Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #74; Birthday gift; Slythindor100 #138

Apr 08, 2012 22:42

It's Easter weekend and the first weekend of April, and it brings a new JMDC.

This month, the prompt is "We have to talk." You are free to write/draw any fandom, pairing, threesome, gen fic, etc. Combine it with other prompts, if you wish. Please post your entry in your own journal (unlocked!) or a community of your choice, and leave me a link in the comments below. You have until Sunday, April 22, at 11:00pm CST to submit an entry. At that time, I'll post links to the entries and draw a name from among the participants to receive a drabble from me. Below is my entry for the month:

Title: Pansy Parkinson's Precious Pups This is from my Samantha and Matthew verse.
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry, Pansy, OCs
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Past mpreg implied
Word count: 750
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for heyerruh, with a prompt of Easter and/or eggs
♦ JMDC #74 - "We have to talk."
slythindor100 #138 - list of words: yellow, spring, ducks, flowers, rain, bunny, date, atmosphere, random, inquisitive, flannel, mango, supplicate, winsome, vertically, organza, imbroglio, time-turner, Animagus, transfigure/transfiguration
Summary: Draco and Harry finally get on the same page with their childrens' Easter gift.

"Harry, we have to talk."

Harry cringed. No bloke ever wanted to hear those words, even from another bloke. "Er, yes, love?" he tried, wondering what he may have done to incur his husband's wrath and whether to supplicate now or later. He hoped any apologizing would involve a random act of sex.

"Since the first day of Spring, I've been thinking about what to get the children for Easter," Draco went on, oblivious to Harry's fantasies. "They've both been asking for a puppy, as you well know."

Harry nodded. He would love to get a puppy, but Draco had been reluctant.

"I thought it best we talk now, before the date, in an effort to avoid the debacle that the past two Easters have become," added Draco.

"An excellent suggestion," agreed Harry.

Two years ago, each of their children had requested a bunny, and Harry and Draco had both went behind the other's back to purchase bunnies for Samantha and Matthew. Last year, the kids had asked for chicks, and once again, Harry and Draco had separately purchased each of them a chick. As a result, they now had a rabbit hutch in the garden with four rabbits, and a small chicken coop with three hens and a rooster. On the bright side, they now had fresh eggs each day. At least the children had been good about caring for their pets. Samantha fed the chickens and gathered the eggs, and Matthew took care of the rabbits.

"Are we going to get a dog?" Harry asked, trying not to sound too eager.

"We'll go look," said Draco. "I know just the place."


"Pansy Parkinson's Precious Pups," Harry said, reading the sign over the door. He turned to his husband. "I didn't know Parkinson was a dog breeder."

"Pansy is an Animagus," Draco told him. "She can transfigure herself into a whippet. It was only natural she would work with dogs." Draco opened the door and entered, and Harry trailed after him.

"Draco, darling!" cried Pansy, rushing forth to hug Draco to her bosom. She looked smashing in a lavender organza blouse covered with white flowers. Harry felt inadequate in his flannel shirt and faded denims.

Pansy released Draco and turned a winsome smile on Harry. "Potter, how nice to see you again," she greeted. "I trust you're taking good care of Draco?"

Her friendly attitude lightened the atmosphere, and Harry relaxed. "Draco and I are interested in looking at puppies," he said. "The children have been asking for one."

"You're upgrading from ferrets and ducks?" teased Pansy.

"It was chicks and bunnies," muttered Draco. "If I had a Time-Turner, we wouldn't have four of each."

"That was quite the imbroglio, I understand," Pansy laughed. "I shall have to come visit your menagerie some time."

"You're always welcome," Draco said. "For now, however, we'd like to see some child-friendly pups."

Pansy led them out of the shop, where the magically-enlarged back garden was filled with spacious dog runs. She had several different breeds, and after questioning Draco and Harry as to what they were looking for, she took them to a kennel where several inquisitive yellow lab pups greeted them with enthusiastic tail wags. They were leaping vertically, bouncing horizontally, and yipping in excitement.

Pansy opened the gate, and Harry waded into the melee, laughing as he was mobbed by wriggling puppies. "Draco," he called, "may we-"

"Just one, Harry," Draco said firmly. "We are only buying one dog."


Samantha and Matthew colored eggs from their own chickens, while Draco and Harry made up baskets of treats for their offspring.

Easter morning was gray with rain, but it didn't dampen the childrens' enthusiasm. After they had raided their baskets, Harry announced there was one more gift for them. Draco exited the family room and returned with the new puppy in his arms. Samantha and Matthew squealed in delight, and the puppy squirmed out of Draco's arms to greet the children with sloppy swipes of her tongue.

"Her name is Mango," Draco said, raising his voice to be heard over the din. "She is now your responsibility," he added, giving the children a stern look. "You will feed her, walk her, help potty train her, and you will clean up after her. Any questions?"

Samantha and Matthew looked at one another, then back at their fathers. It was Matthew who had the temerity to ask, "We only get one puppy?"

challenge: jmdc, content: established relationship, verse: samantha & matthew, comm: slythindor100, content: pet(s), gift: birthday, rating: pg, content: kid(s)

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