Wrath of Vampires 26

Nov 06, 2013 20:04

Title: Wrath of Vampires 26
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Sexual activity
Word count: 1025
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for oakstone730, who requested an update to Wrath of Vampires.
Summary: Draco is punished.

Draco gazed about himself in awe. Harry's bedchamber was devoid of windows, but it was adequately lit by sconces set in the walls. In spite of the low light, the room was anything but gloomy. It was decorated in bright colors, almost as if Harry meant to deliberately defy the vampire stereotype.

The cream-colored carpet was thick and sumptuous, and the bed was covered with a duvet in pale shades of yellow, orange and green. It was saved from being feminine by the absence of any extraneous pillows or ruffles. Tapestries hung on the walls, and the scenes they depicted were of a domestic nature, featuring more bright colors.

Draco realized he had no idea just where Harry's bedchamber was. "Where are we?" he asked again.

"We're in the cellar of my house," said Harry. His voice was cold and flat.

A prickle of unease caused the fine hairs at Draco's nape to rise. He turned and gave Harry his full attention. Harry's expression was fierce. His eyes were glowing green-gold, and his lips were drawn back to reveal his fangs. A thrill shot through Draco, but he couldn't say if it was fear or lust.

"You disobeyed me."

Draco's mouth went dry, and he licked his lips. He had known Harry would be angry with him, but he wasn't sure how his vampire lover would react. "Yes, Harry," said Draco, trying to placate Harry.

"I expressly forbid you to travel to France, and you did it in spite of my wishes."

"Yes, Harry," Draco agreed glumly. His heart was pounding in trepidation, and his pulse was hammering in his burgeoning cock. Draco cursed his own reactions. Harry could be planning to Crucio him, for all he knew.

"You must be punished, Draco."

Draco gave a single, stilted nod to indicate he expected as much.

"Remove your clothing," Harry commanded.

Some of Draco's fear eased. If Harry was going to punish him with sexual acts, it couldn't be all bad. Draco began to undress, taking his time. He knew he shouldn't prod Harry's temper, but he couldn't help himself. Draco loved putting on a show for his lover. Draco shrugged out of his shirt, tossing it carelessly across Harry's sorbet-colored duvet.

Harry watched in stoic silence.

Draco unbuttoned his trousers, lowered the zip, then toed his shoes off. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his trousers and skimmed them over his hips and down his legs. Draco stepped out of them, leaving him wearing only his pants and socks. He glanced at Harry and got a cold stare in return. Draco tugged his socks off, then pushed his pants down and kicked free of them.

"Come here."

Draco approached Harry, stopping in front of his lover, within Harry's reach.

"On your knees, Draco," ordered Harry. "Pleasure me."

This was the sort of punishment Draco had hoped for. He knelt before Harry and unbuckled his lover's belt. Draco undid the button at the top of Harry's trousers, then slid the zip down slowly. He reached inside and wrapped his fingers around Harry's cock. A hiss of pleasure sounded from above, encouraging Draco to be bolder. He withdrew Harry's cock and used just the tip of his tongue to taste the drop of fluid at the slit.

A sharp tug to his hair caused Draco to wince.

"Suck it," growled Harry.

Still in a strop, I see, Draco thought to himself. He immediately bit his lip. What if Harry could read his mind? Draco hadn't realized Harry could communicate with him telepathically until Harry had done so during the confusion at the French manor house. He resolved to find out...later. For now, Draco had a task to perform. He closed his lips around the head of Harry's cock and applied suction.

Harry hummed in approval, and his hand eased its grip on Draco's hair.

Draco took Harry in deeper. He continued sucking, pausing occasionally to lave the underside of Harry's cock with his tongue. Harry moaned, so softly that Draco wasn't certain his lover had made the sound at all.

Harry's hand cupped the back of Draco's head, and he pushed himself further into Draco's mouth.

Draco fought his natural gag reflex as Harry began fucking his mouth. His lover was being too rough, but Draco was not in a position to complain. Harry was more serious about punishment than Draco had imagined. Nevertheless, his own cock remained erect and interested in the proceedings. Draco took himself in hand.

Harry's hand fisted Draco's hair painfully.

Draco's eyes rose to meet Harry's glare.

"I didn't give you permission to touch yourself," growled Harry.

Draco reluctantly released his prick and concentrated on the hard cock in his mouth. Perhaps if he pleased his lover, Harry would reward him with a good, hard fuck. Draco put his oral talents to use, swirling his tongue over and around Harry's cock as the vampire thrust it into Draco's mouth over and over. Draco relaxed his throat and accepted everything Harry had to give. In moments, Harry was pulsing in Draco's mouth with a roar of pleasure.

Draco swallowed automatically, and only a dribble escaped to trickle from his lips. He continued sucking as Harry's cock softened in his mouth.

"Enough," rasped Harry, pulling Draco's head back by his hair.

Draco released Harry and sat back on his heels. He swiped up Harry's excess semen with his thumb, then licked his thumb clean. His own cock throbbed with the urgency of his arousal. Draco hoped to entice Harry into shagging him.

"Stand up," instructed Harry.

Draco did so, wobbling a bit until he got his legs steady beneath him. Harry reached for him, and Draco's eyes fluttered shut. His equilibrium went off-center, and Draco stumbled and opened his eyes. He realized he was in his frilly white bedroom.


content: oral, verse: wrath of vampires, content: established relationship, rating: nc17, content: ust, gift: birthday, content: angry sex, content: creature fic, creature: vampire

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