Indulgence 15

Sep 28, 2012 21:38

Title: Indulgence 15
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, rimming, DUB CON, creature fic
Word count: 940
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for lijahlover, who asked for more of Indulgence
Summary: Draco realizes no help will be forthcoming.

Draco awoke gradually. It was dark in the bedroom, and he felt sluggish and lethargic. He shifted on the bed, intending to stretch, only to discover he was held fast in someone's arms. Realization struck, and Draco's body stiffened as he recalled his circumstances.

"You're awake, good," Potter rumbled in his ear. "Are you hungry?"

"No," Draco said, trying to move away from the vampire. His stomach gurgled, giving lie to his response.

Potter released Draco and sat up. He turned on a bedside lamp and said, "I'll have Elsie bring you something to eat." Draco tried to bolt, but Potter's hand flashed out and snagged his arm. "Sit still," he commanded mildly.

"I'd rather starve than eat anything from you," sneered Draco, pulling the blankets up to shield his nude body.

Potter frowned at him. "You can eat like a mature adult, or I can compel you eat like a child," he said. "There is no question that you will eat," he added. "The only choice you have is how much dignity you maintain."

Draco begrudgingly ate when the house-elf delivered a tray of food. He picked at his meal before pushing it aside. Apparently, he'd eaten enough to satisfy Potter. Draco summoned his Malfoy pride and said, "You won't get away with this, Potter. There are people who will look for me if you try to keep me here against my will."

"People like Pansy Parkinson?" Potter asked.

Potter's expression was entirely too smug, and Draco became alarmed. "What have you done to her?!" he demanded.

"Relax, Draco," Potter chuckled. "I haven't seen Parkinson in months. I did, however, have Elsie deliver the letter you had written to her."

Hope stirred in Draco until he remembered the letter. He had written that he was safe and well, but that was before he had ventured to Potter's room during the storm. Once Pansy received the message as Draco had left it, she wouldn't be fearing for his safety at all; she would believe he was simply in hiding. Draco's heart sank. There would be no help coming; he was well and truly Potter's prisoner.

Potter took advantage of Draco's stunned immobility to begin inching the blankets down. Draco made a belated grab for the edge of the coverlet, but Potter yanked it from his grip. "Accept your fate, Draco," the vampire murmured. "I will take from you, yes, but I can give you pleasure in return."

Draco considered trying to escape, but he knew the effort would be futile. Perhaps if he simply lay still and let the vampire have his way, Potter would be satisfied and would leave Draco alone for a time. Draco was surprised when Potter turned him onto his stomach.

"I want to taste you everywhere," whispered Potter.

Draco didn't guess the vampire's intent until Potter positioned him with his arse in the air. Draco felt Potter's warm breath tickle his most private flesh an instant before Potter's tongue flicked out to tickle his rim. Draco's body clenched in reaction. He loved being rimmed, but allowing Potter the privilege seemed perverse. Aside from that, Potter had fangs.

"Relax," Potter ordered, and Draco did. His body went slack and still without any conscious direction from himself. Draco made a frustrated noise in his throat, which turned to a whimper of pleasure when Potter's tongue laved a long, wet stripe from his perineum to the top of his cleft.

"Delicious," praised Potter.

It sounded as if he had just licked his lips, but Draco was unable to turn his head to look. All he could do was grit his teeth as Potter leaned in for another taste. When the vampire's tongue circled around his rim, Draco gasped and pushed his arse back. Potter continued to torment Draco in that manner until Draco was moaning loudly and shamelessly. Just when Draco thought he couldn't take any more, the vampire gave him more. Potter penetrated Draco with his tongue, swirling around inside his entrance and causing Draco to cry out at the intense pleasure.

Potter drew back. "Do you want to come, Draco?" he asked. His breath felt cool against Draco's damp flesh.

"Yes, yes," Draco panted, desperate for relief.

Instead of plying Draco with his tongue once more, Potter grabbed him by the waist and flipped him over. Draco landed on his back, limbs akimbo and cock erect and throbbing. Potter spread Draco's thighs wider and settled atop his body. He guided himself to Draco's entrance and thrust inside of him at the same time as he sank his fangs into Draco's throat.

Draco groaned and drew his knees up. Potter's mouth working at his throat was sinfully seductive, and the cock that was sliding in and out of his body felt divine. Draco brought his hands to the back of Potter's head, almost cradling the vampire against him. He didn't want to respond to Potter's ravishment, but Draco was unable to help himself. Pleasure built inside of him until there was no recourse but release. Draco climaxed with an incoherent cry, twisting beneath Potter and smearing his come between them.

Mercifully, Potter finished soon after. He thrust into Draco twice more before pulsing inside of him. He raised his head and licked the blood from his lips. "You're mine now, Draco," said Potter. "Never forget it."

Indulgence 16

verse: indulgence, rating: nc17, content: rimming, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: creature fic, creature: vampire, content: dub-con

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