Mating Run

May 11, 2013 16:39

Title: Mating Run
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit, compulsive sex; creature fic
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 860
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday fic for polaris_malfoy, who requested Alpha/Omega dynamics
♦ Birthday fic for analissawb, who asked for high stamina, abundant come, creature fic
Summary: It's Draco's first mating run since becoming a werewolf, but he never expected it to be Potter who gave pursuit.

Draco ran through the forest, well aware of who was giving chase.


As a newly-turned werewolf, this was Draco's first mating run. Since being turned, Draco's libido had increased, along with his production of sperm. He was now capable of multiple orgasms. It was brilliant when wanking; however, Draco would now be having sex with another werewolf, which meant they would be fucking all night long. He'd had his eyes on Brant, who was a handsome bloke and a beautiful wolf. Draco hadn't expected Potter to challenge Brant, and he was even more surprised that Potter had won the ensuing fight. But, that wasn't all that Potter won.

He also won the right to mate with Draco.

Draco ran because it was expected of him. A good chase was the werewolf equivalent of foreplay, after all. At first, Draco hoped to actually outrun his pursuit. However, the act of leading Potter on a chase had resulted in arousing Draco to the point that he was tempted to halt and accept his fate.

Pride and instinct combined to keep Draco going.

Draco's legs and lungs were beginning to feel the strain. He slowed to a trot, sides heaving as he panted for air. There was a rustle in the brush to his left, and Draco stopped to stare in that direction. His hackles went up, and a low growl emanated from his throat.

A dark gray wolf emerged from the undergrowth, tail held high and ears perked forward. Potter.

Draco tucked his tail and sank back on his haunches, still growling.

Potter shifted to human form. He was naked and quite obviously aroused. "Do you plan to shift, or would you prefer it if I fuck you in wolf form?" he asked in a casual manner.

While it might be less embarrassing to be shagged by Potter in wolf form, Draco knew that only mated pairs coupled in such a manner. He thought about making another run for it, but Draco was just as aroused as Potter was, and he wanted sex. Now.

Draco transformed into a human once more.

Potter was next to him in two strides. He clamped a hand around Draco's nape and propelled him to the nearest tree. Draco put his hands up to prevent himself from being pushed face-first into the rough bark.

"You led me on quite the chase, Malfoy," Potter rumbled from behind him. He kicked Draco's feet apart and pressed himself against Draco's back. "Now, I intend to claim my reward."

That was all the warning Draco got before he felt Potter's hot prick nudge between his arse cheeks. Draco gasped out loud as he was abruptly penetrated. His fingers clawed at the tree in front of him while Potter rammed the full length of his cock inside of Draco. It bloody well hurt, but it felt utterly brilliant at the same time. Draco's wild instincts took over, and he pushed back, desperate for this forced and forceful mating.

Potter was in no mood to be gentle, but Draco didn't want gentle; he wanted to be taken fast and hard. His inner wolf demanded an animalistic mating, and Potter was giving it to Draco in spades. He pounded into Draco's arse, claiming him with one brutal thrust after another. Draco's cock remained untouched, but it jerked each time Potter pummeled his prostate.

Sounds began to tumble from Draco's open mouth. Loud, lusty noises that would have been humiliating under any other circumstances. Draco couldn't be bothered to care at the moment. He was aware only of the delicious friction of Potter's thick cock as it slid in and out of him. Draco's balls drew up tight. Potter's teeth clamped into his shoulder, and Draco threw his head back and howled as he came.

Draco's orgasm seemed to go on and on, leaving the tree in front of him liberally coated with his release. As the storm of pleasure subsided, Draco felt Potter's cock pulse inside of him. This time, it was Potter's rapturous howl that echoed through the forest, and it was his ejaculate that spurted inside of Draco and trickled from his hole.

Draco felt Potter's hot, panting breath against his nape, and he shivered in reaction. Potter eventually raised his head, and he pulled out of Draco with a wet, messy noise. Potter's hands closed around Draco's waist, and he turned Draco away from the tree and bore him to the ground.

Draco's cock began to swell again, and he braced himself on all fours as Potter mounted him once more. A soft whine of pleasure escaped Draco when Potter penetrated him, while Potter growled encouragement from behind. Draco was compelled to arch back, submitting to Potter's dominance of him and reveling in it.

Draco felt another howling climax coiling tight within him, and he it and to the wolf inside of him.

content: top!harry, gift: birthday, content: outdoor sex, creature: werewolf, content: creature fic, rating: nc17

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