Title: X is for Xenophobia
enchanted_jaeCharacter(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Phobia
Word count: 215
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
dracogotgame Summary: Harry tries to help Draco conquer his fear of Muggles.
Harry glanced at his boyfriend, heart sinking at the look of panic on Draco's face. "You can do this, Draco," he encouraged.
Draco dug in his heels, drawing them both to a halt. "I can't, Harry," he insisted in a shaky voice. "I just can't. What if they recognize I'm different and attack me?"
"Draco, Muggles are people, too, and they are not simply going to attack a person because he may appear different," said Harry. "The only way to conquer your xenophobia is to mingle with Muggles. That way, you'll see they're not evil, like your father taught you to believe."
"What about your evil Muggle relatives?"
Harry winced; Draco had him there. "They were an exception to the rule," he said. Harry tugged on Draco's hand. "Come on, this is an art gallery," he coaxed. "You enjoy art, don't you? And, there may be a gift shop where you can do some shopping. You enjoy shopping, yeah?"
"Y-yeah," Draco stammered. He took two deep breaths. "I can do this, I can do this," he whispered.
"That's the spirit!" said Harry, giving Draco a slap on the back.
Draco allowed himself to be led forward, only to stumble to a halt once more. "Harry?"
"Yes, love?"
"I'd feel better about this if you hadn't made me leave my wand at home."