Tantalizing Tableau

May 03, 2011 22:30

Title: Tantalizing Tableau
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: ???/Draco, Blaise
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism. Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warnings.
Word count: 1325
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Written as: A birthday gift for socherokee, who asked for more of my Club Coquette verse.
Summary: Draco's lover has a special surprise for him.

Draco sipped his tea and shifted uncomfortably in his chair. His body ached, but it was a most pleasant ache. Across from him, Blaise was talking animatedly about his clubbing exploits.

"...although I really wish we'd gone to Club Coquette last night, instead," finished Blaise.

Draco perked up at the mention of the club he'd been frequenting all too frequently. "Oh?" he asked, striving for nonchalance. "Why is that?"

Blaise leaned closer, in a conspiratorial fashion, despite the fact that it was just the two of them in his flat. "My friend Mauricio was there, and he said one couple put on quite a show, both on the dance floor and later in the window of one of the rooms," he said.

Draco set his cup down with careful deliberation, lest he slosh some of the tea over the rim. "A show?" he repeated, reaching for a biscuit.

Blaise nodded and warmed to relating the gossip. "An angel in a corset and a feathered mask allowed some sex god to bugger him on the dance floor. Apparently, it set off a chain reaction, and there was more shagging than dancing going on."

"You don't say," Draco remarked, keeping his voice even.

"And then," Blaise continued, eyes wide with excitement, "the same pair headed upstairs to one of the deluxe suites and shagged up against the window that overlooks the club!"

"The cheeky slags," Draco deadpanned.

"Let's go to Club Coquette tonight," urged Blaise.

Draco shook his head and said, "I have plans for this evening."


Draco maneuvered through the throng in the lobby of Club Coquette and escaped out the doors into the garden beyond. He had arranged to meet his lover there, and he hoped the man would not be disappointed. Draco had chosen to wear something different this evening. Gone was the corset and skirt, although Draco wore the same black silk shirt. This time, all but the top three buttons were done up, and the garment was tucked into a pair of black leather trousers. He wore the same black ankle boots, but Draco had traded his signature feather mask for something more understated, although just as concealing.

Draco wondered if his lover would recognize him; he needn't have worried.

"You surprise me, Cinderella."

Draco turned to see his familiar stranger appraising him from a short distance away. "How did you know it was me?" he asked.

The other man stepped closer. "After all the times we've been intimate, did you think I wouldn't know you?" he replied with a question of his own. He reached for Draco's hand and tugged gently. "Come," he said. "I have a surprise for you, too."


"Where are we?" Draco wondered aloud, looking around the small room. It appeared to be a theater. There were three rows of four seats, twelve in total, and one wall was dominated by a large, blank screen.

"I've booked us a private show," said the stranger. "It was our turn to be entertained." He bustled Draco into one of the seats in the second row and sat down next to him.

The lights in the room dimmed until it was completely dark. A warm hand settled on Draco's thigh and squeezed. The screen lit up, and Draco realized it wasn't a screen at all. Rather, it was a glass wall, and he was now able to see clearly into the small room beyond.

The chamber was dominated by a massive bed, and a blond bloke, naked but for the mask he wore, lay upon it. He was slowly stroking his erect penis while the fingers of his other hand wandered between his legs and toyed with his entrance.

Draco's cock swelled in response, and his rim fluttered. He hummed in delight when the performer's fingers disappeared inside his body as he began to work himself open. The hand on Draco's thigh slid higher, and his lover's fingers brushed the ridge of Draco's cock through his leather trousers. The man on the bed writhed, and so did Draco.

A second man entered the tableau. This one was dark-haired. He was also nude except for a black mask. As Draco watched, the blond withdrew his fingers from his hole and spread himself, clearly entreating the second bloke to fuck him.

The hand on Draco's cock gave it a squeeze, and Draco moaned and parted his own legs as wide as his seat would allow. He was suddenly sorry he hadn't worn his skirt this evening. Had he worn his usual costume, his lover would have had unrestricted access to his bits.

In the bed chamber, the dark-haired man joined the other on the bed and settled assertively between his legs. He paused to position himself, then thrust forward forcefully.

Draco gasped at the sight and then groaned as his lover lowered the zip of his leather trousers and plunged his hand inside. Draco was torn between closing his eyes to fling his head back in ecstasy or watching the live-action sex being played out for his voyeuristic pleasure.

"That could be us," the stranger murmured in Draco's ear as he freed Draco's cock and stroked it firmly. "Would you like that, Cinderella? We could volunteer to put on such a show. Just imagine the two of us on that big bed. You, with your legs spread wide while I fuck you, and all for the delight of an unseen audience."

Draco whimpered and squirmed in his seat. His hands gripped the arms of his chair until his lover stood and pulled Draco to his feet.

"Brace your hands on the chair in front of you," commanded the stranger.

Draco obeyed with alacrity; he knew where this was going. His lover peeled Draco's leather trousers down, sliding them over his arse and halfway down his thighs. He moved to stand behind Draco and parted his arse cheeks. The stranger withdrew the plug Draco had inserted earlier and replaced it with his engorged cock.

Draco cried out at the exquisite pleasure-pain.

The men on the bed were in a frenzy now. The top was pounding steadily between his partner's legs, and Draco had a clear view of that thick cock plunging into the blond's body again and again. His own lover adopted the same rhythm, fucking Draco almost ruthlessly.

Draco's eyes rolled back, and he struggled to remain focused on the scene in front of him. He was incredibly aroused, and he knew this encounter was not going to last long. When the blond man's cock began to spurt, Draco's excitement peaked, and he climaxed with a shout.

The top threw his head back, in the throes of an obvious orgasm, and Draco's lover followed suit. He slammed into Draco hard and pulsed inside of him.

The lights in the bed chamber slowly dimmed, even as the lights in the theater came up just as gradually. Draco's arms and legs trembled, barely holding him upright. The stranger uncoupled them with far more care than he had used to penetrate Draco with. "That was fantastic," he said, stepping back and leaving Draco empty and chilled.

Draco straightened with a wince and tugged his trousers up. He was sticky and sore, and he loved the sensation.

"Did you enjoy that, Cinderella?" asked his lover.

Draco could only nod.

"Are you willing to take their place some evening?"

Draco hesitated. Now that his arousal had been appeased, his natural reticence was asserting itself.

"It will be completely anonymous," coaxed the stranger. "We won't even be aware of the audience. It will be just you and me on that bed, giving and receiving pleasure. Free your inhibitions and say yes, Cinderella."

Draco licked his lips and answered, "Yes."

Prurient Performance

verse: club coquette, gift: birthday, content: voyeurism, content: partially clothed sex, content: club fic, rating: nc17, content: exhibitionism

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