Birthday gift; HarryLovesDraco December prompt

Dec 10, 2011 16:39

Title: Ginger Moments
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 825
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for white_apple_ink, with a prompt of Draco has a blond moment
harrylovesdraco December prompt, which was to use as many of the following words as possible. I got them all!
fleece, snow, solstice, cat/kitten, a color, sheepish, Big Ben, Christmas, horrendous, desk, lotion, pink, road, temperature, fifteen, present, dad, water, cd, pumpkin
Summary: Draco tries to surprise Harry, but he makes one tiny mistake...

Draco hummed along to the Muggle holiday CD that Harry had bought for him. He liked winter, in spite of the cold. He loved snow and fires and all the holidays that came with the season. Draco enjoyed celebrating Christmas just as much as he did the Solstice.

Tonight, however, Draco was going to celebrate with no one but his boyfriend. He intended to surprise Harry with a new look, and Draco hoped it would lead to a more carnal celebration in bed. Draco moved to the desk in his room and patted Ben before nudging him aside. The cat had been a present from Harry last year, and Harry had laughingly named the tiny mite Big Ben. As if to spite Harry, Ben had grown into his name, and he seemed to take special delight in trying to smother Harry each time he came to visit.

Draco opened the box on the desk and pushed the tissue paper aside to reveal his gift to Harry. Inside was a silk negligee in white, trimmed with pink lace. Draco had worn pretty things before, but he hadn't dared share that part of himself with Harry until he had observed his boyfriend staring too long and hard at some photos of other blokes wearing feminine finery. Harry had seemed sheepish at getting caught looking, but Draco hadn't missed the bulge in his boyfriend's trousers. At the time, Draco had been wearing fleece pyjamas, and he had felt less than sexy. He had resolved then and there to surprise Harry with something beautiful.

Draco didn't plan to stop at simply donning a negligee, however. He also intended to color his hair pink for the occasion. The potion would only last a day or two, then his hair would return to its normal platinum blond. The trick would be not letting his mum or dad see him while he was sporting pink hair.

Draco closed the box containing his negligee and went into the bathroom to prepare the potion for his hair. Draco set some water to boiling in a glass dish, checked the temperature, then added the dye that would result in pink hair. After allowing the mixture to steep for fifteen minutes, Draco applied the resulting lotion to his hair. He waited the appropriate amount of time before stepping into the shower to rinse his hair.

Emerging from the shower, Draco toweled his hair and dried it with a simple spell. He looked in the mirror and shrieked. His hair was not pink; it was a horrendous shade of orange.


Harry stepped up to Draco's front door and knocked.

"Go away!"

Harry blinked in surprise. He couldn't imagine why Draco would be angry with him, unlike in the early days of their relationship, when they had still been able to annoy one another easily. It had been a rocky road in the beginning, but they had persevered, and Harry thought they had moved beyond such petty aggravations.

He knocked again. "Draco?"

"I don't want you to see me like this!"

Slightly alarmed, Harry used his wand to open the door. He peeked inside and saw Draco huddled on the sofa, cuddling Ben in his arms. Draco had a hat jammed down over his ears, and his eyes were rimmed in red.

"What's wrong?" asked Harry, approaching cautiously. Ben greeted him with a rumbling purr, but Draco merely whimpered in distress.

"I wanted to surprise you," mumbled Draco, "but it all went pear-shaped."

"I'll help you fix it, whatever it is," Harry said immediately.

"You can't fix this!" cried Draco, yanking off his hat to reveal his bright orange hair. "I look like a ruddy pumpkin, or worse yet, a Weasley!"

Harry bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing outright. He cleared his throat. "Is it permanent?" he asked.

"No," Draco replied sullenly. "It should wash out in a couple days."

"That's not so bad, then," Harry said, offering what comfort he could. He sat next to Draco on the sofa. "Tell me what happened."

The entire story poured out, from Draco's jealousy of Harry's attraction to the photos of other blokes, to his purchase of a negligee, and finally to the disaster that had befallen his hair. Harry insisted on seeing the bottle the potion had come from, and he asked Draco about the temperature of the water he had used.

"And did you let it brew for fifteen seconds precisely?" asked Harry.

"Fifteen seconds?!" gasped Draco. "I thought it said fifteen minutes." He noticed Harry's lips twitching. "Don't you dare laugh at me," he growled.

Harry got himself under control, but he couldn't help but tease, "That's what Muggles call a blond moment. There is an upside, however."

Draco glared at him in suspicion. "What upside?"

Harry's grin widened. "For the next few days, you're only going to have ginger moments."

content: pet(s), comm: harrylovesdraco, gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: flangst, content: established relationship

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