Title: Campfire Fare
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Harry/Draco, other HP pairings
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 750
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
awdt prompt of Don't forget to bring something I can cook.
Cotton Candy Bingo prompt of gathering/reunion/event
slythindor100 Challenge #145 - list of words (must use at least 10): autumn, leaves, orange, red, crisp, adore, tart, serendipity, abrupt, spill, extraneous, laugh, reward, crystal, distracted, reflection, touch, chill, persnickety, apple. I got them all!
Summary: Draco makes so many sacrifices for his boyfriend.
Draco appeared at the edge of a wooded path and paused to get his bearings. The portkey had delivered him to the middle of nowhere. He looked around and spied a sign, which pointed down the path. The word Reunion was written on it, so this must be the place.
Draco sighed and began to walk. It was autumn, and the air was crisp and cool. Harry had best be prepared to warm Draco up. After all, attending a gathering of Gryffindors in the middle of the forest was not Draco's idea of a good time.
The late afternoon sun filtered through the trees, setting visual fire to the orange, gold and red leaves. It seemed as if nature had conspired with the Gryffindors and decorated the forest in their House colors. It wouldn't surprise Draco. So distracted was he, that Draco almost bumped into his boyfriend, who was striding down the path from the other direction.
Draco came to an abrupt halt, cursing as the sudden stop nearly caused him to spill the contents of the dish he was carrying.
"Draco," Harry smiled, reaching to steady the crystal bowl in his boyfriend's hands. "I was just coming to look for you. Erm, what do you have there?"
"You told me to bring something to eat," Draco reminded him. "This is a poached pear tart, drizzled with rum sauce and sprinkled with cinnamon."
Harry had the gall to laugh at him. "I said, 'Don't forget to bring something I can cook'," he chuckled. "We have a campfire going, and I was thinking of something like bratwurst."
"Bratwurst?" Draco repeated. "How plebeian of you, Harry."
"Poached pears?" mocked Harry. "How persnickety of you, Draco."
"I can always take my poached pears home with me," Draco said with an icy glare.
Harry laughed again. "I was only taking the piss," he said. "I happen to adore your oh-so-fussy ways. Come on," he added, slinging an arm casually around Draco's waist. "The others are waiting."
Draco shivered at Harry's touch, although he blamed it on the chill in the air. It wouldn't do to let Harry know how affected Draco was by him. It was bad enough that he'd agreed to accompany his boyfriend to a reunion of Harry's mates.
The two of them stepped into a clearing, where a cheery campfire was burning brightly. Harry moved away, leaving Draco on his own momentarily. Draco looked around. Weasley and Granger were there together, and Longbottom appeared to be canoodling with Lovegood. Thomas was with a girl Draco didn't recognize, but he did recognize Finnegan's date.
"Hello, Draco," Daphne Greengrass greeted him with a wave.
Draco felt marginally better to have at least one other Slytherin in attendance. "Daphne," he nodded as he approached her. "I had feared I'd be the lone representative of our House, but I see serendipity has brought you here to rescue me from such a fate."
Daphne giggled and patted the log beside her, inviting Draco to sit.
"Oy, Malfoy," said Finnegan, pointing with the apple he was holding. "What do you have in that fancy bowl?"
"Is that your mum's poached pears?" asked Daphne, eyes sparkling with the reflection of the fire. She turned to address Finnegan. "Mrs Malfoy always sent them during the hols, and we'd all beg Draco to share."
"I hope you plan to share them tonight, Malfoy," said Finnegan.
"That is why I brought them," replied Draco.
"Too bad we don't have any extraneous silver or stemware to go with," remarked Daphne.
Draco groaned. "Not you, too," he said. "Harry has already made fun of me for my contribution. It seems I didn't grasp the concept of campfire fare."
"Not to worry," said Harry, joining their little group. "There will be plenty of food. Molly Weasley sent enough to feed five or six years' worth of Gryffindors."
"Bratwurst?" groaned Draco.
Harry nodded. "We also have crisps and cheese to eat, along with other nibbles."
Draco lowered his voice for Harry's ears only. "Since I agreed to attend tonight against my better judgment, I will, of course, be expecting a proper reward from you."
"I have something in mind," murmured Harry. "Something hot and sweet and sticky."
Draco pressed closer to his boyfriend, pulse hammering in anticipation. "Tell me more," he purred.
"We're going to toast marshmallows!"