Phone!sex arc #19: Appetizer

May 10, 2011 21:59

Title: Appetizer
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Malfoys
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, use of pet name
Word count: 825
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for bleedforyou1, who requested more of my Phone!sex arc
Summary: A text rescues Harry from the gardens.

Harry pretended interest in the gardens that Narcissa Malfoy was expounding upon with great pride. Fortunately, Andromeda was keeping her sister engaged in conversation, which left Harry's mind free to wander. He wondered when Draco would return. Draco had accompanied his father to the Manor's wine cellar. They were on a mission to select the perfect vintage for dinner.

Harry didn't mind staying for dinner, but Draco wanted to spend the weekend at the Manor. While the Malfoys had been nothing but polite to him, Harry still didn't feel quite welcome. His cell phone vibrated, and he withdrew it from his pocket. He grinned when he saw a text message from Draco.

Let's have sex for an appetizer

Harry squirmed in his chair to relieve the sudden pressure in his pants as he sent a quick reply. Ready whenever u r

I'll race you to the bedroom

Harry pushed his chair back. "Would you excuse me, ladies?" he said with as much chivalry as he could muster. Harry tried to walk away in a dignified fashion, but as soon as he was out of sight, he broke into a run. Harry dashed into the open parlor and out the other door, pelted up the grand staircase, and raced through the east wing corridor until he arrived, aroused and breathless, in Draco's old suite of rooms. Flushed with victory, Harry sauntered into the bedroom and drew up short.

Draco was already there. He was lying on the bed wearing nothing but a smirk as he toyed with his erection.

"How did you get here so quickly?" blurted Harry.

Draco's smug grin widened. "I texted you from here," he said.

"That's cheating!"

Draco shook his head. "Slytherin cunning." He lounged back against the pillows and watched as Harry hastily undressed.

Harry kicked his underwear across the floor and said, "You're a little too full of yourself, but I can fix that."

"Do tell."

Harry placed one knee on the bed and crawled to hover over his boyfriend. "I plan to fill you full of me," he murmured.

Draco didn't respond verbally. He drew his knees up and parted his legs, displaying his glistening, lubricated hole.

Harry expelled his breath on a groan. "Oh baby, do you know what you do to me?"

"I can see what I do to you," quipped Draco, eyeing his boyfriend's erection.

Harry sat back on his heels and stroked himself slowly. "Do you want me to fuck you like that, baby? On your back, with your legs in the air?"

"Yeah, Harry, just like this," said Draco, opening his thighs wider.

Harry kept his hand on his cock as he shuffled forward and guided himself to his boyfriend's entrance. Harry didn't penetrate Draco immediately, however. He teased Draco's rim with the tip of his penis, rubbing it over the furled flesh and mixing lubricant and pre-come.

"Harry," Draco growled, squirming beneath his boyfriend.

"I love it when you get all demanding, baby," said Harry. He gave his lover what he wanted, pushing his hips forward and spearing Draco on his cock. Draco groaned, and Harry thrust again. "Mm, yeah, let me know how it feels," he panted.

"Fuck, Harry, you feel so good."

Harry probed deeper, pushing Draco's knees against his chest and pinning him there with his weight. "You feel good, too, baby," he said. "So snug and hot and silky." Harry drew back, allowing Draco's legs to fall to either side of him. Those long legs instantly wrapped around Harry's waist, and Draco used his heels to pull his boyfriend in deep once more.

"Oh god, Harry."

"That's it, baby, hang on."

Harry proceeded to pound his boyfriend into the mattress, fucking Draco hard and fast. He spared a momentary thought to hope that Draco had cast the appropriate silencing spells, lest his parents hear him wailing at the top of his lungs and fear that Harry was killing him. "Yowl for me, baby," huffed Harry. "I love it when you lose control."

"Harry," Draco moaned, head thrashing side to side on the pillow as he clutched at Harry's damp back with greedy fingers.

"Louder, baby. I want to hear you yell my name when you-"

"HARRY!" Draco cried, arching up and clamping down at the same time.

Harry wanted to pause and savor the sensation of Draco's muscles contracting and rippling around him, but he could no more stop now than he could fly without a broom. Harry continued thrusting, plunging into Draco over and over until it was Draco's name being shouted aloud in mindless pleasure.

Draco tolerated Harry's crushing weight for a few moments of post-coital bliss before he gave his boyfriend a half-hearted push. Harry rolled away with a grumble, and Draco turned his head to smile at him. His expression sobered as he thought of something. "Say Harry?" Draco began. "Did you remember to cast silencing charms?"

Frosty Glares

content: top!harry, verse: phone!sex, gift: birthday, content: established relationship, rating: nc17

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