Title: Name Game 15: Dagan
enchanted_jaeCharacter(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Very strong suggestion
Word count: 235
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
susan5124 Summary: Harry gets cock-blocked by a pussy.
Harry finally had Malfoy right where he wanted him--on his back with his legs wide open. Too bad they were both still fully clothed. Harry intended to remedy that in a moment. For now, however, he just had to dip his head for another taste of Malfoy's kiss-swollen lips.
Harry broke the snog with a wince of pain. He turned his head and was met with a baleful, green gaze.
"Malfoy, your cat has his claws stuck in my arse."
Malfoy groaned in frustration. He patted the bed next to him and said, "Dagan, come here."
The cat disengaged and ambled up the bed past Harry to drape its lanky body across Malfoy's chest. Dagan's rumbling purr sounded entirely too smug for Harry's peace of mind.
"If you're going to play with your pussy, then I'll just nip on home and play with my cock."
Malfoy laughed at Harry's pique. "Calm down, Potter," he said. "I'll banish Dagan from the bedroom. Why don't you get undressed?"
As Malfoy rolled off the bed, cat cradled against his chest, Harry did as instructed. He was down to his pants by the time Malfoy returned.
Malfoy undressed quickly and joined Harry on the bed. "Where were we?" he murmured, eyes sparkling with humor.
Harry rolled Malfoy to his back and crouched over him with a predatory smirk. "I believe this is where we left off," he said. "Now, open wide..."