HPGetLucky Fest Fic: Aphrodisiac Effect

Apr 08, 2016 17:59

Title: Aphrodisiac Effect
Author: enchanted_jae
Prompt: Prompt 12: According to a legend (more of a silly gossip if you ask Draco) touching Harry Potter's scar will bring you luck for 24 hours. Draco does not believe in such nonsense. Well, until that day he is alone with Potter (in a Quidditch locker room at Hogwarts or in the elevator at the Ministry of Magic or elsewhere) and he has the opportunity to discover if the legend is true... or not. (That's up to you)
Pairing(s)/Characters(s): Harry/Draco
Word Count: 1325
Rating: NC17
Warning(s) (Highlight to view): *Mild dub-con*
Disclaimer:Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Special thanks to divertazsc for the beta!
Summary: Leave it to Potter to bumble into the very plant that Draco warned him about.

Draco knew Potter wasn't happy about being assigned to work with him, but there was no need for Potter to look like someone had just kicked his crup. Draco tried to be mature about it.

"Look, Potter, I know you'd rather work with Longbottom on this case, but I assure you, I'm almost as well-versed in Herbology as he is," Draco said.

"I know that, Malfoy," said Potter. "I simply have a lot on my mind right now, okay?"

Draco felt some of the tension ease from his shoulders. "Alright, Potter," he said.

As they approached the locked door to Vernestine Oldshue's greenhouse, Potter took the lead. He cast a silent Alohomora at the door, and it clicked open. Potter stepped inside.

"We're searching for a blooming plant with salmon-colored flowers," said Draco. "If you see anything remotely resembling that, call me over and I'll verify it. The plant is dangerous, because its pollen has an aphrodisiac effect. Remember, don't touch any plants if you can help it. We don't want Oldshue to know we broke into her greenhouse if she isn't growing Narcissus Pruriens."

Potter nodded and began walking down the nearest row of plants. Draco went to the opposite side of the greenhouse, knowing the search would be quicker if they split up. While Draco's eyes were scanning the plants, his mind was on Potter. Ever since their days at Hogwarts, it seemed Potter was never far from Draco's thoughts. Everything from Potter's stupid specs to his messy hair to his famous scar seemed to fascinate Draco. Especially that scar. If rumors were to be believed, touching Potter's scar would bring good luck. At least, that's what Pansy said. She was known to indulge in ridiculous gossip from time to time, however.

A shout from the other side of the greenhouse dragged Draco from his musings. He broke into a sprint, wand at the ready. He rounded a corner and saw Potter slumped on the floor.

"What happened?!" Draco demanded, eyes scanning the area for danger.

Potter coughed and groaned and tossed his specs aside to swipe at his watering eyes.

Draco relaxed his vigilance and glared at his partner. "Did you touch a plant, in spite of my warning?"

"No," Potter wheezed. "I only bent to peer at it, and it...it spat something at me."

"Bloody hell," muttered Draco. That sounded like Narcissus Pruriens. The plant was notorious for spewing its spores at anything that ventured too close. Draco looked around, using small flicks of his wand to part fronds. There! The telltale salmon-colored blossoms of a small Narcissus Pruriens plant.

"Damn it," he swore again. Draco squeaked when Potter reached up, hooked the back pocket of his trousers, and tugged.

"C'mere," said Potter. He coughed again, and then gave Draco a bleary-eyed leer.

Draco's body responded, even as his mind recoiled. "Unhand me, Potter," he said gruffly. "We need to get you to St Mungo's."

"Yeah, okay," Potter agreed. He raised his hand. "Help me up, will you? I can't see a bloody thing."

Draco sighed and reached down to clasp Potter's hand. Potter reacted by yanking on Draco's hand and dragging him down to the floor.

"Well, hello there," purred Potter. He clambered onto Draco and nuzzled his neck. "Malfoy, you smell good."

Draco shivered and suppressed another squeal. His neck was entirely too sensitive. "P-Potter," he gasped, trying to squirm away, "that's the plant pollen affecting you."

"Let me pollinate you, Malfoy."

"Mm...wait, no! Potter, you need to let me take you to St Mungo's," Draco insisted. His partner's hands were wandering--all twenty of them, or so it seemed. One roaming hand cupped Draco between the legs. He gasped and lifted his hips into it. Draco tried to rein in his galloping libido. He pried Potter's hand off of his bits.

"Potter, this is highly inappropriate!"

"I want you, Malfoy. You want me, too, don't you?"

"Yes...I mean no!" Draco cried. Warm lips pressed hungry kisses to Draco's throat, and he moaned and tipped his head back. His equilibrium shifted, and Draco found himself on his back, staring up at the roof of the greenhouse. This was spiraling out of control.

"Potter, wait," said Draco. "Let's...let's do this in a bed...at St Mungo's," he tried.

Potter draped his body over Draco's and fit their groins together. They were both hard, and Draco indulged in two seconds of frottage. Okay, maybe it was five seconds, but then he tried again to extricate himself from Potter's lecherous clutches.

"P-Potter....oh, yes," Draco sighed. He was rapidly losing the battle, and he couldn't quite recall why he was fighting in the first place.

Potter tugged Draco's shirt from his trousers and slid a hand up beneath it, caressing Draco's bare abdomen. Draco's muscles contracted sharply, and he groaned and squirmed, seeking more friction where he wanted it most. Draco gasped when Potter gently pinched his nipple and rolled it between his fingers.

"Potter, we should-"

"We should get naked and shag, Malfoy."

"Oh, yes," Draco found himself agreeing. "Wait," he said, brow creasing as he tried to form a coherent thought.

"I've waited long enough, Malfoy," said Potter. He sat back and yanked at Draco's collar, sending buttons skittering across the floor.

"Potter!" Draco exclaimed. He tried to sit up, only to moan and sink back to the floor when Potter's lips attacked his neck again. Draco barely noticed when Potter's clever fingers deftly unbuckled his belt and lowered the zip of his fly. When he felt a cool breeze where no cool breeze had any business being, Draco tried once more to be the voice of reason.

"M-maybe we should wait...ah, Potter!"

Potter's hand was inside Draco's pants, fingers wrapped around his cock.

Draco forgot why this was a very bad idea. He arched up, wanting more of Potter's hand on him, needing to feel Potter's cock inside of him.

As if sensing Draco's inner-capitulation, Potter removed his hand and sat back on his heels. He dragged Draco's trousers and pants down and urged Draco to roll over.

Draco turned onto his knees and elbows. He jutted his arse in the air, cursing his inability to spread his legs. He looked back to see what Potter was doing.

Potter had risen to a kneeling position, and he was pushing his own trousers and pants down. His cock bobbed free, flushed and swollen.

Draco moaned and licked his lips. He closed his eyes on the enticing sight and muttered an incantation to prepare himself. Potter pressed up behind him, prodded Draco's entrance, and pushed his way inside. Draco winced, and a groan escaped him. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, after all.

Potter thrust in deeper and rolled his hips, grinding against Draco's sensitive spot.

"Oh dear Merlin, yes," Draco hissed, pushing back. He wanted more; he needed more.

"Fantastic, Malfoy," said Potter. He eased back and drove in again, causing Draco to buck a little. "Should have shagged you ages ago," Potter said, repeating the motion.

"Yes, yes," Draco babbled. His fingers flexed on the floor, seeking something to hold onto. Draco rocked back and forth, taking as much of Potter's cock as he could. It was brilliant, and...oh hell yes...they should have been doing this ages ago. Draco leaned his weight on his left arm and reached beneath himself with his right hand. It was awkward, but Draco managed to treat himself to some rough strokes while Potter was treating him to equally rough thrusts.

"That's it, Malfoy," panted Potter. "I want you to get off while I'm shagging you."

The naughty words spurred Draco on. He wanked faster, grunting with the effort. Behind him, Potter increased his pace, too. Their combined motion sent Draco hurtling into climax. He shouted, his voice reverberating in the enclosed greenhouse.

Potter's hips continued pumping until it was his voice filling the greenhouse with passionate cries.

Long moments passed before they parted. Once Potter pulled out, Draco slumped onto his side and rolled over on his back. Beside him, Potter did the same.

"What just happened?" Potter finally managed. He sounded genuinely confused.

Draco could only chuckle. "I just got lucky," he said, "and I didn't even have to touch your scar."

Cross-posted to hp_getlucky

fest: hp_getlucky, content: top!harry, profession: auror(s), content: partially clothed sex, content: fest fic, rating: nc17, content: dub-con

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