Indulgence 11

May 06, 2012 19:55

Title: Indulgence 11
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Draco, Harry
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 1090
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: A belated birthday gift for delrue_fox, who asked for more of Indulgence.
Summary: Draco's fear of storms may be his downfall.

Potter had said he would be gone that day, leaving Draco to entertain himself. Draco had breakfast in the parlor, then asked Elsie about the gardens. The house-elf indicated that Master Potter had lovely gardens, and that Draco was welcome to stroll through them. He spent the remainder of the morning outside, enjoying the fresh air. The sky was overcast, promising rain later in the day, but for now, the weather was quite enjoyable.

Draco found himself wishing he had someone to share the moment with. He wondered if Potter would have agreed to accompany him into the gardens, and if so, whether Potter would have kissed him.

Draco's cock flexed, and he chuckled at himself. Not too long ago, he had been overwhelmed with fear, and thoughts of snogging and shagging were far from his mind. It was a testament to how relaxed and at ease he felt with Potter that he was even considering such things.

Draco didn't return to the house until Elsie popped into view in the gardens to announce lunch was ready. Draco enjoyed a light meal in the same casual parlor. By the time he finished, it had begun to rain. Unable to return to the gardens, Draco visited Potter's library instead. Draco's hand had closed around a book about hippogriffs when a title about vampire lore caught his eye.

Biting his lip indecisively, Draco's hand hovered over the vampire book. Finally, he withdrew it from the shelf with trembling fingers. Draco eyed the sofa in the library before choosing to take the book to the sanctuary of his bedroom. It was as if he felt guilty for reading it. However, Draco wanted to learn more about vampires, and this seemed to be as good an item to begin with as any.

Draco whiled away the afternoon poring over the volume on vampires. If the writings were to be believed, much of vampire lore was false. For instance, the author maintained that vampires did cast reflections in mirrors and could enter a dwelling without invitation. They were not repulsed by garlic or silver, and a stake through the heart would not kill them so much as anger them. According to the author, the only sure means of killing a vampire was decapitation. Draco shivered in dread.

As he read further, Draco learned that it was true that vampires could not tolerate sunlight, and that they became lethargic during the the day. Although brief exposure to sunlight would not kill them, it would cause their skin to burn, and it would be quite painful. For that reason, vampires tended to sleep during the day and only ventured out at night to feed.

Reading about the feeding habits of vampires sent another chill skittering along Draco's spine. He glanced out the window and frowned. It was getting dark out, but it didn't seem that late. Draco cast a Tempus with his wand and saw that it was only mid-afternoon. The clouds must have grown thicker than the last time he had looked outside. At least it was only raining and not storming. Draco hated storms. He returned his attention to the book.

Draco became absorbed in his reading. He was just coming to a section on vampires claiming mates when there was a knock at his door. Feeling unaccountably guilty, Draco tucked the book under his pillow and called out, "Enter."

Potter opened the door and peered inside. "I didn't wake you, did I?" he asked.

"Not at all," said Draco, swinging his legs over the side of his bed. "I was reading."

"Elsie has dinner waiting," Potter told him, gesturing for Draco to precede him into the hallway.

During their meal, Draco confessed. "I found a book about vampires in your library," he said, keeping his voice casual.

"Indeed? And did it tell you how to vanquish the creature that has been tormenting you?"

Draco glanced up sharply, but Potter did not appear to be mocking him. Instead, he seemed quite sincere. "It did include a chapter on killing vampires, yes," Draco said.

"A stake in the heart, or immolation by sunlight?" Potter asked.

"Beheading," Draco grunted.

Potter winced. "That's quite macabre," he said. "Did the book mention whether a vampire could be destroyed via the killing curse?"

"There was no mention of it," replied Draco. "I believe the book was written by a Muggle. Have you not read it?"

"I inherited the library when I bought the house," said Potter. He changed the subject by bringing up Draco's visit to the gardens.

After dinner, Draco convinced Potter to play chess again. Potter played much better this time, but he still ended up losing. "I can see I should have paid more attention when Ron taught me to play," sighed Potter, pushing his chair back from the card table in the parlor. "If you'll excuse me, Malfoy, I've had a busy day, and I need to get some sleep."

"Of course," Draco nodded, putting the chess pieces away. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and Draco headed upstairs to his own room. He was anxious to continue reading the book on vampires, but he reckoned the storm would be frightening enough without giving his imagination any ammunition.

Draco began composing a letter to Pansy. He didn't mention where he was, only that he was safe and more relaxed than he had been since the incidents had begun. Draco was halfway through his message to his friend when the first crack of lightning illuminated his room. It was followed immediately by a boom of thunder, and Draco flinched. He had the urge to dive into bed and pull the covers over his head. As a child, he had found comfort in crawling into bed with his parents.

Draco put his letter aside and undressed slowly. Lightning continued to flash, and thunder shook the window panes and caused Draco's heart to beat faster. He put on a fresh pair of pyjamas and sat on the edge of his bed. Rain lashed the windows, and the wind picked up and created an eerie howl outside.

Draco wanted nothing more than the solace of another person's presence. Without taking time to think, he left his room. Perhaps Potter would allow him into his bed.


Indulgence 12

gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: creature fic, verse: indulgence, creature: vampire

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