The Heat Is On 9

Jun 27, 2015 17:19

Title: The Heat Is On 9
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, mild dub-con
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 1080
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for dayday1223, who asked for more of The Heat is On
Summary: Draco is surrounded by madness.

"No, I am not coming down to have dinner with you and my parents," Draco sniffed. "You're all mad."

Potter sighed. "Then I reckon I'll have to feed you in the manner of a werewolf tending to an incapacitated mate."

Draco tried to resist, but morbid curiosity won out. "How do werewolves feed their mates?"

"By eating their fill and then regurgitating the contents of their stomachs for their mates."

Draco gagged, nearly regurgitating the meager contents of his own stomach.

Potter crossed his arms and adopted a stern expression. "Do you plan to come down to dinner, or would you prefer to eat vomit?"

Draco's appetite had fled, but he didn't want Potter to return to his suite and sick up all over. "I'll come down," Draco replied, "but I won't like it!"

"Duly noted," Potter said with a sigh.


Draco picked at his dinner, trying to tune out the conversation around him. He was dismayed and embarrassed by how much his parents were fawning over Potter.

"...return to Godric's Hollow to live. There's a werewolf colony nearby."

Draco raised his head, heart fluttering with hope. Potter was going to leave? This was excellent news.

"How nice, Harry," said Narcissa. "The fresh air will do Draco some good."

Draco's fork clattered to the floor. "Sorry?"

Lucius turned to look at Draco. "Potter will be taking you with him to live in his family home at Godric's Hollow."

Draco opened his mouth, but he couldn't seem to form any words.

"You'll enjoy it there, Draco," Potter said with a smile.

It was a rather nasty smile, in Draco's opinion, and he couldn't believe his parents didn't realize that. They had harbored true evil in their home once before, could they not recognize it in their midst now?

"We'll miss you, of course, but you're welcome to come visit at any time," simpered Narcissa.

Draco's mouth moved, but all that emerged was a strangled squeak.

Potter beamed at Draco's parents. "Look at Draco; he's so happy, he can't speak." Potter turned to smirk at Draco. "Once dinner is over, I'll help you pack some of your clothing and possessions. We leave for Godric's Hollow tonight."


Draco looked around at his new "home", still numb with shock.

"It needs some work," Potter ventured.

"Work?!" Draco shrilled. "It's a hovel!"

Potter scowled. "Renovating it will keep you busy," he said.

Draco dropped the bag he was holding. "I wish to go home now."

"This is now your home," Potter said. "I'm sure you must be tired," he added in a softer voice. "Come upstairs, and I'll show you to your room."

Draco perked up. He was going to have his own room? He bent to retrieve his bag and trailed up the staircase after Potter.

Potter opened a door and stepped to the side, gesturing for Draco to enter.

Draco cringed as he did so, only to brighten at the sight of the bedroom. Unlike what he'd seen of the rest of the house, this room wasn't a disaster. It was too spartan for Draco's tastes, but at least it was clean. He turned to address Potter. "Where are you going to sleep?"

"In here, with you."

"I thought you said this was my room!" cried Draco.

"It's our room," Potter countered, "and it's time to christen it."

"Christen it yourself!" Draco's brave assertion ended in a squeak of fright as Potter pounced, knocking him onto the large bed.

"I don't know why you're such a drama queen," mused Potter, wiggling to situate himself comfortably atop Draco. "It must be a Veela thing, because I bloody well know how much you enjoy a good shag."

"What I don't like is being told I'm your mate, as if I have no say in the matter," huffed Draco. He tried to squirm away, which only succeeded in making him more randy.

"Did you want me to ask you politely first?"

"That would have been a better start," Draco replied in a snippy tone.

"Would you be my mate, Malfoy?"


"That's why I didn't ask," growled Potter. He bent his head and nuzzled Draco's neck, scraping the sensitive skin with his teeth.

Draco gasped and quivered, and his cock swelled behind his zip. Draco arched up...then blinked in surprise when Potter backed away.

"Clothes off!" Potter said, quite cheerfully.

Draco reined in his scattered wits. "Potter, perhaps we-eee!" Draco squealed as his clothing disappeared. "Bloody hell, Potter!"

"You were taking too long, and you were trying to think again," said Potter. He quickly shed his own clothing, caught Draco by an ankle as he tried to escape, and dragged him back to the center of the bed.

Draco's cock was pleased with his aggressive mate, but Draco still balked. He opened his mouth to protest, only to have his world tilt when Potter flipped him over and hauled Draco's arse up and into position. Draco had time to blurt a lubrication charm, and then Potter's cock was pushing past his rim and sliding home. Draco groaned, back arching against his will.

Potter thrust forward until he bottomed out, completely embedded in Draco's hot hole. He bent down, pressing his chest to Draco's back, and set his teeth in the mating mark he'd created.

Draco moaned loudly and clamped down tight on Potter's thick cock. He felt Potter's growl of approval vibrate through him, and Draco shuddered in reaction. He pushed his arse back and ground it against Potter's groin.

Potter began to move, hips hunching as he shagged Draco. Never once did he remove his teeth from Draco's nape, and Draco reveled in it. He reached for his cock with one hand and began to stroke himself in time with Potter's thrusts. The bed springs creaked with their frantic movements, and the headboard began to slam into the wall. It was hot and dirty and wrong, but Draco was caught up in it, and he became a willing, wailing participant. His voice rose to a crescendo when he climaxed. Draco's entire body went taut, and his cock jerked in his hand, spilling his release across Potter's bed.

Potter continued pounding into Draco, rubbing back and forth over Draco's prostate and prolonging Draco's pleasure. At last, Potter achieved his own release. Draco felt the results pulse inside of him, and he couldn't stop a soft sigh from escaping his lips.

Potter withdrew his teeth and eased his cock free.

Draco half-fell to his side and lay there, panting for breath. He hoped Potter had a working shower in this hovel. Draco yawned, and his eyelids drooped. It had been an exhausting day. He felt a warm blanket settle over him, and a warmer werewolf spoon him from behind.

"Sleep," crooned Potter, and Draco drifted into slumber.

The Heat Is On 10

creature: werewolf, verse: the heat is on, rating: nc17, creature: veela, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: creature fic, content: dub-con

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