Christmas at the Office 11

Dec 19, 2015 15:52

I'm taking a break from my current Yuletide verse to update my annual holiday verses.

Title: Christmas at the Office 11 Part of my Christmas at the Office verse, but it can be read alone.
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco, ofc
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual activity
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 465
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Dove holiday drabbles #137 - Chocolate brings joy for felaine
AdventDrabbles #19 - Office party
Summary: Harry and Draco sneak out of the office party in favor of office sex.

"Whose name did you get for the Office Santa exchange this year?" Harry asked as they waited for the lift.

Draco glanced again at his slip of parchment. "I drew Dillenberg, from the Office of International Portkeys," he replied. "What about you?"

"I got your secretary, Kellie."

Draco snorted at that. "Don't get her anything," he said. "She soaked me last year for the most expensive items she could think of, the greedy bint."

Harry laughed and stepped into the lift when it arrived. "That's what happens when you leave it to your secretary to buy gifts for your Office Santa, and she's your recipient."

Draco chuckled reluctantly as he joined Harry in the lift. "I reckon I did deserve that, yeah? Just promise me you won't seduce Kellie with naughty gifts, like you did to me last year."

Harry crowded Draco and backed him into the wall of the lift. "I'm too busy seducing you on a regular basis," he murmured.

The lift halted to admit another passenger, and Harry and Draco parted with matching, guilty flushes.


"I'm glad the Ministry chose to do an office party this year," said Harry. "We can put in an appearance, eat dinner, sneak off for a shag, then return in time to participate in the gift exchange."

Draco's pulse jumped. "Where do you reckon we can skive off to for a shag?"

"Your office," Harry whispered in reply. "I want to bend you over your desk and fuck you until you scream."

"Oh, Salazar," Draco all but whimpered. He discreetly adjusted himself through his trousers and joined the party.


"H-harder, H-Harry!"

"Louder, Draco."

"Did...oh god...did you cast...a Silencing charm?"

"I can't...can't remember..."

"Oh, fuck..."

"Mm...I'll fuck you alright..."

Draco's desk banged against the floor, almost drowning out his impassioned cries.


"I hope you enjoy your gift, Kellie."

"I do, Mr Potter," chirped Draco's ebullient secretary. "Chocolate brings joy at any time of the year, but I especially love the holiday truffles from Honeydukes. How did you know?!"

"Draco told me, of course," Harry answered, deflecting the praise.

Draco had done no such thing, and he nervously cleared his throat.

"Thank you, Mr Malfoy!" cried Kellie. "And here I thought you never listen to me! You're the best! I hope Mr Dillenberg enjoys the gift I picked out and wrapped for you."

Draco's face got hot, and he felt Harry elbow him sharply in the ribs. "Ahem, I'm certain he will, Kellie," said Draco. "Thank you for taking the time to do that for me."

As Kellie dashed off to speak to a friend of hers, Harry sighed and shook his head at Draco. "You're terrible," he said.

"It's your fault," Draco insisted. "If you didn't keep me so busy in the bedroom, I'd have time to shop for my own gifts."

"Speaking of keeping busy in the bedroom," drawled Harry, "how soon do you think we can leave?"

challenge: dove drabbles, content: established relationship, rating: r, verse: xmas at the office, content: top!harry, content: desk sex, comm: adventdrabbles, content: office sex, content: partially clothed sex, content: xmas

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