A Dilly of a Name

Jan 28, 2013 23:30

Title: A Dilly of a Name
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry, ofc
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mpreg
Word count: 520
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: harrydracompreg prompt #28 - choose any previous prompt. Y'all just know I was waiting for an excuse to continue on from Third Name's a Charm?
Summary: Draco and Harry have another chance to give a proper name to a new baby.

Harry and Draco had been bickering about what to name their new baby ever since Harry had become pregnant. The two of them had managed to bollocks up the naming of their first three children. Their oldest child, a girl, had been given the honorary middle name of Narcissa. For that reason, Harry wanted to name their newborn daughter after his mother, while Draco was insisting that they name the baby after his grandmother.

"Druella is a noble name," said Draco.

"And Lily is a beautiful name," countered Harry.

"But, I don't want my mum to feel left out," Draco argued. He was trying to keep his voice down, so as not to wake the baby.

"Lea has your mother's name," said Harry. He was still annoyed by that fact, too.

"Only in a token fashion," Draco said. "We had to come up with something better to call her than her official name." The poor child's official name was Birdsfoot Trefoil, thanks to Harry's inadvertent slip.

Harry glared at his husband. "You didn't have to tell everyone that her name is Azalea Narcissa," he snapped.

"As if you didn't get your own back by naming our firstborn son James Frederick!" hissed Draco.

"His name is Not James Frederick," Harry smirked, "and that debacle was all your fault." Harry refrained from pointing out that their next son's absurd name was also Draco's fault. Delivery rooms in St Mungo's were imbued with magic, so that as soon as a child was named by his or her parents, the name was immediately official.

Draco exhaled and tried to steer the conversation back on track. "I think we can both agree that we must be careful not to name our daughter something ridiculous," he said. "Now, we just need to agree on what to name her."

"I like Lily," said Harry.

"I prefer Druella," Draco said.

The two of them stared one another down, and neither was about to admit defeat.

Harry saw Draco's eyes narrow a fraction, and he knew -- he just knew -- that Draco was going to try to trump him in the naming department.

Both of them blurted their choices at the same time.

"Her name is Druella!"
"We're naming her Lily!"

Magic shimmered over the baby's cot and dissipated with a faint pop.

Harry turned to glare at Draco. "If my adorable daughter has been stuck with the name Druella, I'm going to throttle you," he growled.

Draco looked suitably chagrined. "I'll just Apparate over to the records department at the Ministry and see what she's registered as," he said.


"This is terrible," moaned Harry, cradling his infant daughter against his chest.

"It's as much your fault as mine, so don't you dare blame me!" grumbled Draco.

"She'll blame both of us, and for good reason," huffed Harry. He gave his sleeping daughter a look full of remorse. "I suppose we can call her Ellie," he ventured.

Draco slumped back in his chair beside Harry's bed and nodded. "Anything is better than Dilly Ella."

Constant Vigilance

content: humor, verse: name shame, rating: pg, content: established relationship, content: kid(s), content: mpreg, comm: harrydracompreg

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