchanted_jae July 8 2017, 00:16:00 UTC
They've both been...if not jerks, certainly selfish. Draco initially pushed too hard, and Harry is still pulling back. Yeah, it's going to take some work.


felaine July 6 2017, 03:36:17 UTC
Those two....

This should be in the "Pony" verse because they are both such horses' asses.

Total, happy COS: My Dragon Brew postcard arrived, just it time to cheer me up from feeling sorry for my lot in life.
So sweet and I love it, and them, and you.




enchanted_jae July 19 2017, 00:21:51 UTC
Don't hold back; tell us how you REALLY feel. Ha ha! Yes, they're both being stubborn. Maybe "Cock and Bull" verse, because they're both acting like mules?


Glad your card arrived and that it helped brighten your day.


sw33tch3rrypi3 July 6 2017, 07:19:19 UTC
Now that I have sobered up a little, something actually related to the story:

I am so frustrated with these two and ready to wring their necks. They need to behave!



enchanted_jae July 23 2017, 17:01:05 UTC
I agree, but remember, they're still quite young and impetuous.


capitu July 18 2017, 20:47:12 UTC
It's going to get some time and work for them to get to a comfortable place, hopefully one day leading to happiness.


enchanted_jae July 23 2017, 17:01:17 UTC
*crosses fingers*


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