Bad Werewolf 2

Aug 10, 2014 15:04

Title: Bad Werewolf 2
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Creature fic
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 1000
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for alisanne, using the prompt words pillow, run
dove_drabbles Prompt No. 23 - Sleep under the stars tonight
slythindor100 Challenge No. 167 - "Baby, it's hot outside!"
hp_creatures August prompts - stuck in creature form, mate
Sequel to Bad Werewolf
Summary: Draco wants to sleep, but a lonely werewolf has other ideas.


Draco groaned and pulled an extra pillow over his head, trying to drown out the mournful howling from outside. It was no use; the noise was coming from just below his balcony.

"Bloody hell," muttered Draco. He tossed the pillow aside and flung back the light blankets. Draco left his bed reluctantly and stumbled out onto the balcony. He looked over the edge and saw a great, shaggy wolf sitting in the garden.

The wolf's tongue lolled out, and his tail began waving back and forth.

"Baby, it's hot outside!" Draco whined. "What do you want?"

Harry stood up and dipped his front half low. His arse end stuck up in the air, tail wagging.

Draco groaned again. His mate was trying to entice him to come down. "I know it's the full moon, and that you're stuck in your wolf form tonight," said Draco, "but I want to get some sleep. Go for a run with the other werewolves!"

Draco turned around and stepped back inside.


"Damn it!" Draco hissed. Harry knew Draco couldn't stand it when he howled like that.


"Gah! Alright!" shouted Draco. "I'll be down in a minute. Stop that infernal howling!"

Harry answered with a happy yip, and Draco stomped into his room and slammed the balcony door shut behind him. He gathered up two pillows and three blankets. "Looks like I'm obligated to sleep under the stars tonight," sighed Draco. He shrank the bedding and carried it downstairs. Draco opened the door that led into the gardens.

His husband was there, waiting for him. Harry bounded around Draco, bumping into his thighs before shoving his nose in Draco's crotch.

"Oy, stop that!" scolded Draco, pushing Harry's large head away. He chose a path that led to a small, clear space in the garden. It was ringed with marble benches, but there was room in the center for Draco to set up his make-shift bed. He re-sized the items and spread the thickest blanket on the ground.

Harry took a step towards it.

"Keep your filthy paws off of my blanket!"

Harry drew up short and whined.

"You may join me on the blankets after I make the bed," chided Draco. He tossed the pillows on top of the blankets, then laid the other two blankets down, saving the lightest one for last. Draco planned to lie on top of the two heavier blankets and cover up with the lightweight one. He cast charms to repel insects before sitting down and patting the blanket next to him.

Harry yipped and jumped onto the blanket, bowling Draco over with his enthusiasm and licking Draco's face.

Draco couldn't help the unmanly giggle that escaped him, even as he grimaced in distaste. "Down, boy," he scolded, pushing Harry away again.

Harry stopped licking Draco in favor of humping his leg.

"Harry, no!" cried Draco, giving his husband an ungentle shove. "I don't care how randy you may be; we are not having sex until you change back."


"If you howl like that one more time, I am going to muzzle you, just see if I don't," warned Draco.

Harry's ears went back, and he growled. Draco reached for his wand, and Harry went from growling to groveling in an instant. He whined and belly-crawled to Draco, pushing his damp nose into Draco's free hand.

Draco stroked Harry's soft head and tugged gently on his ears. "Yes, yes, I love you, too. Now, let me get some sleep."

Draco flipped the top blanket back and lay down, pulling the blanket up to his shoulders once more. Harry flopped down beside him, and Draco bit back a complaint. Harry was hairy and hot. Draco draped an arm over his mate's neck, smiling as he felt Harry's tail wag.

Draco petted his wolf and stared up at the stars until his eyes grew heavy.


Warm lips nibbled at Draco's nape, and he hummed in pleasure. He didn't want to open his eyes just yet; he wanted to stay in bed with Harry all morning long. A deft hand caught the edge of Draco's pyjama bottoms and began tugging them down.

Birds chirped, and a balmy breeze stirred Draco's hair.


Draco opened his eyes, momentarily confused when he saw that he was in the gardens.

"Ready for your shag, love?"

Memories of the night before flooded back, and Draco gave a rueful grin. He'd spent the night outside with a werewolf. Draco smiled and rolled onto his back. He kicked his pyjama bottoms off completely and opened his legs. There was no use debating top and bottom; Harry was always aggressive the morning after a full moon.

Harry threw the blanket aside completely, exposing Draco to the pale light of dawn. Draco shivered with chill, then quivered for another reason entirely when Harry's warm body covered him. Harry's cock nudged Draco's rim, and Draco used a common spell to ease penetration. He moaned and tilted his hips up, welcoming Harry's bold thrust.

Harry wasn't gentle, but Draco didn't mind. Rough sex was one of the benefits of being married to a werewolf. Harry finished first, climaxing rather quickly. He didn't leave Draco wanting for long, however. Harry pulled out of his husband and shimmied down Draco's body before taking Draco in his mouth.

Draco gasped and speared his fingers in Harry's tangled hair. In moments, he succumbed to Harry's wicked talents, crying out as Harry swallowed him down.

Harry smiled, smug in his prowess, as he lay next to Draco on the blankets once more. Draco snuggled closer, grateful for Harry's warmth in the chill morning air. He felt Harry prod his hip with renewed enthusiasm.

Draco frowned. "Down, boy."

Bad Werewolf 3

content: outdoor sex, creature: werewolf, content: established relationship, rating: r, comm: slythindor100, comm: hp_creatures, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: creature fic, comm: dove_drabbles

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