Storming Out Party

Aug 01, 2014 20:48

Title: Storming Out Party
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Hermione/Millicent, Ron, Dean
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Language
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: hogwarts365 Prompt #46 - Hermione/Millicent
Summary: Ron gets an earful. Sequel to last week's Acting Out Party.

Ron's mouth worked like he was a fish out of water for a moment before he recovered his wits. "Experimenting?!" he snarled at Hermione. "It looks more like revenge to me!"

"If believing that helps you sleep at night, then go right ahead, Ron!" Hermione fumed. "The truth is, I've been enjoying myself with Millie."

"The hell you say!" snapped Ron, crossing his arms and glaring at his girlfriend.

Hermione stepped forward and poked him in the chest with an accusing finger. "You don't have the slightest clue what I do and don't like," she said. "You've never wanted to spend any time just kissing. Any time I try to initiate it, your hand is up my blouse in thirty seconds! Wham, bam and not even a thank you, ma'am!"

"Okay, I don't need to hear any more," muttered Dean. He turned and retreated back down the stairs. Dean paused at the bottom. "Are you coming, Bulstrode?"

"Not from the looks of things," she said, waving him on. Dean gave her a cheeky grin before heading back to the party in the Great Hall. Millie leaned back against the wall to watch the fireworks. Her wand was in easy reach, in case things got too far out of hand.

"I thought you liked it when I touched you there!" Ron yelled, continuing his argument with Hermione, even though he didn't like where this conversation was going.

"Sometimes, all I want is to kiss!" shouted Hermione. "With you, everything has to lead to sex!" Her face paled as she had an epiphany. "Oh god, you had sex with Dennis, didn't you?"

"At least he was willing!"

"Oh!" Hermione sputtered in outrage. She cocked her fist back and punched Ron in the shoulder. He stumbled backward and nearly tumbled down the stairs. Ron managed to catch the rail to prevent himself from falling.

"Come on, Millie," said Hermione, grabbing the other girl's hand. She began tugging an unresisting Millicent up the steps.

"Where are you going?!" Ron yelled at Hermione.

"Anywhere away from you!" she flung back at him.

"Come back here!" demanded Ron.

"Go fuck yourself, Won Won!"

Sneaking Out Party

content: femmeslash, comm: hogwarts365, rating: pg13, content: rarepair, verse: coming out party, content: hogwarts era

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