OwlPost 4: Holiday Spirits

Feb 03, 2015 20:02

Title: Holiday Spirits
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Slight suggestion
Word count: 485
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: hd_owlpost gift for smirkingcat
Notes: Thank you to susan5124 for the beta!
Summary: Harry and Lucius find some common ground, much to Draco and Narcissa's chagrin.

"Thank you for coming, Draco," said Lucius, shaking his son's hand. "Your mother is still primping, I believe." Lucius turned to look at Harry, and his nostrils flared. "Potter," he greeted with a stiff nod.

"Mr Malfoy," Harry returned. He extended a bottle of wine. "Happy Christmas."

Lucius inspected the label and gave a slight nod of approval. "A fine vintage, Potter," he said. "Did Draco select it?"

Draco opened his mouth, but Harry squeezed his hand. "He assisted me," said Harry. "Had he not, I suspect you would have ended up with sour old grapes."

Lucius' eyes snapped to Harry and narrowed as he tried to determine whether or not he'd just been insulted. Harry's expression remained carefully bland and the moment passed without wands being drawn.

Draco relaxed, relieved that Harry had safely navigated the first obstacle. He found himself on edge each time his boyfriend and his father were forced into one another's company for more than a few moments. Harry had promised to behave and Draco was confident that his mum had wrangled the same promise from his father.

Narcissa swept into the parlor and greeted Draco and Harry warmly. She instructed Lucius to decant the wine as they waited for dinner to be served.

"This is a robust wine," Lucius announced after taking a sip. "If you'd prefer something stronger, Potter, I have a fine aged Scotch in my study. Narcissa and Draco cannot abide it, but surely you can handle it?"

Draco didn't trust his father motives, but before he could warn Harry, his boyfriend accepted the challenge.

"I'd love to try some, thanks," Harry replied. His jaw was firm with determination and Draco reconciled himself to a long night.


"If you enjoyed the Glenlivet, you should try the Talisker," drawled Lucius.

"Have you any Talisker?" asked Harry.

Draco shared a glance with his mother. If Lucius and Harry tried to drink one another under the table, things could get ugly.

"Indeed," said Lucius, responding to Harry's question. "No self-respecting cellar is without a dozen bottles of Talisker."


"Pour me shum more of tha' Talissher," Harry slurred, extending his glass with a shaky hand.

Lucius sneered. "Potter, I am simply appalled that you cannot lick your holder."

Draco and Narcissa face-palmed at the same time. Narcissa's lips quirked in a grin. "Who would have thought they'd bond over a mutual love of Scotch?" she asked quietly.

"Oy!" cried Harry, protesting Lucius' attack on his drinking skills. "Draco likes my licker. Hold on. Wha' were we talking about?"

"Mother," Draco moaned, face flaming with embarrassment. "Aren't you going to do something?"

"Of course, I am, dear," Narcissa replied. "I intend to empty every bottle of hangover potion in the house, and I suggest you do the same when you return home."

Cross-posted to hd_owlpost

content: drunk fic, comm: hd_owlpost, content: established relationship, gift: holiday, content: humor, rating: pg, content: fest fic, content: xmas

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