Birthday gift; Slythindor100 #137

Mar 26, 2012 21:52

Title: Ferret Frolic
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/ferret!Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 700
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Dreadfully belated birthday gift for entropy12, using this photo as a prompt. This is from my Scrub verse.
slythindor100 Challenge #137 - photo prompt
Summary: An excursion into the forest turns into a ferret frolic.

Draco wanted to pick some of the first bluebells of the season for use in potions, and Harry had been cajoled into accompanying him into the woods. Harry soon realized he had been drafted to carry the basket that Draco was placing the fresh-cut flowers in. Still, it was a pleasant day. The sky was surprisingly clear, and the sunlight streaming through the trees enhanced the scenery.

After an hour of gathering wild plants, Harry noticed his boyfriend getting twitchy. He ducked his head to hide a grin. Harry knew that Draco was anxious to assume his ferret Animagus form and frolic in the grass and the bluebells. He stopped walking and waited for Draco to notice.

Draco was several steps ahead of Harry before he turned around and frowned. "Tired already, Harry?" he mocked.

Harry simply chuckled and sat down on the ground, back against a sturdy tree. "I know you're dying to romp among the bluebells," he said. "I'll just sit here and keep a watch out for hawks, shall I?"

Draco's eyes darted to the sky, but any fear he had of hawks was overwhelmed by his urge to frolic. His body blurred and shrank in on itself, and in his place, there was now a white ferret. Draco rushed up to Harry, charged across his lap, and dove into a patch of bluebells.

The crushed flowers yielded a sweet, heady fragrance, and Harry drew in a deep, appreciative breath. He chuckled at Draco's antics, almost wishing there was a way he could join in the fun.

Draco rolled in the flowers, tore up small divots of sod with his paws, and poked his nose into everything. He thoroughly investigated the base of the tree Harry was resting against, and then he scampered into the middle of the clearing.

Harry drew his wand and cast some protective charms about the meadow. In spite of his earlier joking, hawks and other predators really did concern him. After all, Draco was quite small and vulnerable in his current form, and his white coat stood out rather glaringly among the flora. Of course, at Draco's current rate of activity, his fur would not remain pristine for long. No sooner had Harry thought that than Draco found a bare patch of moist soil to roll in.

Harry had yet to figure out how his boyfriend could go from being so fastidious and prissy in his human form to wallowing in filth as a ferret. He suspected Draco simply enjoyed getting bathed as a ferret. Harry shifted on the ground as he recalled what most of Draco's ferret baths led to. Typically, once he had toweled Draco's fur dry, Draco would become human once more, and a rousing bout of sex would ensue.

Draco dashed over once more, trampled across Harry's legs, and left a trail of dirty paw prints in his wake. Harry sighed and brushed at his jeans. They would both need a bath by the time Draco was done romping in the woods.

"It's getting late," Harry called, rising to his feet and picking up the basket of bluebells.

Draco pelted off, out of sight.

"I'll leave you behind," warned Harry. "I'm certain you'd make a delightful snack for some vicious, forest-dwelling predator." He began to meander back the way they'd come from.

An indignant squeak greeted his words, and Harry turned to see Draco running after him. He stopped and waited, and it was his turn to squeak when Draco ran right up his leg and settled on his shoulder. A tiny paw latched onto the collar of Harry's shirt, while Draco's other paw tangled in Harry's hair and pulled.

"Ouch," he hissed. "I was taking the piss. I wouldn't actually leave you behind."

Draco wasn't so easily mollified, and he proceeded to berate Harry with a series of outraged chitters. Harry headed for home, resigned to being cursed and scolded the entire way. Perhaps a cold bath would cool Draco's temper.

Top Hat and Tail

content: animagus, rating: pg13, content: established relationship, comm: slythindor100, verse: scrub, animagus: ferret, gift: birthday, content: ferret!draco

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