Jae~Quills #78

Oct 14, 2011 19:58

Title: Deft Fingers Jae~Quills verse #78
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Blaise/Pansy, Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual activity
Word count: 325
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Jae-Quills marriage prompt: handjob under the table
Written for : grey_hunter
Summary: Draco and Harry aren't the only ones enjoying the festivities.

"How romantic," sighed Pansy, resting her chin on her hand as she watched the newlyweds dance together.

"You're such a girl," teased Blaise, saluting Draco and Harry with his glass when they waltzed by.

"Says the bloke who's wearing a skirt," Pansy countered.

Blaise scowled at her. "It's a kilt," he corrected, "and you said I looked quite dashing in it."

"So I did," agreed Pansy, "and so you do." She reached beneath the table and placed her hand on Blaise's bare knee.

The glass wobbled in Blaise's grip, and he set it down quickly. "Not now, darling," he said.

"Why not?" asked Pansy. "The lights are low, and no one can see. Besides, they're all watching Draco and Harry." As she spoke, Pansy's hand inched its way up Blaise's thigh, lifting his kilt with the motion. Blaise tried to shift away without being too obvious, but Pansy was having none of it. She shoved her hand under his kilt and grabbed her prize.

Blaise yelped and covered it with a feigned cough. "Unhand me, you she-devil," he hissed.

"You want this, darling, don't try to deny it," chided Pansy. "Why, you're as stiff as a wand." Pansy's hand grew bolder, sliding rapidly up and down Blaise's cock and giving him a little twist at the tip.

Blaise had slumped down in his chair and was trying very hard not to squirm. At the same time, he was biting the knuckle of one hand to keep from moaning out loud as Pansy had her wicked way. In moments, he was spilling himself over Pansy's deft fingers and slumping further into the chair. At least Pansy had the grace to tidy everything up with a cleansing charm. Blaise hoped his wobbling legs would allow him to walk when it was time to leave.

"Wasn't that fun, darling?" chirped Pansy. She grabbed Blaise's hand and stood. "Let's dance!"

Making the Rounds

content: hand job, content: kilt fic, content: rarepair, verse: jae!quills, rating: r

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