Sparks 17/17

Aug 23, 2014 19:07

Title: Sparks 17/17
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Neville/Pansy, Ron/Hermione, Seamus/Dean, Greg, Blaise
Rating: R
Warning(s): last!
Word count: 2075
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for thrnbrooke who requested a continuation of any series. Good excuse to finish Sparks!
Summary: Till death duel us part...

Harry moved to rise. "Now, wait just-"

A heavy hand clamped onto Harry's shoulder and pushed him back down. He glanced up to see Greg watching him with a determined glint in his eye.

"You can't interfere," said Greg.

"He's right," Ron cut in. He stood up and began pushing furniture aside, and Blaise moved to assist him.

"This is barbaric!" shrilled Hermione.

Pansy tugged Hermione's sleeve to get her attention. "It's a necessary ritual," she whispered. Pansy's face was pale, but her eyes were bright with hope.

Hermione gulped and nodded. She joined the other students on the sofas, which had been pushed out of the way, leaving the center of the room clear.

Pansy sat next to Harry and reached for his hand. He glanced at her, and she gave his fingers a squeeze. Harry exhaled heavily and tried to relax. It was difficult when his heart was beating so frantically.

Draco and Neville drew their wands, bowed to one another and turned to pace away. They turned back, wands at the ready. Draco cast first. He hit Neville with a Jellylegs jinx.

"Expelliarmus!" Neville yelped as he fell.

Draco's wand flew out of his hand. "That's that, then," he said with a dramatic sigh. He strode over and gave Neville a hand up.

"You're a right git," Neville complained. He clung to Draco's hand as he tried to steady himself.

Draco laughed at him. "Sorry about that," he said. "I had to do it, for old time's sake." His smile vanished, and Draco's eyes narrowed. "You take good care of Pansy," he snarled, "or the next spell I hit you with won't be a simple jinx."

"I intend to," Neville promised, "and if you hurt Harry, I won't stop at an Expelliarmus."

The two of them nodded to one another, then smiled and gave one another a fond hug.

Harry stood up, pulling Pansy with him. Neville and Draco parted, and Pansy flew into Neville's arms to be scooped up in an exuberant embrace. Harry grabbed Draco in a similar hold, pressing an anxious kiss to Draco's lips. Harry broke the kiss and searched Draco's face. "Are you okay with this, with all of it?" he asked.

"I couldn't be happier," said Draco.

Harry turned to glare at Neville. "You neglected to inform me that you were going to challenge Draco to a duel."

"Are you kidding, mate?" cried Neville. "You would have drowned me in the bath!"

Everyone laughed, and the rest of the tension in the Dumbledore common room was dispelled.

"I think the rest of us need to go to the library," Hermione announced.

"Now?!" squawked Ron.

"But, this little drama is just getting good," Blaise protested.

Hermione arched a brow at him. "I believe Ginny is in the library."

"I'm on my way," said Blaise, dashing for the portrait hole.

Ron rushed after him. "Stay away from my sister!"

"We'd best go keep an eye on Ron," said Seamus, grabbing Dean's hand and tugging him along.

"Don't worry, Hermione," said Greg, lumbering toward the portrait hole. "I'll back Ron up."

Hermione watched Greg leave, and she giggled at his devotion to her boyfriend. She turned to look at the two couples, and her face softened. "Congratulations, all of you," Hermione whispered. She took a breath and threw her shoulders back. "I suppose I need to go the library to referee."

As Hermione left, Neville wrapped a protective arm around Pansy's shoulders and drew her down onto one of the sofas. She curled against him, laying her head on his shoulder.

Thank you, Pansy mouthed at Draco.

He smiled and nodded.

"I suppose it's my job to console the loser," Harry lamented dramatically.

"I won you, didn't I?" Draco reasoned.

"Pansy is a much better catch," said Harry.

Draco pretended to think it over before nodding. "I shall require a lot of consoling."

"Oi!" Harry protested. He grabbed Draco's arm and hauled him into their dorm room as Draco laughed at him.

Harry's owl, Hodgepodge, hooted from his perch. He'd been a Christmas gift from Draco. Harry gave Hodge a treat, and the owl settled down again.

Harry turned to face Draco. They stared at one another, feeling suddenly awkward and shy. "We don't have to do this," Harry murmured. Draco had promised to consummate their relationship once the mermaid was rescued.

"I want to," said Draco. He toed off his shoes, then reached to unbutton his shirt.

Harry noticed Draco's fingers trembling. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Draco. "We'll take it slowly," he said. "You can set the pace." Harry sat on the edge of his bed, kicked his shoes off, and drew Draco down with him. He tipped Draco's chin up and leaned forward, pressing their lips together.

Draco's tension eased, and he returned the pressure, tilting his head to deepen their kiss. His arms wound around Harry's neck, and Draco shifted to get closer. Harry obliged him by easing Draco down until they were reclining on the bed. Harry began smoothing one hand up and down Draco's side to calm him. With each pass, his caresses lengthened, until Harry was petting Draco from his shoulder to his thigh. Draco moaned against Harry's lips and squirmed closer, pushing his erection against Harry insistently.

An answering rumble sounded from Harry's throat, and he moved to align their hips and frot their hardened cocks together. Draco turned his head to catch his breath, and Harry sat up and removed his glasses. He pulled his jumper off over his head and tossed it to the floor. Harry reclined next to Draco again and resumed kissing him. Harry's fingers inched to Draco's buttons, and he began to undo them one by one. When Draco made no protest, Harry grew bolder. He finished unbuttoning Draco's shirt and pushed it off of his shoulders. Harry's lips left Draco's and began to trail tiny kisses over his jaw and down his neck.

Draco moaned and clutched Harry's hair in one hand, while his other hand smoothed over Harry's bare shoulder. Harry licked a damp stripe over Draco's collarbone before seeking out a peaked pink nipple. He lashed the firm nub with his tongue, and Draco gasped and arched at the unexpected contact. Draco pushed against Harry, who retreated. Draco sat up and shrugged out of his shirt before dropping it on the floor.

Harry was surprised when Draco asserted himself by pouncing on him. He rolled to his back and let Draco take the lead for now. Draco peppered Harry's chest with kisses. He raised his head to contemplate Harry's stiff nipples, then dipped down again to suckle one into his mouth. Harry hissed and speared his fingers into Draco's tangled hair. Draco shifted until he was lying atop Harry. He splayed his legs open, straddling Harry's lower body, and he began to rub their groins together.

Harry grabbed Draco's arse in both hands and tried to still his movement. "I'm going to come in my pants if you keep doing that," he panted. Harry groaned in disappointment when Draco slid off of him.

Draco turned his head away and began to undo his trousers. Harry rose to his knees to unzip his jeans, then stood up and kicked free of them. Draco did the same, and then they tumbled back on the bed, wearing only their pants and socks. They faced one another, and their lips met in another hungry snog. Harry resumed caressing Draco, feathering his fingers over Draco's hip before cupping him between the legs. Draco moaned and arched into Harry's hand.

Harry raised his head and drew in a ragged breath. "Are you ready?" he rasped.

Draco nodded. "I'm in danger of coming in my own pants if we don't get on with it," he admitted.

"Let's just get you out of those pants then, shall we?" Harry said with a smile. He didn't give Draco any time to feel self-conscious; Harry simply hooked the waistband of Draco's pants with his fingers and dragged them down. Draco's cock bobbed free.

"Beautiful," breathed Harry. He pulled Draco's pants all the way off, snatching his boyfriend's socks off along the way.

"I want to see you, too," said Draco.

Harry was eager to comply. He rose to his knees and shoved his pants down, allowing his cock to spring free and slap against his belly. Draco's eyes were drawn to Harry's erection, and his breath quickened.

"We'll take it slow," promised Harry. He tossed his pants to the floor, followed by his socks. Harry crawled to the foot of his bed and opened his trunk. He retrieved a bottle of lubricant and a handful of condoms.

"Feeling ambitious?" Draco teased, upon seeing how many condoms Harry had.

"You inspire me," said Harry, eyes sparkling with lust and merriment. He stretched out on his side next to Draco. "Are you sure about this?" he asked.

Draco bit his lip and nodded.

Harry was immediately concerned. "We don't have-"

"I want to," Draco repeated.

Harry gulped and nodded. He coaxed Draco to part his legs. Harry bent his head and took Draco in his mouth, smiling as Draco gasped and arched up. Harry flipped the top of the lube back with his free hand and tipped it to drizzle some over his fingers. He plied Draco with his mouth to keep him distracted as he pushed a lubricated finger into Draco.

Draco moaned and wiggled, encouraging Harry to continue. Harry prepared Draco as quickly as he could, using his lips and tongue just enough to keep Draco on the razor's edge of desire. When Harry could wait no longer, he released Draco's cock and stroked excess lube up and down his own shaft.

"This will be easier if you're on your fours," said Harry.

Draco nodded and rolled over. He tucked his knees under himself, raising his arse in the air.

Harry had to squeeze the base of his cock to keep from embarrassing himself. He palmed Draco's arse cheeks and spread them. Harry guided his penis into place and pressed the tip past Draco's rim.

Draco groaned and tensed up, and Harry paused. Sweat popped out on his brow as he fought the urge to thrust. He smoothed his hands over Draco's arse and hips. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Draco gasped. "I-I think you can move now."

Harry reached for Draco's cock and stroked it back to full hardness. Draco moaned and moved with the motion. Harry took advantage of the distraction to push deeper and deeper still. Finally, his groin was nestled to Draco's bum.

"I can't believe you're inside of me," Draco panted.

"How does it feel?"

"Mm, tight...and full," said Draco. "It burns, but it feels brilliant. I like your hand on me."

Harry took the hint and resumed stroking Draco's cock. Draco hunched his hips, and Harry strove to match his movements. They finally settled into a rhythm, as Harry thrust himself into Draco's body, and Draco thrust himself into Harry's hand.

Harry didn't want to finish first, but he was unable to stop the rush of pleasure when it washed through him. He stiffened behind Draco and pulsed inside of him while sparks of light danced behind his closed eyelids. Harry pulled out carefully and threw his condom in the rubbish bin before instructing Draco to roll over on his back. Harry took Draco in his mouth again and sucked him to completion.

They snuggled together in the afterglow.

"Feeling okay?" Harry asked.

"I'm a little sore, but that was fantastic," Draco slurred. His eyes were heavy with exhaustion, but they popped open suddenly. "Harry, what are we going to do once we leave Hogwarts?"

Harry just smiled and petted Draco's hair. "Sleep now," he urged. "We have the rest of our lives to decide."


content: safe sex, content: first time, verse: sparks, content: established relationship, rating: r, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: eighth year, content: awkward sex

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