Primal Howl 7

Sep 25, 2012 21:12

Title: Primal Howl 7
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 560
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for darkmoonrises7, who asked for more of Primal Howl.
Summary: Draco decides never to follow Potter's lead again.

Draco was stiff and sore again the following day. He convinced himself it was utter folly to continue running about the forests all night as a wolf and allowing Potter to bugger him in that form. Draco resolved not to do so again. Of course, Draco's new resolution was strongly tested when Potter cornered him in an alcove after lunch.

"Do you plan to come out for a run tonight, Malfoy?" Potter asked. He was standing near enough that Draco could feel the heat from Potter's body.

Draco firmed his resolve. "No, Potter," he said evenly. "I have some class work to do this evening."

Potter leaned closer, and his breath ghosted over Draco's lips. "Don't try to deny what you are, Malfoy," he said. "You'll never be happy until you learn to embrace your wolven nature." He angled his head and touched Draco's mouth with his own.

Draco's eyes closed automatically...and then there was nothing in front of him. He opened his eyes to see that he was all alone in the alcove. Alone and aching and aroused. Draco slammed a hand against the wall in frustration before exiting the recess in the wall and striding down the hallway to the dungeons.


Draco took his astronomy book up to the tower and spent a tedious half hour working on some charts. The fresh air teased his senses, and the waxing moon beckoned from behind the shifting clouds. Draco was finding it difficult to concentrate. Sighing, he increased the strength of his Lumos spell and re-read a passage in his book.

In the distance, a howl cut through the relative stillness of the night.

Draco went on full alert. His head came up, the fine hairs on his body rose, and his cock stirred to life in his trousers. It was Potter; it had to be. The alpha to Draco's wolf was trying to lure Draco from the safety of the castle. Draco was determined to ignore the summons.

There came another howl, and the hair on Draco's body bristled and thickened. He didn't dare change into a wolf within the castle. Draco stood abruptly, dumping his books and papers to the floor. He doused his wand and ran down the tower stairs.


The silver-gray wolf loped into the forest, ears forward and nose working to catch his alpha's scent. He slowed down and finally sat back on his haunches. Draco raised his muzzle and howled, loud and long. There was an answering howl from up ahead, and Draco jumped to his feet and ran in that direction. The path widened before him, and he saw the other wolf waiting there. Draco's tail wagged, and he scuttled forward to lick at his alpha's muzzle.

The dominant wolf growled once, and Draco lay down immediately and presented his belly. The alpha sniffed him and seemed satisfied with Draco's submissiveness. He moved away, and Draco scrambled to his feet to trot after him. Gone was Draco's earlier resolve, replaced by his wolf's need to be with his kind and to obey the pack alpha.

Draco followed Harry deeper into the forest, never once looking back towards civilization.

verse: primal howl, gift: birthday, rating: pg13, creature: werewolf, content: creature fic, content: hogwarts era

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