Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #119: Harry's Secret Friend

Jan 03, 2016 19:00

Winter has arrived with a vengeance. Not only did we have snow/sleet/ice last Monday, but now it's quite cold. I don't mind the cold, but I'm not fond of driving in the snow/sleet/ice. Blah.

This month's JMDC prompt is "Do you believe in magic?". Use it any way you wish, either as a quote or just as a general concept. You may write/draw any fandom, pairing, threesome, gen fic, etc. Combine it with other prompts, if you like.

Please post your entry in your own journal (unlocked!) or a community of your choice, and leave me a link in the comments below. You have until January 31 at 10:00pm CST to submit an entry. At that time, I'll post links to the entries and draw a name from among the participants to receive a drabble from me.

Below is my entry for this month:

Title: Harry's Secret Friend
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Mrs Figg
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 610
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ JMDC #119 - "Do you believe in magic?"
♦ Gift for JMDC #118 winner bleedingangel84, who asked for more of Harry's Friend, with a prompt of sharing a secret.
Summary: Harry talks to Mrs Figg about magic.

Harry carefully removed the thick robe that Draco had loaned him the night before. He hid it beneath the blankets that made up his pallet, hoping that no one would think to look there and find it. Harry knew that if any of the Dursleys found Draco's robe, they would take it away from him, and they would probably accuse him of stealing it from somewhere. They would never believe Harry's version of how he came to have the robe in his possession. Harry himself could scarcely believe it.

After getting dressed in the cramped space beneath the stairs, Harry emerged and began to set the table.


Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia had taken Dudders to visit Aunt Marge, leaving Harry in the care of Mrs Figg. He sat on the floor, playing with Snowy.

"Mrs Figg?" Harry ventured.

"Yes, dear?"

"Do you believe in magic?"

Mrs Figg drew in a sharp breath, and her voice shook slightly as she countered with, "Why do you ask, Harry?"

Embarrassed now that he'd brought it up, Harry tried to be nonchalant. "I thought I woke up somewhere else last night," he said. "It was like I traveled there."

Mrs Figg's face paled, and she cleared her throat. "It must have been a dream, dear," she said. "Nothing more."

"But, my friend gave me a robe to wear, and I was still wearing it this morning, when I woke up!" Harry protested.

If anything, Mrs Figg's expression grew even more terrified. "Harry," she said firmly, "you mustn't ever speak of things like this, do you understand?"

Harry felt tears well in his eyes. "Don't you believe me?" he whispered.

Mrs Figg appeared torn for a moment. Then, she gave a single, sharp nod. "Yes, Harry," she said. "I believe you, but you must never discuss such things with anyone else. It has to be our secret."

Harry goggled at his kind neighbor, but he didn't dare argue with her. He nodded his head. "O-okay," Harry agreed.

"Good boy," said Mrs Figg, patting Harry on the head. "Now, let's forget all about dreams and magic and have some biscuits, shall we?"


Later that evening, after Harry had been banished to his cupboard, he pulled out Draco's robe and used it for a pillow. Harry stroked the soft, luxurious material as he thought about how he'd managed to wake up with the robe in his possession.

Mrs Figg said she believed him about the robe, but she had refused to discuss magic. Harry didn't know what else it could be. Aside from that, there was the strange creature, Dobby, who appeared and disappeared from Draco's room. Harry hadn't even gotten the chance to ask Mrs Figg what she thought of that!

Draco hadn't thought it was unusual for Dobby to come and go. Harry bet that Draco believed in magic. Either that, or maybe everything was just a mad dream. But then, how had he ended up with the robe? Harry's head was beginning to hurt from thinking of it too much.

Harry sat up and pulled his plush owl toy from the pocket of the robe. He was fiercely glad he hadn't left it behind, with Draco, when he woke up alone in his cupboard. Harry wondered where he was going to hide all of the things he'd gotten from Draco. He still had the shiny wrapper from the piece of candy that Draco had given him when they first met.

The last thing Harry wanted was for Dudley to come snooping in his cupboard and take his owl or his gob stones. Harry wished magic was real. His friend Draco could turn Dudley into a toad and make sure that he never bothered Harry again.

Harry's Magical Friend

challenge: jmdc, gift: jmdc, verse: harry's friend, rating: pg, content: flangst

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