Drinking Out Party

Apr 18, 2014 20:38

Title: Drinking Out Party
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: hogwarts365 Prompt #31 - "It pleases you, doesn't it?", Muggle actor, leather
Summary: Liquid courage isn't helping. Sequel to last week's Dragging Out Party.

"Alcohol isn't allowed in Hogwarts," Harry said, in answer to Malfoy's offer of liquid courage.

"Perhaps not for you goody-goody-Gryffindors, but I'm a Slytherin," Malfoy smirked. He reached into his hip pocket and produced a tiny flask. One flick of his wand restored the flask to full size, and Malfoy handed it over.

Harry accepted it and opened the flask. He took a cautious sniff before trying a sip. "Mm," he hummed in approval. It was a red wine, and quite delicious. Harry didn't care for wine much, finding it too sour for his taste, but this one was just sweet enough.

"It pleases you, doesn't it?" laughed Malfoy. "That's wine made especially for my family, and it's my own favorite. Father has an entire cellar full of wine. He never notices when I nick a bottle or two."

Harry took another, longer drink. Warmth spread through his veins and seemed to pool at his groin. No wonder so many people drank wine with their romantic dinners.

"Are you ready for your piercing, Potter?"

Harry paused with the flask halfway to his lips again. He lowered it and grimaced. "I'm not sure, Malfoy," he hedged. What had seemed like a good idea was now cause for concern.

"It will be brilliant, Potter," said Malfoy. "Picture yourself in a club, wearing tight leather pants. You'll look like an international rock star or a famous Muggle actor. Every bloke will want you, and those with a discerning eye will be able to tell you have a Prince Albert."

Malfoy snagged the flask from Harry and knocked back a drink before continuing. "They'll know you're bold and adventurous, and they will be lining up to shag you."

"Shag me?" chirped Harry.

"Or, to be shagged by you, if you prefer," Malfoy said with a shrug.

Harry did prefer, but he wasn't about to argue over it. He focused on another concern. "Won't piercing my penis involve you having to touch me?"

"Don't tell me you're shy."

"Won't it bother you?" Harry asked.

"Don't be daft, Potter," scoffed Malfoy. "I'll be writing about it in my memoirs."

Losing Out Party

comm: hogwarts365, rating: pg13, content: pre-slash, verse: coming out party, content: hogwarts era

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