Something Stolen

Jun 27, 2011 23:01

Title: Something Stolen
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, cats
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Feline felony
Word count: 525
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for andreastephens, who asked for more of my Bob arc.
Summary: Draco accuses Bob of a crime he did not commit.

Harry took a seat across from Draco at the breakfast table and handed him a hastily-wrapped gift.

"What's this?" Draco asked, picking the package up and giving it a slight shake.

Harry grinned at him. "It's a gift from Bob."

"Harry James Potter, if you wrapped that filthy feline's filthy offal, I will kill the both of you!"

"Just open it," Harry said, chuckling at Draco's outraged expression.

Draco glared at his boyfriend for another ten seconds before realizing that Harry wasn't about to crack. Muttering dire threats beneath his breath, he tore the wrappings away and opened the small box. Draco lifted a glittering gold object and gasped, "It's the broach that belonged to Grandfather Abraxas! I misplaced that weeks ago. Where did you find it?"

"I didn't find it," said Harry. "Bob brought it to me. You'll have to thank him."

Draco's lip curled in a sneer. "That mangy flea bag must have nicked it in the first place."

"We have no way of knowing that," Harry scolded. "It may have fallen into a small space where Bob found it and retrieved it."

As if the third mention of his name magically summoned him, Bob sauntered into the kitchen. He approached Harry, stood on his hind paws and placed his front paws on Harry's knee.


Harry smiled and scratched the Siamese behind the ear. "You're wonderful, Bob," he said. "That was great detective work."

"Oh, for Merlin's sake," snorted Draco. "I still think he thieved the broach and tried to fence it."

Bob's ears flicked in irritation, and he sent a cross-eyed glare in Draco's direction.

Harry pushed out the chair between them and said, "Set the broach here and see if Bob picks it up again."

Draco did so, anxious to prove that Harry's wretched cat was the malefactor Draco claimed him to be. Bob gave the broach a quick sniff, but other than that, he showed no particular interest in it.

"You see?" taunted Harry. "Bob brought the broach to me in good faith."

"He's a cat, Harry. He's toying with us."

"You just don't want to admit that Bob may have done a good deed," said Harry. "Would it kill you to thank him for finding your precious family heirloom?"

Draco crossed his arms over his chest. "As a matter of fact, it might," he said. "Especially considering I'm not convinced of Bob's innocence."

Harry felt compelled to defend Bob's honor. As he and Draco argued back and forth, Fiona trotted into the kitchen, grabbed the broach from the chair and dashed off with it.

"Fiona!" cried Draco, jumping up to chase after the cat.

Harry scooped up his beloved Siamese and followed Draco. He found his boyfriend in the living room, crouched down and trying to coax Fiona out from under the sofa with her purloined treasure. Bonnie and Katie were helping out--one of them by standing on Draco's back and the other by bunting under his chin.

"It would appear that Bob is not the culprit," Harry observed with a smirk. "That means you owe him a thank you and an apology."

Something to Worry About

content: humor, content: pet(s), gift: birthday, rating: pg, content: established relationship, verse: bob arc

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