Donation gift!fic, HarryLovesDraco #5, Slythindor100 #132

May 20, 2011 22:27

Title: The Brave Knight and the Spoiled Princess
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, "Harvey/Draconia", OC
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Crack, suggestion, mpreg
Word count: 1000
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
neptuneschild1, in thanks for the It Gets Better charity VGift. The prompt was for Aurors, Harry kidnaps Draco, princess, with an angst plot leading to happy ending. Um, you got crack instead of angst; please forgive me.
harrylovesdraco Challenge #5 - Must begin with 'Once upon a time...' and end with 'and they lived happily ever after', with one of the boys as the Hero/Knight in Shining Armor and the other as the 'Damsel' in Distress
slythindor100 Challenge #132 - photo prompt
Sequel to: The Handsome Prince and the Perfect Banana
Summary: Harry tells his own version of how he and Draco met and married.

"Once upon a time, there was a brave and noble knight who was the head of an elite cadre known as the Order of the Aurors."

"Never mind the fact that the word Auror implies light, not night."

Harry glared at his husband. "I am telling this story, thank you very much."

"Please do carry on."

"The knight's name was, er, Harvey, and he was known throughout the lands for his bravery, kindness and generosity."

"Don't forget his vanity and his over-large head."

"You're welcome to leave the room," snapped Harry.

"And miss this comedy of errors?! I think not."

"Then shush, and let me continue. It was brought to Harvey's attention that there was a lovely damsel in distress, who was in need of rescuing. Her name was Princess Draconia."

"Why am I a bloody girl in this story?!"

"Language!" scolded Harry. "And it's a story. It has nothing to do with you." His husband harrumphed, but Harry ignored him in favor of continuing his tale.

"Harvey mounted his trusty steed, Firebolt, and rode to the castle where Princess Draconia was being held captive by the evil King Lu-"

"Don't you dare!"

"Louis," Harry improvised quickly. "King Louis was wealthy and powerful, but he wanted more wealth and more power. To that end, he planned to offer Princess Draconia in marriage to the vile ruler of another kingdom."

"He did once threaten to marry me off to Emile Didier."

"That's repugnant," Harry said with a shudder. He'd seen Monsieur Didier at the wedding. The smarmy old git had spent the entire ceremony either leering at Draco or glaring at Harry.

"Upon hearing of this, Harvey rushed to the rescue. First, he had to get past the huge and vicious white eagles that guarded the castle."

"Some brave knight. You always were scared spitless of Mum's peacocks."

Harry ignored his husband's jibe as he went on with his narrative. "Once he had defeated the eagles, Harvey had to battle an enormous wolf-"


" gain entrance to the castle. Harvey knew a bit of magic, and he conjured a stag to lure the wolf away."

"Father always wondered how you got past Balor that first time you came to call on me."

"Harvey knew he couldn't simply bang on the front gates and demand entrance to the castle. Instead, he had to devise a way to sneak in unnoticed. Being the clever and resourceful sort-"

"Not to mention vain and large-headed."

"...Harvey approached the castle through the magnificent gardens in back. There, he found a sturdy vine that grew up the castle walls and led to the balcony where fair Draconia's rooms lay. Harvey climbed the vine and reached the balcony, quick as you please."

"I seem to recall you jumping off the balcony that one night when you were afraid of Father catching you in flagrante delicto."

"Ahem. As I was saying, Harvey gained access to the balcony, and he found Princess Draconia languishing in her rooms. 'I have come to rescue you, fair maiden,' said Harvey. Rather than throw herself at his feet in grateful supplication, however, Draconia had to be difficult. She stuck her nose in the air and said, 'I do not wish to be rescued, you four-eyed, speccy git.'"

"Ah, I miss the days of calling you a four-eyed, speccy git."

"'If I don't rescue you,' said Harvey, 'you will be forced to wed the odious Duke of Diddling.'"

"Harry James Malfoy!"

"Draco Lucius Potter!"

After a moment spent exchanging glowers with his husband, Harry returned to the story. "'The Duke is not such a bad sort,' said Draconia. 'Marriage to him will guarantee me a life of luxury. Luxury is terribly important, you know.' 'But what of love?' asked Harvey. 'The Duke is old and wrinkled, and he has a bald head and a paunchy belly, bad teeth and worse breath, and-'"

"Yes, alright, he was horrid. Go on with the rest of this drama."

"Harvey was unable to convince the spoiled princess that marriage to the Duke would make her miserable. Therefore, he was forced to kidnap Draconia to save her from her own folly."

"Oh, dear Salazar."

"Harvey tied the princess up-"

"Which she enjoyed, by the way."

"...and he slung her over his shoulder and carried her back down the vine to the gardens below. Princess Draconia was thoroughly impressed with Harvey's feat of strength and daring. When he boldly tossed her on the back of Firebolt, she ceased her struggles and clung to him instead."

"How did she manage that when her hands were tied?"

"Despite her clinginess, Draconia continued to complain, and Harvey was forced to gag her."

"Excuse me?!"

"Assured now of silence, Harvey made his escape on Firebolt, taking the spoiled, willful princess with him. Along the way, he was able to woo Draconia, so that by the time Harvey returned home, the pretty princess had fallen in love with him. Harvey married Draconia in a secret ceremony-"

"Mum would have killed us."

"...and the very next day, Harvey sent a message to King Louis: I have married Draconia, and there is nothing you can do about it. Neener, neener, neener. Sincerely, Harvey J Porter, Knight of the Order of the Aurors"

"You forgot to mention that Harvey was eight years old."

"Then Harvey and his new bride rode off into the sunset, and they lived happily ever after."

Harry leaned down to press a soft kiss to his son's cheek. "Good night, William," he said. The toddler responded with a drowsy smile, and Harry drew William's blankets up and tucked him in.

Draco patted William's head before standing with Harry's assistance. He rubbed his protruding belly and allowed Harry to guide him from their son's bedroom. "That was the most ridiculous story you've come up with yet," he chided.

Harry chuckled. "It was no worse than the outlandish tales you've been telling William since before he was born."

Draco paused as Harry opened the door to their own bedroom and ushered him inside. "Me, a spoiled princess," he muttered. "You did get one part right, however."

"Oh? And what was that?"

Draco grinned and looped his arms around his husband's neck. "And they lived happily ever after."

gift: donation, rating: pg13, content: established relationship, content: mpreg, comm: slythindor100, content: humor, comm: harrylovesdraco, content: kid(s), content: crack fic

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