HPGetLucky fest fic: Potion First, Passion Second

Apr 07, 2015 17:57

Title: Potion First, Passion Second
Author/Artist: enchanted_jae
Prompt: When they threw the party, they never expected George to get his hands on the punch -- but anyway, Draco is pretty much resigned to being groped on St Patrick's, so it's all fine.
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Word Count: 1165
Rating: PG13
Warning(s) (Highlight to view): *Language, drunken groping*
Disclaimer:Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Many thanks to amorette for the beta!
Summary: Draco suffers himself to be groped by a drunken Potter at Finnigan's St Patrick's party.

Draco was surprised to find he was enjoying himself. He had only attended this St Patrick's party of Finnigan's because Pansy begged him to. Draco reluctantly agreed, but now that he was here, he was actually having fun.

Draco approached the table that held refreshments and poured himself a glass of punch. He took a sip and paused, swirling the liquid over his tongue. There was a generous amount of alcohol in the punch, although the flavor was too subtle to be noticed by most people. Draco, however, was pursuing Potions as a career, and he was able to discern the slight bite to the fruity punch. Draco decided one glass wouldn't affect him, and he took another drink.

Draco sputtered when a hand slapped his arse and gave it a squeeze.

"Fancy meeting you here, Malfy!"

Draco turned around, torn between horror and amusement to see that it was none other than Harry Potter who had taken such liberties with his person. A very drunk Harry Potter, for that matter. Draco stepped to the side, out of Potter's reach.

"Potter," he said. "It's a pleasure to see you again."

"Have you tried the punch, Malfy? It's shen-senshay-fantastic," Potter chirped. He staggered past Draco and reached for the ladle in the punch bowl, only to miss it.

"Shtoopid label," Potter muttered, making another grab for it.

"Let me assist you," said Draco. He shouldered Potter aside and poured him a glass of pumpkin juice. Potter obviously didn't need any more alcohol. "Here you are," Draco announced, handing the glass to Potter and making sure he had a good grip on it.

"Thanks, Malfy," Potter said. "You're not haf bad, y'know?" He took a gulp of pumpkin juice. "In fact, you're a bit of alright. Say, does this fruit taste like punkin punch to you?"

"Sorry?" Draco prompted, certain Harry Potter had not just paid him a compliment.

"I said, does this punkin taste like punch fruit?" Potter repeated, slowly and loudly.

People in the vicinity turned to look, but Potter simply stood there, grinning at Draco like an idiot.

"Delightful," Draco drawled, hoping no one would accuse him of getting Potter pissed.

Potter sidled closer and lowered his voice. "Oy, Malfy," he stage-whispered. "I've always wanted to axe you something."

As Draco's mind sorted that out, Potter's hand darted out and cupped him between the legs.

"Are ya jus' as blond down here?" Potter leered, giving Draco a squeeze for good measure.

"Potter!" squeaked Draco, pushing the offending hand away. He glanced around to see if anyone else was still observing them. Fortunately, no one seemed to be paying attention.

"Nice cock, Malfy," said Potter, reaching for him again.

Draco adroitly side-stepped his assailant. "Potter, perhaps you should see if Finnigan has a potion to sober you up."

"Seamus is Irish; he's part leppercon, I fink," Potter said. "Leppercons don't use shober potions. I wonner if he has some lube?"

Draco was having difficulty following Potter's drunken train of thought. "Lubricant?" he questioned. "Why do you want some lubricant?"

Potter leaned in again and placed one hand on Draco's chest. "I wanna shag you," he confessed. His hand slid down, and he tweaked Draco's nipple through his shirt.

Draco gasped at the streak of pleasure-pain that sizzled straight to his cock. "P-Potter, this isn't the most appropriate place for such intimate contact," he said, by way of weak protest.

Potter's expression sobered. "I agree," he said. "Let's go back to my place."

Draco stalled for time by taking a large drink of his alcohol-laden punch.

"Do you know where I live?" Potter asked.

"No, I'm afraid not," replied Draco.

"We'll have to go to yours, then," said Potter. "I can't seem to recall where I live, either." He reached out once more.

Draco deflected Potter's grabby hand, only to be subjected to a sneak attack by Potter's other hand. "I say, Potter!" he sputtered as his arse was groped again.

A new voice intruded. "Is there a problem, Malfoy?"

Potter's face brightened. "George!" he cried. "Malfy and I are gonna have sex."

Weasley's lips twitched, even as his brows drew down. "Is this true, Malfy?"

"Erm, Potter seems to think it's a capital idea," said Draco. "I haven't exactly agreed, however."

"George," Potter whispered loudly. "Do you have any lubricate?"

"No, Harry," Weasley chuckled, "I'm afraid I don't have any lubricate with me this evening."

Potter's attention returned to Draco. He placed both hands on Draco's hips and asked, "Do you have lube at home, Malfy?"

"Ahem, yes, Potter, I have some lubricant at home."

"Spiffing! Let's be off then, shall we?" Potter exclaimed. He hooked two fingers in the waist of Draco's trousers and began tugging him closer.

"Malfoy," Weasley interrupted before Draco could formulate another protest. "I trust you intend to sober our Harry up before you sex him up?"

"You have my word on it, Weasley," said Draco. If he was going to get lucky with Harry Potter, he wanted it to be a night they'd both remember.

"See that you do, or I'll geld you myself," said Weasley. There was no hint of humor in his voice or in his eyes when he said it.

Draco swallowed heavily and nodded. He pried Potter's hand out of the top of his trousers. "Come along, Potty," said Draco. "Let's get you sober."


Draco nearly fell through the Floo, thanks to Potter's wandering hands. "Potion first, passion second," Draco said sternly.

"Aw, Malfy, when'd you become such a shtick in the mudhole?"

"Since your friend threatened to unman me."


"Potter, have a seat, and I'll get you something to drink," Draco suggested, steering Potter to the sofa. He pushed his guest onto it less than gently, managing to avoid being dragged down with him. Draco made his escape and fled to the kitchen, where he found the proper potion among the supplies in his cupboard. He returned to the living room, only to find Potter slumped back on the sofa.


"I don' feel sho good, Malfy."

Draco thrust the vial at Potter. "Here, drink this."

Potter dutifully accepted the potion and knocked it back in one gulp.

Draco held his breath, wondering if Potter would lose interest in sex, now that he was no longer pissed.

"Thanks, Malfoy, I needed that," sighed Potter. He set the vial on the side table and smiled up at Draco.

Draco cleared his throat. "Are you, er, are you still up for a shag?"

"Mm, yes," said Potter, brushing his fingers over the prominent bulge in his trousers. "I must confess, however, that I had been looking forward to a threesome."

"A threesome?" Draco echoed.

Potter grinned up at him. "Before you gave me that potion," he said, "there were two of you."

Cross-posted to hp_getlucky

content: humor, content: drunk fic, fest: hp_getlucky, rating: pg13, content: pre-slash, content: fest fic

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