Name Game 17: Aidan

Jun 22, 2015 19:11

Title: Name Game 17: Aidan
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco, omc
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Flangst
Word count: 350
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: leo_draconis
Also written for: harrydracompreg Prompt #54 - first illness/boo-boo
Summary: A baby's discomfort hurts his fathers' hearts.

Aidan burrowed against his father's chest and wailed in misery.

"Sh, sh," Draco soothed, pacing the floor with his young son. He rubbed Aidan's back, frowning at how warm Aidan felt through his pyjamas. Draco heard the Floo in the parlor activate, and he headed in that direction, hoping Harry was home.

Harry met him halfway. "The Healer said it's definitely an ear infection, and she sent some drops that we can use," he said, holding up a small, glass vial. "Why don't you sit down and hold Aidan, while I put the drops in his ears?"

Draco nodded and crossed to the closest chair. He perched on the edge and drew Aidan away from himself. The baby cried louder. His face was red, and his tiny arms flailed as he struggled to cuddle close to Draco once more.

Draco's heart broke. "Hurry, Harry," he implored.

Harry opened the vial and withdrew the dropper. "Can you lay him across your lap?"

Draco managed the feat, in spite of Aidan's howls of protest.

Harry administered three drops to his son's ear, wincing as Aidan sobbed even louder. "Give it a minute, and then we'll do the other ear," Harry said. His eyes met Draco's, and it upset Harry to see how stricken Draco's expression was.

"It's just an ear infection," Harry said softly. "The Healer said children get them all the time."

Draco managed a sharp nod. "Mum said I used to get them when I was a baby."

"Let's turn him over and do the other ear," said Harry.

Draco turned Aidan carefully, touching off another crying jag. Harry administered the drops and leaned down to kiss his son's too-warm brow. He stood up and took the drops into the nursery, placing the vial on Aidan's little dresser.

By the time Harry returned to the parlor, Aidan was sleeping soundly, nestled against Draco's chest once more. Harry breathed an audible sigh of relief, and Draco looked up at him and smiled.

"Would you like me to take him?" Harry whispered.

Draco shook his head. "No, I don't want to disturb him. He needs his sleep."

"Yeah," said Harry, "now we can all sleep easier tonight."

Malfoy-Blond Hair

content: hurt/comfort, rating: pg, content: flangst, content: established relationship, content: kid(s), comm: harrydracompreg, challenge: name game

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