Birthday gift; HarryDracoMpreg #34; Secrets to Keep #34

Jul 09, 2013 21:07

Title: Secrets to Keep 34
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry, Hermione, Karin, Carina, Evan
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mpreg
Word count: 835
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for nenne, who requested an update to Secrets to Keep
harrydracompreg Prompt No. 34 - stages of labor
Summary: Evan arrives.

Draco was in the study trying to come up with a tactful way to respond to the letter he had received from Gilbert Goodburn. He wondered if there was a polite way to tell the old goat to go bugger himself. Rallying support for the cause of same-sex couples in the wizarding world was not always easy, but Draco found it rewarding. His concentration was shattered at the appearance of a glowing silver stag in the doorway. It spoke in Harry's voice.

"Draco, it's time."

Draco jumped to his feet, knocking over his chair and his inkwell in the process. The stag faded away, and Draco rushed from the study.


"How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

From his prone position on the bed, Harry scowled at his lover. "I feel like I'm about to give birth," he said, "and I need a club to hit you with."

Draco winced. "I'm sorry," he muttered, apologizing yet again for Harry's current predicament.

Harry sighed, and his expression softened. "I'm sorry, too," he said. "I didn't mean to snap at you."

Draco perched on the edge of the bed and took Harry's hand. "Shall I ring Hermione?" he asked.

Harry nodded. "Tell her it's early yet, and she doesn't need to dash right over," he said. This was his fourth pregnancy, and he was well-versed in the stages of labor. "You'll need to contact Astoria and ask her to come get Carina," Harry added.

Draco winced again. "Astoria is on holiday with Daniel," he said. "Shall I ring Gin and Karin?"

"Yeah, I'm sure they'll be happy to take our daughter," Harry agreed. "Carina can play mother hen to the twins."

Draco smiled and said, "That sounds like a win-win situation."


Karin stepped from the Floo. "How is Harry?" she asked.

"As well as can be expected," said Draco. He gave Carina's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Sweetie," he said to his daughter, "you are going to stay with mummy Ginny and Aunt Karin tonight."

Carina nodded slowly. "May Penelope come, too?" she asked.

Draco glanced up at Karin. "Her puffskein," he explained before returning his attention to Carina. "No, sweetie, Penelope needs to stay here. You'll be too busy playing with Ricky and Nicky to take good care of her."

"Okay, Daddy," Carina sighed. She skipped over to Karin and took her hand. "Come on, Auntie Karin," said Carina. "I want to see Nicky and Ricky."

Karin laughed and scooped the young girl up in her arms. "It appears you're dressed for bed," she said, indicating Carina's pink pyjamas. "The boys are already sleeping, but you can see them in the morning."


Despite Harry's assertion that he didn't need to see Hermione right away, she came over immediately to assess the situation. After agreeing that Harry was still in the early stages of labor, Hermione returned home, admonishing Draco to contact her as soon as Harry began making progress.


"That's it, Harry. You're doing wonderfully."

"Oh my Godric," panted Harry. His face twisted as another pain hit. "Where...where is that club?" he gasped.

Draco blanched, and Hermione jumped smoothly to his defense. "No one is going to get clubbed tonight, Harry," she scolded. "You just concentrate on bringing Evan into the world. Once he's born, you'll be so besotted with him that you won't begrudge Draco the conception."

Draco took his cue. "You can do this, Harry," he said in encouragement. "I love you, and I already love Evan, too. I can hardly wait to meet him."

Harry gave him a tremulous smile that quickly turned to another grimace of pain as he bore down.

"You're close, Harry," said Hermione. "Another push or two should do it."

Harry gritted his teeth and pushed.


Harry couldn't take his eyes off of his newborn son. Evan barely had any hair, so it was difficult to determine what color it would be. It didn't appear dark, so Harry was secretly hoping it would be blond. They already had three gingers in the family, even though Carina's hair was a pale, strawberry blonde.

Evan was perfect, from his tiny nose to his little rosebud mouth. Harry had counted his son's fingers and toes three times, finding them perfect, too. He didn't even notice when Hermione congratulated them and took her leave.

Draco was pressed against Harry on the bed, fingers reverently stroking their son's downy head.

"Would you like to hold him?" Harry offered. He was reluctant to release Evan, but Draco needed to bond with him, too.

Draco gingerly accepted the baby, cradling Evan against his chest and stroking one petal-soft cheek. "It's been so long since Carina and the twins were this tiny," he breathed. He couldn't get enough of simply staring at his new son. "Thank you, Harry," Draco said, turning his head.

Harry was sound asleep.

Secrets to Keep 35

gift: birthday, rating: pg, content: established relationship, content: kid(s), content: mpreg, comm: harrydracompreg, verse: secrets to keep

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