Mark of a Malfoy 4

Jul 19, 2015 15:10

Title: Mark of a Malfoy 4
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 555
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Gift for groolover for doing the beta for one of my fest fics. I can't recall which one; I lost my lovely list of all things beta-related when my computer died. *cries* She asked for more of Mark of a Malfoy
Summary: Harry isn't terribly sorry about what has happened.

After another fantastic round of sex, Draco returned home to his flat. He was still trying to come to grips with the fact that Harry Potter was his destined soulmate. The sex was brilliant, and Harry hadn't exactly balked at the notion of being soulmates, so that was a plus. On the minus side, it was Harry bloody Potter. Draco's father would be livid. He had no idea Draco was bent. If Draco dropped both hex spells on him at once, Lucius Malfoy may have a coronary.

Draco winced. Perhaps he should confess first to being gay, wait until the dust settled, then tell his father that his soulmate was none other than the Chosen One. Or, he could simply announce he was bringing his soulmate to dinner, and spring it on his parents.

"I may as well ingest poison now and be done with it," Draco muttered to himself.


"I discovered where my tattoo came from," Harry announced to his friends. They had met at the Leaky for lunch, and Harry made sure to cast some privacy charms around their table.

"Somewhere in Knockturn Alley?" Hermione asked, voice tart.

Harry rolled his eyes behind his specs. "No, apparently I inherited it from my intended soulmate."

"What?!" shrieked Hermione.

"Bloody hell," gasped Ron, eyes bulging. "I've heard of that custom, but only the truly traditional, wealthy pureblood families still practice that."

"What is going on?" Hermione demanded.

Ron slouched back in his chair with an easy grin. "Who is it, mate?" he asked. "Malfoy?"

"Well, yes."

"What?!" yelped Ron.

Hermione slapped a hand on the table. "What is going on?!"

Harry and Ron both flinched. Harry rubbed a hand through his hair, which was an indication of how nervous he was. "Erm, I seem to have bonded with Malfoy."

"Draco Malfoy?!" cried Hermione. "The spoiled brat, whom we all loathed at Hogwarts?!"

"I didn't do it on purpose, Hermione!"

Ron cleared his throat. "Um, you would have had know..." As Ron's voice trailed off, he used his fingers to illustrate what he meant.

"What?!" Hermione's voice was becoming increasingly shrill.

"I hooked up with him at a club where the theme is fancy dress," Harry explained with a sigh. "I had no idea who it was, and-"

"You skived off and had sex with someone you didn't even know?!"

"...the next morning, I woke up with a strange tattoo," Harry finished.

Hermione let her head fall onto the table. Harry fidgeted in his seat, and even Ron leaned away from her. "There must be some way to get out of it," Hermione mumbled into her arm.

Harry tugged at the collar of his shirt. "Ahem. Maybe I don't want to get out of it."


Harry winced when both of his friends shrieked at the same time. He held up a hand. "First of all, I have to admit that I've been attracted to Malfoy ever since I hit puberty, okay? Second, he's a brilliant shag-"

"Ugh, I did not need to know that."

"...Third, I get to be the cause of Lucius Malfoy's nervous breakdown-"

"Harry, that's terrible!"

"...and fourth, I'm rather tired of being alone," Harry added. "You two have one another, but I've just been flitting from one meaningless affair to another. Maybe I'm ready to settle down."

"With Malfoy?" Hermione asked in a horrified whisper.

"With Malfoy," Harry said with a decisive nod.

Ron groaned and looked in the direction of the bar. "Barkeep! Three pints of poison, please!"

Mark of a Malfoy 5

content: tattoo, verse: mark of a malfoy, content: golden trio, rating: pg13, gift: beta, content: bonding fic

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