Flooding Out Party

May 05, 2017 23:03

Title: Flooding Out Party
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Blaise/Zacharias
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual activity
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: hogwarts365 Prompt No. 190 - superstitious
Summary: Blaise and Zacharias find their groove. Follows Pushing Out Party.

Blaise sat back with a frustrated groan and scrubbed a hand over his face. "I'm sorry," he muttered. "I had no idea we'd be interrupted. What rotten luck."

Zacharias chuckled. "It's only bad luck if you're superstitious," he said. "At least we weren't in the middle of shagging when Potter and Malfoy barged in on us." He paused a moment, then laughed again. "Potter and Malfoy," mused Zacharias. "Who would have thought they'd hook up?"

"Everyone in Slytherin," Blaise replied. "Draco has been gagging to shag Potter ever since his balls dropped."

They both laughed, and Blaise's mood lifted. "Enough about those two berks," he said. "I'm in danger of having a serious case of blue balls. Er, you still want to shag, yeah?"

"Yeah," whispered Zach, scooting down to lie on the sofa once more.

"Brilliant," Blaise responded. He moved to cover Zacharias, wriggling about until he was between the other boy's legs. "Where were we?"

"Right here," Zacharias answered. He made a throaty humming noise as Blaise positioned himself. Zach sucked in a sharp breath when Blaise thrust forward and in, and he released that breath on a loud groan as his body adjusted.

"Fuck, Zabini, that feels fantastic."

"You're fantastic, Smith. Merlin, but you're tight. I need to move." Blaise put words to action, thrusting slowly at first as he gave Zacharias time to get used to being stuffed full. His partner had other ideas, however, as Zacharias began lifting up, encouraging Blaise to thrust harder.

The sofa squeaked as they moved upon it with lustful abandon. Blaise wanted this to last, but he'd pent up his desire for Zach too long. He drove in deep and climaxed with a harsh moan. As soon as he could move, Blaise pulled out and slid down Zacharias' body until he was able to take Zach's cock in his mouth. It didn't take long for Zacharias to flood Blaise's mouth with his release.

They ended up spooned on the sofa, basking in the afterglow.

"Was that worth the wait?" teased Zach.

"Mm, yeah," Blaise responded. "Promise you won't make me wait so long the next time."

Zacharias smiled at Blaise over his shoulder. "I promise."

Puffing Out Party

comm: hogwarts365, content: rarepair, verse: coming out party, rating: r, content: hogwarts era

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