Title: A Love/Hate Relationship
enchanted_jaePairing: Draco and Harry
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Fluff/angst, character deaths
Word count: 1030
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Once upon a time, I promised
aoifeism that I would write her the fluffiest H/D angst imaginable. Her caveat was that I was forbidden to allow Harry and Draco to get together in the end, and I believe she strongly hinted that I should kill off Draco. So, here you have it. It's H/D, sort of, although it doesn't end that way, and Draco dies. However, it's somewhat humorous, so give it a read.
Dedication: For my angst-loving friend,
Summary: Draco is in love with Harry Potter, so how can he prove it?
Draco Malfoy was in love with Harry Potter. Madly, indubitably, irrevocably in love with the git. He had been since before he'd even met Potter. All the whispered conversations he'd heard of the amazing, wondrous Boy Who Lived had tickled Draco's fancy, and he could not wait to meet him.
Meet, they did, and everything went downhill from there. Draco had proudly offered his hand in friendship, only to have Saint Potter refuse him. He had been crushed, and he had hidden his hurt and disappointment beneath a sneer and a false facade of hatred. But Draco knew the truth, and the truth was that he had never stopped loving the Boy Who Lived. He had resorted to insults and fights, hexes and challenges, all in an effort to gain the attention of the object of his desire. And it had worked. Potter now hated him more than ever.
But Draco had a plan. He was going to save Harry Potter. He was a Slytherin, after all, and they were known for their cunning.
Malfoy was up to something. Harry just knew it. Merlin, how he hated that ferret-faced prat!
No one would believe that Malfoy was plotting anything. Instead, they pointed out that he had almost been going out of his way to avoid Harry, perhaps indicating that the Slytherin boy was finally becoming mature. Harry snorted at that thought, because he knew good and well that the implication was that he, too, should grow up and let go of his intense rivalry with Malfoy. As if!
The final stand off with Voldemort was looming ever closer, and Harry was convinced that Malfoy was Up To No Good. Privately, he hoped that Malfoy would break his scrawny neck playing Quidditch, but when he had once voiced that thought aloud, even Ron had been shocked.
Harry knew he had more important things to worry about than Malfoy, such as seizing his destiny by defeating the Dark Lord. To that end, he trained hard, learning from Dumbledore and even Snape, practicing and perfecting the quick draw of his wand, and going off on his own to shout out 'Avada Kedavra!', sans wand, to determine which manner sounded the most impressive.
Harry wasn't afraid of the coming battle. He was going to kill Voldemort. He was a Gryffindor, after all, and they were known for their bravery.
The day had come, and the battle was upon them. From where he stood among the Death Eaters, Draco could see that each side had sustained heavy casualties. Through it all, he had anxiously watched Potter, and he could see that his beloved remained standing and was holding his own. However, it was only a matter of time before the Boy Who Lived met up with He Who Shall Not Be Named, and Draco intended to be there. With that thought uppermost in his mind, Draco began slowly making his way to Potter.
Harry surveyed the battle scene. Each side had suffered numerous losses, and he was determined to find Voldemort and end things, once and for all. With that thought uppermost in his mind, Harry made steady progress to where the Dark Lord stood, unaware of the approach of a certain Slytherin.
Fighting their way toward one another, Harry and Lord Voldemort saw each other at the same instant and raised their wands. Unfortunately for Harry, a Death Eater chose that particular moment to attack from his right, and he had no choice but to deal with him or die. Harry struck down his attacker with a perfectly rehearsed 'Avada Kedavra!, well aware that the distraction would likely cost him his life. Resolving to die fighting, he whirled to face the Dark Lord once more, bringing his wand to bear.
Everything happened at once.
Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, leapt between the two combatants just as Voldemort cast the Killing Curse. Malfoy himself already had his wand at the ready and was shouting his own 'Avada Kedavra!'. He took the full brunt of the Dark Lord's Unforgivable at the same time as his Curse caught the Heir of Slytherin.
In the meantime, a second late and a sickle short, Harry, who had saved his best 'Avada Kedavra!' for last, cast his own Unforgivable. As Voldemort and Malfoy fell to one another's spells, Harry's Curse arced through the air and took out Severus Snape, who had been standing behind the Dark Lord.
Harry Potter hated Draco Malfoy. Now that the ferret boy was dead, Harry hated him more than ever.
For killing the Dark Lord, Draco Malfoy had been elevated to the status of War Hero. Everyone, including Ron and Hermione, Harry's so-called best friends, was singing Malfoy's praises and mourning his loss. Ballads were being written about his brave and noble sacrifice, and a monument was to be erected in his honor.
For killing Severus Snape, spy and martyr, Harry had been reprimanded for "failure to clearly establish your target". He had, in effect, created an additional, albeit lesser, war hero of the person he hated second most in the world.
Harry had refused to attend the feast to celebrate the fall of the Dark Lord. Instead, he sat alone in his dorm room, staring moodily out the window while sulking. Draco Malfoy had killed Voldemort. That had been Harry's destiny, and he had prepared for it and embraced it. Not only had Malfoy seized Harry's destiny, he had stolen his glory as well.
Now all Harry had left was...Quidditch. Heaving a sigh, he rose and grabbed his Firebolt, intending to head to the pitch and practice in the one area where Malfoy had never beaten him and now never would.
Making his way through the corridors on his way out of the castle, Harry happened to pass the newly painted portrait of Draco Malfoy, War Hero. The artist had managed to capture the git's sneer perfectly, and as Harry stared at the portrait, Malfoy winked at him. Snorting in disbelief, Harry gripped his Firebolt and turned his back on his nemesis, ignoring the blond as he laughed and blew Harry a kiss.
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