Blood Whore 15

Jul 24, 2016 17:38

Title: Blood Whore 15
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, ofc
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 1000
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Gift for hpfangirl71, in thanks for the Planned Parenthood VGift. Request was for more of Blood Whore.
Summary: Potter is feeling possessive tonight.

Draco cracked an eye opened and groaned at the bright light flooding the bedroom. He was alone in the bed, which wasn't surprising, considering it must be mid-morning. Draco sat up with a wince and rubbed his tender wrists. They were still red where the handcuffs had chafed his skin. Draco swung his feet out of bed and stood up, groaning at the lingering aches and stiffness that were indicative of a night spent entertaining a randy cock.

Draco trudged to the well-appointed bathroom, paused to relieve himself, then stumbled straight into the shower. He sighed and relaxed as the hot water pounded his muscles and eased the discomfort of his body.

By the time Draco ate some breakfast, he was feeling much better. He purposefully did not dwell on Potter's rough possession from the previous night. Draco told himself it was because he'd disliked the experience, but the fact that his cock twitched whenever he thought of it told a different story.

Draco spent the rest of the morning chopping ingredients for his potions and setting them aside to be used later. At lunch time, he left his opulent flat and ventured to a nearby restaurant. Draco enjoyed the walk, lifting his face to the sun to feel its warmth. He wondered if Potter missed sunshine, then berated himself for thinking about it.

Draco lingered over his meal, taking time to finish his wine in slow sips. He knew that returning to the flat would only seem to make dusk arrive that much sooner. Draco sighed and stood, paying for his meal before he left and headed back. Dusk would come, whether he was in his flat or not, and Potter would find him in any case.

Once back at his flat, Draco occupied himself with more brewing. He lost himself in the familiar routine, losing track of time in the process. He gave a start when he felt a slight disturbance in the atmosphere of the kitchen.

Potter was watching him from the doorway.

"Are you making me dinner?" he asked.

Draco frowned; he'd completely neglected to eat his own dinner. His stomach growled.

Potter laughed. "Trying to starve yourself to death to escape me, Malfoy?" he taunted.

"I lost track of time," Draco snapped in response.

Potter straightened. "Put your potions under a stasis spell and grab your coat," he said. "We'll go out for dinner."

Draco was surprised, but he quickly recovered his aplomb. Anything that would delay the inevitable would be a welcome respite. He cast a stasis charm on his cauldron and squeezed past Potter, who didn't bother to step aside to allow Draco much room to maneuver. Of course, their bodies rubbed together, causing Draco to draw in a sharp breath. He scuttled on by, gasping again when Potter used their proximity to grope Draco's arse.

Draco grabbed his coat from the cupboard by the door and looked back expectantly. Potter joined him, and they exited the flat.

"Are you certain you want to be seen in public?" Draco dared to ask.

"Who said anything about dining in public?"

"But, you said we're going out for dinner!" Draco exclaimed.

Potter smirked at him, the expression showcasing the tips of his fangs. "We can dine with Gwendolin," he said.


Dinner at Gwendolin's was an uncomfortable affair. Draco almost wished he'd simply gone to bed with Potter; it would have spared him from feeling like the lone, juicy steak between two starving wolves. Although Gwendolin had another blood donor waiting in the other room, it was apparent that she still harbored resentment towards Potter for claiming Draco as his own, personal donor. Draco couldn't blame her; he felt the same way.

By the time Potter announced they would take their leave, Draco was almost relieved.

Once they returned to Draco's flat, Potter had a look of hungry intensity about him. Arousal surged through Draco, much to his dismay. Why could a mere glance from a vampire make him so randy?

Potter turned without a word and headed to the bedroom. Draco didn't have to be told to follow him. He walked into his room and began removing his clothes.

"That eager, are you?" taunted Potter.

"Eager to get it over with," Draco countered as he finished unbuttoning his shirt.

Potter's eyes narrowed, and Draco had a moment to reconsider his rash words. Angering a vampire wasn't in his best interests. It was too late to take it back now, however. Draco finished undressing in silence.

"Get on the bed."

Draco blanched at Potter's cold, flat voice, but he didn't dare disobey. He moved to the bed and lay down on it. Potter didn't bother removing his clothing; he merely adjusted his trousers to free his cock before falling on Draco in a fit of lust.

Draco drew his knees up and cast a hasty spell just as Potter took aim and thrust. He didn't seem interested in biting Draco and drinking from him, so much as in simply fucking Draco, hard and fast. Draco tried to tell himself he was relieved that Potter wasn't feeding on him, but most of his attention was centered where there bodies joined. He arched, lifting his hips into Potter's thrusts. Draco couldn't help himself; he needed the release that Potter was offering.

Draco worked a hand between them to help things along. He thought he heard Potter snarl, but he wasn't sure and didn't care. Draco's climax rushed up on him quickly, and he writhed beneath Potter when it crashed over him. He was still in the throes of pleasure when he felt Potter stiffen above him and spill inside of him.

The room went silent, save for their harsh breathing.

Potter straightened his arms and pulled out, none too gently. "You're mine," he stated flatly.

So that's what this was all about, thought Draco. He's staking a claim.

Draco scooted to the side to put some distance between them before he responded. "Yeah," he drawled, "as long as you're paying."

Blood Whore 16

gift: donation, content: possessive!harry, rating: nc17, content: top!harry, content: angry sex, content: creature fic, content: jealousy, content: partially clothed sex, verse: blood whore, creature: vampire, content: dub-con

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