Sparks 16

Mar 22, 2014 15:52

Title: Sparks 16
Characters: Harry/Draco, Neville/Pansy, Ron/Hermione, Seamus/Dean, Greg, Blaise, McGonagall
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 1055
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gifts for
murmure_c who requested a continuation of Sparks.
Summary: One solution begets another.

Harry, Draco, Neville and Pansy rounded the corner in the corridor leading to the Prefects Bath. At the sound of excited chatter coming from the room, the four of them slowed to a walk and grinned at one another.

Pansy grabbed Neville's hand and tugged him forward. "I hope that's good news," she said.

Draco reached for Harry's hand and gave him a wobbly smile. "Let's go see," he whispered.

They entered the Prefects Bath and automatically looked toward the stained glass window. The mermaid was there, hiding demurely behind her hair even as she flipped her tail flirtatiously and waved to her motley band of rescuers.

"It worked," breathed Harry. "It actually worked!"

Hermione squealed and threw her arms around him in a hug, while Ron thwacked him on the back. When Hermione released Harry, Neville grabbed his hand and shook it before pulling Harry into a brotherly, half-hug.

"We did it!" whooped Neville.

Harry laughed and pounded him on the back before accepting the congratulations of the rest of his Housemates.

"What is going on in here?"

The members of Dumbledore House turned to see Headmistress McGonagall standing in the open doorway.

"Look, Professor," Greg beamed, pointing at the window.

McGonagall looked up, and her mouth dropped in surprise. "Oh my, you've done it," she gasped. McGonagall tore her eyes from the mermaid to look at her students. Her lips thinned when she noticed that Harry and Neville were still wet and chilled.

"Something tells me you've had quite the adventure," McGonagall said. "I'll visit your common room in one hour to hear the story. The entire story." The Headmistress swept out of the bath, leaving the students behind.

Hermione took charge. "Harry, Neville, you two get out of those wet clothes and into the bath here. Draco will deliver clean, dry clothes for you to change into. Ron, Greg, go to the kitchens and get some piping hot tea and some nibbles. The rest of us will make sure our common room is presentable."

Once Hermione herded the rest of them out, Harry stripped off his wet things and slid into the warm water with a grateful sigh. He chuckled when Neville echoed the sigh as he joined him.

"You were brilliant," Harry commented as he allowed his eyes to droop shut.

"None of it would have happened without your leadership," Neville said.

Harry deflected the praise. "It was a team effort."

"Yeah," Neville said with a smile. "That was a brilliant team effort."

"Here are your dry clothes," said Draco, entering the Prefects Bath with a bundle of clothing in his arms. "When you two are done being brilliant, you can change and return to the common room."

"Git," Harry teased with a fond laugh.

Draco winked at him and sauntered out.

When they were alone again, Neville pinned Harry with a steady stare. "What are we going to do?" he asked.

Harry didn't pretend not to know what his friend was referring to. "It's complicated, isn't it?" he sighed. Harry was falling for Draco, who was engaged to Pansy, whom Neville was falling for. Two overlapping love triangles, just as Professor Trelawney had seen in the tea leaves.

Neville sat up straight, water sloshing about his chest. "It doesn't have to be complicated," he said. "I have an idea..."


By the time Harry and Neville returned to Dumbledore House, the common room was spotless. Armchairs had been transfigured into sofas and grouped together, while one chair remained for the Headmistress. Hermione and Pansy got Neville and Harry settled with cups of steaming tea and plates of small sandwiches.

Harry hummed in approval as the hot tea warmed him all the way through. He glanced at Draco, anticipating warming of another sort later on. Draco had promised, after all.

McGonagall arrived at the appointed time and settled into the chair provided for her. She waited until the students had taken seats on the various sofas before gripping the arms of the chair and turning her stern gaze on Harry. "Mr Potter, would you care to explain?"

Harry began by telling the Headmistress of Moaning Myrtle's role in the disappearance of the mermaid. Other students took up the tale, relating how Dean had painted the window in the Prefects Bath, while Hermione and Blaise researched spells, and how Pansy helped gather gillyweed. When they finished, all ten members of Dumbledore House watched the Headmistress in wide-eyed trepidation.

"That was a foolish risk," scolded McGonagall. She pinned Harry and Neville in turn with a disapproving scowl. They responded with sheepish nods. "It was also very brave, and I am extremely proud of Dumbledore House," McGonagall added.

Ten sets of shoulders relaxed, and happy grins spread across the students' faces.

"I am pleased to see how all of you worked together to accomplish your quest," McGonagall said. "I only regret that I am unable to award House points for your efforts." She stood and smoothed her skirts. "Now that your foolhardy mission is complete," she continued, "I expect all of you to turn your focus to your studies."

The students nodded and replied with a chorus of affirmative answers.

McGonagall smiled at them benignly. "Albus would be so proud of you all," she said. She gave a last, regal nod and swept out of the common room.

Hermione stood up and clapped her hands together once. "That's settled then," she said. "Now, let's hit the books."

Several others groaned, but before anyone could speak, Neville stood up. "There is one more issue we need to discuss," he said. His voice was firm and sober, and everyone immediately went silent.

Neville looked at Draco. "Malfoy," he said, "I am giving you fair warning that I intend to court your betrothed and win her away from you."

Pansy squeaked, Hermione gasped, and the others all tensed.

Draco gave Harry's thigh a squeeze and stood to face Neville. "Breaking a betrothal is serious business, Longbottom," drawled Draco. "Are you issuing a formal challenge?"

"I am," Neville nodded. "I challenge you to a duel."


Sparks 17

One more installment to go!

gift: birthday, rating: pg13, verse: sparks, content: flangst, content: established relationship, content: eighth year

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