Wrath of Vampires 10

May 17, 2011 22:13

Title: Wrath of Vampires 10
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Clarise
Word count: 1075
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, creature!fic
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Additional disclaimer: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Observe the rating and warnings.
Written for: Birthday gift for emeraldpanther, who asked for more of Wrath of Vampires.
Summary: Draco's conversation with Clarise yields unexpected information.

"The gardens are lovely at this time of year," Clarise commented.

"Indeed, they are," Draco agreed. The Muggle woman had taken a fancy to Harry's gardens, and since Draco had been charged with keeping an eye on her, it meant he was able to spend a significant amount of time out of doors as well. He found he enjoyed it, and he wondered if he would truly be able to give this up, should Harry offer to Turn him.

"Have you ever wished to be Turned?" Draco asked Clarise as they paused beside a fountain.

"I've thought about it," she admitted. "The lure of eternal life, youth and beauty is certainly tempting. However, the prospect also frightens me."

"How so?"

Clarise plucked some petals from a nearby flower and scattered them over the surface of the water in the fountain. "Not everyone survives the attempt," she said. "Fewer women survive than men, due to the savage nature of the process."

Draco immediately thought of Amelia, despite knowing now that Harry had never meant for her to live. He still felt responsible for her death. "Have you ever requested Mehmet Turn you?" he questioned. Draco had once broached the subject with Harry, but Harry had refused him.

Clarise shook her head. "Vampires seldom Turn Companions," she replied. "Unlike Consorts, Companions are considered disposable. I suspect Mehmet will cast me aside for someone else soon. Someone younger and prettier."

"What will become of you then?" Draco asked her.

"Mehmet has promised to set me up in comfort, much like a once-favored mistress," she sighed.

That seemed rather generous to Draco. "You'll have your entire life ahead of you," he said. "Perhaps you'll meet a wonderful man, marry and raise a family."

"I think I'd like that," Clarise responded with a smile.

They continued along one of the manicured paths in silence until they came to a grouping of marble benches. Clarise sat, and Draco took a seat across from her. "Does Veronique have a Consort?" he asked. The specter of the powerful vampire both intimidated and intrigued him. He wondered how much Harry really knew of her.

"No, Veronique does not have a Consort," said Clarise. "Rumor has it she loved a man she couldn't have, and that she simply gravitates from one Companion to another now."

Draco was surprised by this. "Who would have spurned Veronique? Was he a famous public figure? A politician? Or was he simply a married man?"

Clarise giggled. "Not many would refuse Veronique," she said, "but the one she loved was not merely a man, but another vampire. It is said her love for Javier Ramiro was all-consuming. Alas, it was unrequited."

"What is your impression of her, if I may ask?" Draco prodded.

Clarise leaned back and tipped her face up to the sun as she considered her answer. "I have only been in her presence a few times, and I confess that I was terrified of her."

Draco remained silent, hoping she would continue.

"Veronique is...there is nothing human about her," Clarise said with a small shudder. "I am aware that she was once human, but I could discern nothing of humanity in her. She is very old, and I wonder if she has not forgotten what it was like. Of course, a broken heart will turn even the softest woman brittle."

Her words gave Draco much to think about.


Draco braced one hand against the headboard of his frilly, feminine bed while he clutched uselessly at the white duvet with the other hand. Harsh, breathless cries fell from his lips as Harry rode him. Draco's entire body undulated, unable to keep still as his lover's hard cock pounded into him again and again. It was hot and raw and delicious, but Draco wanted more; he needed more.

"H-Harry," he panted. Pleaded.

A rough hand seized Draco by the hair and hauled him up on his knees. His cock throbbed in excitement an instant before Harry's fangs pierced his throat. Incandescent pleasure rocketed through Draco, causing his nerves to tingle, his muscles to spasm, and his prick to twitch and spurt.

Draco relaxed by slow degrees. His body became almost limp, and he was aware that only Harry's hand in his hair and his lover's cock up his arse were holding him upright. The fangs were withdrawn from Draco's neck, and the grip on his hair eased. Draco wilted forward, collapsing onto the pillows. Harry continued thrusting into him with ruthless intent, and Draco's thighs trembled from the strain.

Harry growled and stiffened behind him, and Draco's lips curled in satisfaction as he felt his lover pulse inside of him. When Harry pulled free of him, Draco slumped into a graceless sprawl across his bed. Harry leaned over and licked the punctures at Draco's throat to close them. He then lay next to Draco and splayed his hand across the small of Draco's back.

Draco felt oddly cherished and protected. "Must we go down to dinner?" he mumbled. His words ended on a yawn.

"I am afraid so," said Harry. "However, I don't expect Mehmet and Clarise to remain with us much longer."

"Because you made it clear you have no intentions of returning with them to meet with Veronique?" he asked, propping himself up on his forearms.

"I suspect Mehmet will make at least one more attempt to persuade me to accompany him to France," Harry said. "My answer, however, will remain the same. What of Clarise? Has she tried to convince you of the merits of a meeting with Veronique?"

Draco rolled over on his back and stretched. "Other than a few pointed questions, Clarise has kept her conversation to small talk," he said. "I asked her about Veronique today," he added.

Harry sat up and reached for his clothing. "Did you learn anything interesting?"

"Clarise said Veronique does not have a Consort, which I found surprising," Draco replied. He still wasn't inclined to move. "She claims Veronique loved a man she couldn't have--one Javier Ramiro, I believe."

Harry went unnaturally still.

Alarmed, Draco sat up straight. "What is it?" he asked.

Harry's eyes gleamed in the lamplight. "Javier Ramiro is the vampire who Turned me," he said. "He's the one I killed."


Wrath of Vampires 11

verse: wrath of vampires, content: top!harry, gift: birthday, content: creature fic, rating: nc17, creature: vampire

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