HDWC: Promises were meant to be broken (fluff)

May 15, 2006 02:42

Title: Intervention
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Sneaky!Slytherins and gruff!Gryffindors
Word count: 330
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for hump_day101, in which the current prompt is Promises were meant to be broken. This is fluff week! *dances*
Summary: Harry and Draco have fought, and neither one wants to apologize first. Their friends have had enough, and they take matters into their own hands.



"Harry refuses to make the first move this time," stated Ron.

"Pity," remarked Blaise. "Draco refuses to admit he may have done anything wrong."

"I can't take much more of this whining and moping around."

"And I am quite tired of all the sulking and snapping."

Ron sighed. "Any suggestions?" he asked.

"Of course," smirked Blaise. "I am a Slytherin, after all!"


"NO!" cried Harry, struggling mightily against the hands that held him. "You promised you wouldn't get involved!"

"Yes, well, some promises are meant to be broken," huffed Ron as he continued to muscle his best friend down the corridor.

"It's for your own good, mate," chimed in Dean, who was pushing Harry along from the other side.

"Ours, too," muttered Ron beneath his breath.

They reached their destination, opened the door, and shoved Harry inside.


"Geroff!" spat Draco, as he was dragged mercilessly down the hallway. His two captors paid him no mind and grimly tugged him along. "You said you weren't planning anything!" he accused.

"What did you expect?" panted Blaise. "We are Slytherins, you know!"

"Slytherins who are tired of your theatrics," added Theodore, tightening his grip on Draco's arm.

They arrived at the agreed upon room, yanked the door open, and tossed Draco inside before locking the door behind him.




It was unclear which of them moved first, but suddenly they were in each other's arms and their mouths were hungrily devouring one another while hands reacquainted themselves with familiar territory. Apologies and endearments were muttered, clothing was cast aside, and Harry and Draco sank to the floor.


Later, wrapped together in a sweaty tangle on the cold stones of the cramped broom closet, they lay catching their breath.

"I can't believe our friends would do this to us," remarked Draco. Any edge to his voice was smoothed by the satisfied smile on his face.

"Yeah," sighed Harry, stroking his fingers through Draco's hair. "Aren't they the greatest?"

Cross-posted to hd_fluff

rating: pg13, content: hogwarts era, content: fluff, content: humor, content: make up sex, comm: hump_day101, content: reunited, content: closet sex

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