It's my birthday, I can pimp if I want to

Jun 01, 2014 12:56

My birthday is in June! I celebrate all month long, because I love birthdays. I don't care how old I am, I'll still act like a kid on my birthday.


If anyone would be so kind as to indulge me...I am not asking for gifties for myself, per se. Rather, I'd like to see fic/art/poetry/what-have-you posted to some of my communities, as well as other comms that don't get enough love:

do_me_veela - It's gone quiet since the Veela fest in February
dove_drabbles - This is a multi-fandom comm. We post a prompt each month.
harry_draco_cat - What's not to love about H/D with cats?! The "cat" aspect can be a pet, Animagus, catboy, etc.
harrydracompreg - Post your Drarry mpreg fic/art/etc here!
hd_angst - Okay, not my favorite genre, but they used to post prompts there, and I always contributed.
hd_atdaclub - Drarry club!fic, for the win! Artwork, too, I imagine.
hd_fluff - Watch for June's prompt, and create some fluff for me!
hd_ina_tree - Harry/Draco with any element involving trees. Picnic under a tree, shag under a tree, a kiss in the forest, a game of chase in the woods...
hd_pots_n_porn - Drarry foodsmut! We post monthly prompts, and I believe in June it's craving. Combine it with something for harrydracompreg!
hp_animagus - I enjoy Animagus fic and art, and I'd love to see some posted here. Make it a cat!Animagus, and cross-post to harry_draco_cat.
hp_creatures - Not my cup of tea...*guffaws* Oh, who am I kidding? I love creature!fic! They've been posting monthly prompts, but any creature fic/art goes.
hp_lowrating - This is a comm for slash fic/art that is rated no higher than PG13. It's a wonderful place to steer younger members of fandom, and it needs more entries. Please keep it in mind any time you write/draw slash pairings that are rated PG13 or lower.
hp_sticklove - I have some wonderful artists on my flist; this comm is not for you. Ha ha! Not unless you want to draw with your non-dominant hand and submit it. As for the rest of you, anyone can make stick!art. It's fun! Try your hand and post it here.
poetic_hp - Poetry in the Harry Potter verse. This month's prompt is hawthorn, in honor of Draco's birthday.
theferretdraco - We need more ferret!Draco in our lives and in this community.

Help make these communities "bloom in June", and you will make me a happy birthday girl!

event: my birthday, subject: fandom

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