Blood Whore 11

Jan 26, 2014 15:48

Title: Blood Whore 11
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, mild dub-con
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 1135
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Donation gift for neptuneschild1, in thanks for the "You Are My Sunshine" charity Vgift. She asked for more of Blood Whore.
Summary: Draco's freedom comes at a price.

Draco was stiff and sore when he woke up. Potter had kept his word, spending the night between Draco's legs and bringing him to the heights of pleasure again and again. Draco sat up and stretched, wincing at the pull of his muscles. Judging from the amount of sunlight streaming into the bedroom window, it was mid-morning.

Draco flung the scarlet duvet back and stumbled into the bathroom. When he stepped into the shower, he turned the water as hot as he could stand and stood beneath the spray, allowing it to soothe the soreness and wash away the evidence of Potter's possession. Eventually, Draco emerged from the shower, skin pink from the heat. He dried off and returned to the bedroom to dress in some of the new, expensive clothing he had bought the previous day.

Draco then padded into the kitchen. He was famished. Draco reached for the fridge and hesitated when he saw a note held there with a magnet. He snatched the note free and read Potter's sloppy scrawl. The vampire was instructing him to procure red meat to eat, stating that Draco would need the extra protein. Draco crumpled the note and binned it. Fortunately for Potter, Draco enjoyed a good steak. He resolved to buy the most expensive ones he could find.

Draco fixed himself eggs and toast points for breakfast. As he ate, he wondered if Potter would allow him a house-elf to do the cooking and cleaning. Draco had gotten used to doing for himself when he lived in his manky little flat, but now that he had a larger flat and access to Potter's vault, there was no reason he couldn't have some help.

Draco left his flat shortly after noon. He paused outside to draw in a deep breath of fresh air. Draco had his freedom again, along with a return to the lavish lifestyle he'd grown up with, but he'd paid a steep price for it. A shiver skittered up Draco's spine at the thought of it. He told himself it was disgust, and not desire, that caused the reaction.

Draco strolled to the nearest Apparition point and traveled to Diagon Alley.


Draco didn't bother putting on the scandalous knickers again. Potter had not instructed him to do so, and Draco didn't like wearing them. They made him feel...vulnerable.

Draco had spent the day tweaking the flat to his satisfaction. The furniture was rearranged, and certain colors were changed to reflect his own taste. In the evening, he grilled himself a steak and ate it with a baked potato. After dinner, Draco thought longingly of going to the theatre or a club. But, no. He had to remain here and await Potter's pleasure.

As if thoughts of the vampire summoned him, Potter appeared in the living room in front of Draco. "Have you eaten?" he asked.

"Yes," Draco nodded.

"Good," said Potter. "I want you to keep your strength up." He walked away, beckoning for Draco as he led the way to the bedroom.

Draco had no choice but to follow. He entered the bedroom to find Potter, already nude, lounging on the blood-red duvet.

"Did you wear your knickers?" Potter asked.

"You didn't tell me to," Draco said by way of answer.

Potter frowned at him. "Remove your clothing and join me," he said.

Draco's pulse accelerated, and his cock throbbed in his pants. He unbuttoned his pale blue shirt and removed it before lowering the zip of his tailored gray trousers. Draco toed his shoes and socks off and pushed his trousers and pants down. He stepped free of his clothing and crossed the room to climb on the bed.

Potter wrapped his hand around Draco's erect cock and tugged him closer.

Draco made a strangled sound in his throat and half fell atop the vampire. Potter immediately rolled Draco to his back and pushed his legs apart. Draco's tongue flicked out to dampen his lips, and he clutched his fingers in the scarlet bedding.

"Look at you," murmured Potter, giving Draco's cock a slow stroke. "You claim you want nothing to do with me, yet you're obviously quite eager for your fucking."

The callous words should have cooled Draco's ardor, but the hand on his cock kept his focus firmly between his legs. He canted his hips up in a subtle demand.

Potter snickered and rewarded Draco with a firm squeeze. He whispered a spell, leaving Draco slick and ready for him. Potter released Draco's prick in favor of moving to cover Draco's body with his own.

Draco angled his head to the side and held his breath. He expelled it on a groan when Potter sank his fangs into his throat and thrust his cock inside of Draco's body. Potter gave him no time to adjust; he began pumping his hips, driving deep into Draco and forcing his body to yield. Draco pulled his knees up to ease the discomfort, even as he moaned and writhed beneath Potter while the vampire drank from him.

Draco could feel his pleasure rising rapidly. Rather than fight it, however, he struggled to achieve release. Draco wrapped his legs around Potter's waist and began lifting himself into each hard stroke. Potter made a pleased noise in his throat, the sound vibrating itself to Draco's own sensitive throat. The pull of blood from his vein and the steady thrusts of Potter's cock propelled Draco into climax. A hoarse cry escaped him as he thrashed through his orgasm.

Potter growled his approval and increased the pace of his thrusts, fucking Draco fast and hard. He withdrew his fangs and threw his head back with a shout as he came. Potter pulsed inside of Draco, leaving Draco's throat and hole both damp and sticky. Potter eased out and closed the tiny punctures in Draco's neck before sprawling across the bed beside Draco.

"Tomorrow night," Potter began, voice gruff. He cleared his throat and tried again. "Tomorrow night, you will wear knickers. In fact, I want you to go out and buy some more."

Draco attempted a scowl, but he couldn't quite manage it. He couldn't even organize his limbs at the moment, which meant he was still spread upon the bed, looking every inch the whore Potter had labeled him. "Am I to wear knickers every night?" he grumbled without opening his eyes.

"Perhaps not," mused Potter. "Two or three nights a week should suffice. I enjoy it when you surprise me."

Blood Whore 12

gift: donation, content: top!harry, content: creature fic, rating: nc17, creature: vampire, verse: blood whore

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