The Heat Is On 6

Jun 26, 2013 21:26

Title: The Heat Is On 6
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, mild dub-con
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 815
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for dayday1223, who requested more of The Heat Is On
♦ Birthday gift for harrysdragoness, whose prompt was for powerful, confident Harry
Summary: Draco's denial compels Harry to stake his claim.

Draco woke up slowly, unsure of what time it was. His mind was muddled, he was tender in certain places, and a heavy arm was slung over his torso, pinning him in place.


Draco turned his head to see his nemesis smirking at him from close range. Draco's face twisted into a sneer. He snatched Potter's wrist and tried to pry the offending appendage away from his person. The arm refused to budge.

"Unhand me, Potter," snapped Draco.

"You're my mate," said Potter. "I enjoy having my hands on you."

"I am not your mate, you imbecile!"

"Stop trying to deny it," Potter murmured. He angled his head and lipped at the mating mark he'd left on Draco's shoulder.

Draco shivered in remembered pleasure before he managed to gather his scattering wits. "Veelas don't mate for life," Draco protested faintly. "Perhaps...perhaps I want to mate with my own kind."

Potter went unnaturally still behind him.

Draco's breath stalled, and his heart pounded in sudden fear. Potter was a werewolf, for Salazar's sake. Draco had no business tweaking the wolf's tail when he was naked and vulnerable in bed with him. The fine hairs on the back of Draco's neck rose when he heard and felt Potter growl. He tried to squirm away, intent on self-preservation, but Potter's arms tightened around him.

"I will kill anyone who touches you," Potter snarled. He then set his teeth in Draco's nape.

Draco yelped at the sudden, sharp pain. "You're hurting me," he gritted.

Potter retracted his teeth, only to jab Draco with something else entirely.

"Potter!" Draco shrilled in outrage. "Don't you dare try to bugger me again!" He struggled anew, trying to evade Potter's grasp. There was no escape.

"My mate, mine," rumbled Potter.

Draco was struck with the realization that he had inadvertently created a monster. He could only hope Potter would not literally become a monster. No one would be able to save Draco if Potter changed. Draco forced his body to go limp. With luck, Potter wouldn't attack if Draco offered no resistance. A hard shove to his shoulder compelled Draco to roll onto his stomach. Potter grabbed him roughly by the hips and yanked Draco's arse up. Draco spread his thighs, telling himself he was simply going along with Potter to spare himself any violence. He blurted a lubrication charm when he felt Potter's hard cock nudge between his arse cheeks.

Potter breached Draco's body with a brash thrust, startling another yip out of Draco. A low, shaky moan tumbled from Draco's lips, and he let his head fall forward, onto the pillow. Draco's cock was swelling rapidly, as if reluctant to allow Potter's prick to have all of the fun. He felt a yowl of a different sort building in his throat, and Draco clamped his lips shut to stifle it. Eventually, he needed to open his mouth to drag more air into his lungs, and a mewl of pleasure escaped.

"Mine," Potter growled again, pounding relentlessly into Draco.

Draco didn't bother to disagree. The rational side of his mind was shutting down. All that was left was heat and friction and the aching need for release. Draco braced one hand against the headboard and reached beneath himself with the other. He wrapped his fingers around his cock and began to jack himself with short, quick strokes.

Potter rewarded Draco's participation by thrusting into him harder and faster. Draco tried not to vocalize his pleasure, but it became too much for him. His mouth fell open wider, allowing Draco's harsh pants and lusty groans to spill forth. The argument was forgotten; in that moment, Draco truly was owned by Potter, and he reveled in it.

Potter seemed heedless of Draco's comfort or pleasure as he shagged him. As a result, he climaxed first. Potter drove in completely and howled out loud as he marked Draco with his release. Draco's hand sped up on his cock, wanking furiously until he, too, came with a gasp.

Draco sagged forward, turning his head to the side as he wilted against the pillow and panted for breath. Draco grimaced as Potter pulled out of him.

"You're mine," Potter announced. His voice was entirely too smug for Draco's peace of mind.

"Piss off," Draco grumbled. He scooted as far from Potter as possible on the narrow bed.

"Stop fighting it, Draco," said Potter. He flopped down again, draping himself over Draco in a possessive manner. "Even McGonagall acknowledged my right to claim you."

Draco huffed in annoyance. "Why me?" he all but whined.

"I rescued you," Potter replied. "Now, you're mine to keep."

The Heat Is On 7

creature: werewolf, content: possessive!harry, verse: the heat is on, rating: nc17, creature: veela, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: creature fic, content: dub-con

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