
May 04, 2011 21:44

Title: Beckoned
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual activity, creature!fic, mild dub-con
Word count: 650
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for k8nkane, who requested unusual creature fic.
Summary: Harry follows Malfoy one time too many.

Harry knew Malfoy was up to something; he just didn't know what. Never mind that the war had ended, Harry was still suspicious of anything the Slytherin boy did.

Despite returning to Hogwarts to make up his Seventh Year, Harry no longer felt at ease in the old castle. Nightmares prevented him from sleeping well, and he spent many nights patrolling the castle. It was on one such night that Harry observed Malfoy slip out of a side door after a furtive look around.

Harry followed automatically. He trailed Malfoy beyond the castle and into a thin stand of trees that bordered the lake. Malfoy paused there, and Harry hung back in the shadows to watch him. He was ill-prepared for what Malfoy did next. The Slytherin removed his cloak and spread it over the ground. After that, he methodically removed the rest of his clothing.

Malfoy stood, naked and proud in the glade, and Harry took a hesitant step forward. Malfoy didn't appear surprised; rather, he waited patiently until Harry came to a halt in front of him. "Do you like what you see, Potter?" he asked calmly.

Wordlessly, Harry reached to touch him. He brushed the tips of his fingers over Malfoy's shoulder, caressing Malfoy's soft skin.

"If you want me, Potter, you have but to take me," breathed Malfoy.

Harry was aching for want of Malfoy, and he crowded closer. Together, they sank onto Malfoy's cloak, so conveniently lying on the ground. Harry pushed Malfoy down, and surprisingly, Malfoy lay back without protest and opened his legs as if beckoning Harry to couple with him.

Harry's mind was fogged with lust, and he didn't hesitate to unzip his jeans and free his swollen cock. He claimed the space between Malfoy's legs and nudged the tip of his prick into position. Malfoy assisted him by tipping his hips up. Harry thrust forward, joining their bodies and settling into the primitive rhythm of sex.

The moonlight filtering through the trees dappled Malfoy's skin and made him seem almost luminous. His pale gray eyes nearly glowed with an inner light. At any other time, Malfoy's preternatural appearance would have alarmed Harry, but not when he was rooted deep inside the other boy's body.

Malfoy rose to meet him, matching Harry's movements and encouraging him with hands that grasped and tugged at Harry's arse, pulling him in harder and deeper. Harry came with a cry, filling Malfoy with the results of his release.

As his lust abated, Harry's head cleared, and he hastily withdrew from the clasp of Malfoy's body. Malfoy hadn't climaxed, and Harry wasn't certain the other boy had even been aroused. "What are you playing at?" he demanded, tucking himself in with trembling fingers.

Malfoy sat up and folded his legs beneath him in a parody of modesty. "It is done," he said, pushing his blond hair back and revealing the pointed tip of one ear.

"What's going on?" Harry gasped, scooting away from Malfoy. "What are you?"

"I'm an elf, Potter," said Malfoy. "Not a house-elf, like you're used to seeing, but one of the high elves. You consented to join with me in this enchanted place, and we are now bound for all time."

"You're mad," said Harry, pushing himself to his feet and stumbling back a step.

Malfoy responded with a faint smirk. "Am I?" He reclined back, supporting himself on his elbows and allowing his legs to fall open once more.

Harry took a halting step forward, as if compelled by some force beyond his control. He drew up short and averted his eyes.

"Come lie with me, Potter," crooned Malfoy.

Harry wanted to, he yearned to, and that frightened him more than anything. Renowned for his courage, Harry Potter did the unthinkable. He turned and fled.

content: outdoor sex, rating: r, content: bonding fic, content: hogwarts era, content: top!harry, gift: birthday, content: creature fic, content: partially clothed sex, creature: elf, content: dub-con

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