HPCreatures Fest fic: Wolf Terms

Nov 08, 2016 19:09

Title: Wolf Terms
Author/Artist: enchanted_jae
Prompt: #2, submitted by gracerene.
Pairing/Characters: Draco/Harry, Trocar
Creature: Vampire, werewolf
Word Count: 2,375
Rating: NC-17
Warnings or Content: (highlight to read) *Slight dub-con, rimming, knotting*
Disclaimer: This creation is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros. Inc. No money is being made, no copyright or trademark infringement, or offense is intended. All characters depicted in sexual situations are above the age of consent.
Notes: I loved the sexy prompt, gracerene, and I hope I've done it justice! Thank you to digthewriter for the excellent beta help!
Summary: Business and pleasure don't mix...or do they?

Harry took a long swallow of Firewhisky and relished the burn as it went down. He wished he could get pissed from drinking too much alcohol, but he'd found it was impossible. There was so much to learn about being a vampire, but at least Harry could still be useful. He had expected to be bounced out of the Aurors as soon as he recovered from the ordeal of his Turning, but such had not been the case. In fact, it seemed to have opened up a new realm of possibilities that Harry had never known existed.

He reflected on his recent conversation with Shacklebolt.

"Buck up, Harry. It's not the end of the world."

"It may as well be," muttered Harry. "How can I continue working as an Auror in my condition?"

Shacklebolt leaned forward and lowered his voice, in spite of the fact that they were alone in his office. "There's another, clandestine division in the DMLE where you might prosper, Harry," he said. "Are you interested?"

Harry straightened from his slouched posture in the chair opposite the desk. "I'm interested," he said, nodding at Shacklebolt to go on.

"In addition to the familiar Aurors, the DMLE has another group working for it, called the Lunars."

"The Lunars?"

Shacklebolt sat back and steepled his hands over his barrel chest. "It's a group comprised of supernaturals, such as yourself."

Now it was Harry who leaned forward. "What kind of supernaturals? How many?"

"It's a small squad at the moment," Shacklebolt replied, "and it's made up mostly of vampires and werewolves. What do you say, Harry? Are you in?"

Harry grinned, revealing his fangs. "I'm in."

Harry finished his drink and checked the time. It was still early, for a vampire. Dawn was still hours away. He'd had some bottled blood earlier in the evening, which had enabled him to sit in a pub without wanting to sink his fangs into the nearest human. Harry wasn't sure what else there was to do in Swindon, where the Lunars were headquartered. He was slated to meet with Trocar, the Head Lunar, who was also a vampire. He'd arrived in Swindon one night early, wanting to familiarize himself with the city. He would meet with Trocar tomorrow evening, which was when Harry was also going to be introduced to his new partner. He was looking forward to being mentored by an older vampire.

Harry glanced around the pub, idly wondering if he could pull someone. It would be an excellent way to spend what was left of the night. Harry leaned back in his chair, letting his eyes wander around the pub to see if any of the blokes there might be bent. He could pull a human, so long as he used a glamour to disguise his fangs. All too soon, Harry was forced to acknowledge that the pub didn't offer any suitable prospects. He settled his tab and left.

Harry paused once he was outside and drew in a deep breath. His sense of smell was stronger now, and Harry reveled in it. He took another deep breath and hummed in appreciation as a tantalizing scent came to him. Harry turned his head and blinked in surprise.


"Potter, what brings you to Swindon?" asked Malfoy. He paced closer as he spoke, almost as if stalking his prey.

Harry's hackles rose, along with his cock. "I'm here on business," he replied tersely. "You?"

Malfoy's lips tilted in a half-smile. "I live here," he replied. "It's close enough to home, while still affording me some breathing space, away from my parents."

Harry nodded in understanding, but before he could reply, Malfoy surprised him with an invitation.

"Say, would you like to get a drink?"

As a vampire, Harry's senses were stronger than ever, including his sense of smell. He scented something other than human on Malfoy, along with something else...arousal. He'd been fascinated by Malfoy since they were children, and now he might have a chance to actually pull the arrogant git. This was too good an opportunity to pass up.

"That sounds fantastic," said Harry. One of the first things he'd learned after becoming a vampire was that he metabolized alcohol too quickly to get well and truly pissed. So much for drowning his sorrows. Tonight, however, that vampiric trait might come in handy.

"Brilliant," said Malfoy. "We can go back to my place."

"Your place?"

Malfoy turned his head and grinned. "Scared, Potter?"

Harry offered a tight-lipped grin in return. No need to flash his fangs just yet. "I'm not scared of you, Malfoy," he replied. He fell into step with Malfoy. As they walked, Harry's level of arousal simmered slowly. He was enjoying the anticipation of tumbling Malfoy into bed and fucking him raw. Harry also anticipated sampling some of that vaunted pure blood that Malfoy was so proud of.

Malfoy led the way to a garden gate, which fronted an elegant home. He opened the door with a whispered password and beckoned Harry inside. Malfoy showed Harry to a comfortable sitting room, then crossed to the wet bar along the back wall.

"I have Ogden's," he said.

Harry nodded. "That will be fantastic, thank you."

Malfoy poured and handed Harry a glass. "Cheers," he said, clinking his tumbler to Harry's.

Harry took a drink, appreciating the mellow burn of the fine whisky. He met Malfoy's heated gaze over the top of his glass, and Harry's body tightened. He set his glass down and got to the point.

"Malfoy, you didn't invite me here to drink," said Harry. "Why don't we skip the preliminaries and get straight to the sex?"

"Ah, a man after my own heart."

"It's not your heart I'm interested in," countered Harry.

Malfoy laughed and saluted him with his glass. He tossed the rest of his whisky back. "Very well, Potter," he said. "Let's take this to the bedroom." He turned without a word and exited the room.

Harry followed eagerly. When they reached the bedroom, he ignored the decor in favor of the bed itself. It was massive, covered in a cream-colored duvet. Harry almost salivated at the thought of seeing flecks of Malfoy's scarlet blood on that pristine blanket.

Malfoy began unbuttoning his shirt, and Harry took his cue and toed off his shoes. In moments, he was as naked as Malfoy. Harry took a moment to admire his host's lithe body. Malfoy had more chest hair than Harry had anticipated, but he looked forward to rubbing his own chest back and forth over it when he shagged Malfoy.

Harry prowled closer. "Why don't you lie down and spread for me, like a good bottom?" he rumbled.

Malfoy actually laughed at that. "If you think I'm going to be on the receiving end, you have another think coming," he said. "I've no intention of letting a vampire anywhere near my throat."

Harry was taken aback. "How did you know I'm a vampire?" he blurted.

"I can smell you," murmured Malfoy, closing the distance between them. "Werewolves have excellent noses, after all."

Harry had no time to reply before strong hands gripped him about the waist and all but flung him onto the bed. Harry landed with a bounce and a snarl. He began to sit up, only to find himself flipped onto his stomach. Before he could react, Malfoy licked a hot, wet stripe up his back to his nape. Harry moaned at the seductive sensation and began frotting against that pristine duvet beneath him.

Malfoy sat up and straddled Harry's legs. He rubbed his hands up the backs of Harry's thighs and palmed his buttocks. Malfoy kneaded Harry's arse cheeks for a moment before he parted them.

"I can't wait to pound your pretty arse full of my cock, Potter," he murmured.

Harry started to turn his head to utter a protest, but just then, Malfoy bent down and laved Harry's rim with the tip of his tongue. "Oh, fuck," Harry groaned. He lifted his hips, raising his arse in a blatant demand for more.

Malfoy responded by stabbing his facile tongue into Harry's hole.

Harry snarled again and dug his fingers into Malfoy's poncy duvet. His cock was already leaking copious amounts of pre-come, which became smeared onto the blanket. Malfoy continued to ply Harry's hole with his dexterous tongue, until Harry's mouth was hanging open as he wailed in pleasure.

"M-Malfoy," he panted, voice rough with lust. "Fuck me, Malfoy. Please." He whined when Malfoy's tongue withdrew.

Malfoy moved away momentarily, but he kept one hand pressed firmly at the small of Harry's back, as if to hold him in place. It wasn't necessary; Harry was too far lost in lust to fight over topping. Harry heard the pop of a cap, followed by the unmistakable sound of Malfoy slicking his cock with lubricant. He responded by parting his legs. When Malfoy returned, he kicked Harry's legs wider apart and dragged him up by his hips.

Harry tried to rise to his fours, but Malfoy shoved him back down with a hand between his shoulderblades. Harry's face met the pillow, and he clamped his fangs into it. Sex seemed to put him in the mood to bite, but the pillow was his only option at this point. Malfoy penetrated him without any further preparation, and Harry's fangs sank deeper into the pillow as he gave a garbled cry.

The pain was exquisite. Malfoy's cock wasn't terribly thick, but it was long, and as he drove it in completely, he went deeper than Harry had ever been penetrated before. Fuck, it felt good. He lifted his head enough to drag in a ragged breath. Harry hummed as Malfoy pulled back out slowly. Malfoy halted with just the tip still inside of Harry's body.

"You like that, Potter?"

Harry growled, fangs clacking in frustration. He would have liked this a hell of a lot more if he could sink his fangs into Malfoy's throat and drink some of his sweet blood.

Malfoy slammed back in, forcing a startled yelp out of Harry. Malfoy pulled back and repeated the motion, changing his angle. This time, he succeeded in jabbing Harry's prostate. Harry cried out and arched his back. He pushed back for more, undulating in front of Malfoy as he sought to get maximum contact right there.

Malfoy's chest came down to rest on Harry's back, and he wrapped both arms around Harry's middle. His hips began to pump, fast and hard, riding Harry with rapid, piston-like strokes that no human male could have possibly managed.

The scent of their combined arousal and elevated pheromones teased at Harry's senses, enhancing the experience. He threw his head back, fangs bared as he moaned in pleasure. His cock remained untouched, but Harry could feel his orgasm building, even without the additional stimulation. He hunched his hips, pushing back to meet Malfoy's powerful thrusts. A growl rumbled in Malfoy's chest and throat, and Harry felt the vibrations all the way to his cock and balls. Tension built in his body, spreading across his lower back and culminating in a toe-curling climax.

Harry groaned and shuddered through it, knowing full well that Malfoy was enjoying each clenching spasm of his rim. Truth be told, Harry was enjoying it, too. His arms gave out, and Harry's face met the shredded pillow again. He was too busy sucking in air to mind.

Malfoy slammed into him a few more times, then ground his groin against Harry's arse as he pumped Harry full of his release. Another low growl emanated from Malfoy, causing a thrill to dance up Harry's spine. Malfoy remained bent over Harry's back, still clutching him around the abdomen as he took his turn gasping for breath.

A curious pressure seemed to stretch Harry's rim further, causing his spent cock to twitch. He tried to move, but Malfoy's arms tightened around him.

"Hold still."

"This is bloody uncomfortable, Malfoy. You're heavy, and I'd like to breathe, thank you ever so."

Malfoy uttered a curse and released Harry. He sat back, but his cock remained firmly rooted inside of Harry's hole. Harry rose to all fours and tried to move away, but rough hands grasped his hips and kept him in place.

"Don't pull off, Potter," warned Malfoy. "My knot will subside in a few minutes."

"Your what?!" Harry craned to glare at Malfoy over one shoulder.

Malfoy offered a sheepish grin and a shrug. "It's a wolf thing," he said, by way of explanation. "Our cocks swell at the base after ejaculation, locking the partners together. It's a way of ensuring fertilization before another male can mount the receptive bitch."

"Who are you calling a bitch?!"

"Relax," scoffed Malfoy. "I'm simply explaining it to you in wolf terms."

Harry grumbled and dropped to his forearms again. He'd never had a lover stay inside of him after sex. It was...hot. Harry rubbed his cheek against the pillow, and his bum wiggled. "How long will this last?" he muttered.

"Anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour."

"An hour?!"


After passing through security, Harry was shown to Trocar's office at the Lunar Headquarters in Swindon. He had arrived early, wanting to be the one to size up his new partner when he or she walked in on time. Harry knocked on the door and entered at the invitation.

Trocar stood from behind his desk and shook Harry's hand over its vast expanse. "Potter, it's a pleasure to welcome you to the Lunars," he said. "While I regret that you were Turned against your will, I am delighted to add you to our ranks. Please, have a seat."

"Thank you, sir," said Harry, sitting down. He shifted to get comfortable. Harry was still feeling the effects of Malfoy's enthusiasm from the prior night. He hoped Trocar wouldn't notice anything amiss.

Harry and the other vampire made small talk until there was another knock on the office door.

"Come in," Trocar called out, rising to his feet to greet the newcomer.

Harry stood up, as well. He was anxious to meet his new partner. The door opened, and Harry's welcoming smiled slipped.

"Harry Potter," said Trocar, "I'd like you to meet your new partner, Draco Malfoy."

Cross-posted to hp_creatures

creature: werewolf, rating: nc17, fest: hp_creatures, content: creature fic, content: top!draco, creature: vampire, content: fest fic, content: dub-con

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