Title: Boon Companion
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Harry, Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Naughty suggestion
Word count: 300
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: A rabid plot bunny bit, so I played Flist Roulette. The winner of this drabble is...
Summary: Narcissa Malfoy calls in the life debt that Harry owes her.
Harry's steps were surprisingly light as he trod up the pavement to Draco Malfoy's London home. Harry was concerned when Narcissa Malfoy contacted him to call in her life debt, but he decided there were worse things she could have asked for than that he serve as a boon companion for her reclusive son. Harry had been wondering what Draco was doing after the trial, and now he was in a position to find out. He raised his hand and knocked on the door.
After several moments, Harry knocked louder.
"Who is it?!"
"Harry Potter."
"It's really me, Malfoy. Open the door."
"What do you want?"
"I came to see if you wanted to do something, like go to a film."
"Did my mother put you up to this?"
Harry heaved a sigh. "Yes, she fears you're becoming a hermit."
"You lie! My Mum would never use such a plebeian word."
"She's afraid you're becoming a recluse," Harry amended.
"I am enjoying a solitary lifestyle. Kindly remove yourself from my doorstep."
"I can't do that, Malfoy. Your mother called in her life debt."
"I absolve you of it. Go away."
"I don't think it works like that. Open the door."
"Would you like to go to Honeydukes?"
"I would like you to leave."
"We could go the Leaky for a pint," Harry suggested.
"Bugger off."
"I'll suck your cock."
There was silence from the other side of the door. Finally, the lock clicked, and the door swung open. Gray eyes, bright with interest, peered at Harry from the safety of the house.
"You're taking the piss," Malfoy said.
Harry chuckled. "Yeah, I am," he admitted, "but at least you opened the door. That's a start. Now, go get your cloak. You're coming with me to the Leaky."
Malfoy frowned. "And, if I refuse?"
Harry leaned close and said, "I'll make a scene, right here at your front door."
Malfoy's eyes widened at the threat. "I'll get my cloak."