Sparks 10

Mar 16, 2011 22:36

Title: Sparks 10
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, students of Dumbledore House
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 1080
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for murmure_c, who asked for more of this arc, with the prompts of plaid and stubble.
Summary: Harry and Draco take one for the team.

Winter turned to spring, but instead of being invigorated, Harry felt frustrated. He and his Housemates hadn't learned anything new about the missing mermaid, and the change of season reminded Harry just how precious little time he had left with Draco. Their relationship had been progressing slowly, almost as if each of them was reluctant to take that last leap of faith into intimacy. Harry couldn't shake the notion that he was betraying Pansy, and he suspected that Draco felt the same.

As for Pansy, she had blossomed with the longer days and warmer weather. She had taken to spending long intervals outdoors with Neville as he shared his love of herbology with her. As a result, Pansy had color in her cheeks and a spark in her eyes that Draco declared had been missing for so long he couldn't recall when last she had appeared so hearty.

Moaning Myrtle was conspicuous by her absence, and Harry was determined to speak to her. He had tried enlisting the aid of some of Hogwarts' other resident ghosts, but they had been unable to help.

It was Blaise who came up with a solution.

"Myrtle has always been a pervy little voyeur," he remarked one evening. "We may have to send someone into the Prefects' Bath to put on a show."

"That's an excellent suggestion," said Dean.

"Myrtle especially enjoys it when two blokes put on a show," added Seamus. He then colored and stammered, "Not that I would know from personal experience."

Pansy threw a pillow at Seamus while the others laughed and jeered.

"Would you two mind going to the Prefects' Bath Saturday night and, um, putting on a show?" asked Harry.

Dean shook his head. "Sorry, mate," he said, "but I promised Professor Trelawney I would start working on a mural for her classroom this weekend."

Harry slumped back with a sigh. "Any other volunteers?" he muttered.

Greg cleared his throat. "Why don't you and Draco do it?"

Harry's eyes met Draco's across the room, and even from where he sat he could see a glimmer of interest in his roommate's expression. Draco was also blushing, however, and Harry wasn't about to embarrass him further. Turning his attention to Greg, Harry said, "I'm not sure that's-"

"I think it's brilliant," said Pansy.

Harry gaped at her in surprise, then looked at Draco again.

Draco fidgeted with the cuff of his shirt before saying, "Pansy, it wouldn't-"

"Draco," she interjected firmly, "this is important."

Harry wondered if Pansy was talking about their mission to locate the mermaid or about something more profound. In an effort to put Draco at ease, Harry said to him, "I reckon if we just get in the pool and splash around, Myrtle may be curious enough to put in an appearance."

Draco looked from Harry to Pansy. Pansy gave him a smile and a nod, and Draco relented. "Alright, Harry. We'll attempt to lure Myrtle out of hiding tomorrow night."


Harry and Draco waited until late Saturday night to make their way to the Prefects' bath. Fortunately, no one else was in the bath when they entered. Harry set his towel on a bench and began to unbutton his plaid shirt in silence. Draco was equally quiet as he got undressed. The situation was so absurd that Harry laughed.

"This is ridiculous," he said. "We've seen one another in the showers all year long, yet I am embarrassed to take my clothes off in front of you now."

Draco's shoulders relaxed, and he chuckled. "We're acting like a pair of prudes," he agreed.

"We won't do anything that makes either of us uncomfortable," Harry assured him. If he and Draco were going to do more than snog and grope one another, it would be because they wanted to, not as a part of their mission to find the missing mermaid.

Once naked, they slipped into the water, which was covered with a layer of bubbles. They sat side by side, close enough to touch, although neither of them ventured to make contact. Harry slanted an admiring glance at Draco from the corner of his eye. Draco's skin, what Harry could see of it, was dewey. The bubbles came up to Draco's chest, but Harry could see his dusky nipples peeking through the froth. For some reason, that teasing glimpse was more of a turn on than if Harry had simply been staring at Draco's nipples without the distortion of the bubbles.

"Harry," Draco whispered.

Harry raised his eyes to meet Draco's bold gaze. A shiver of awareness sent sparks down his spine, and he sidled closer to Draco. Harry reached for Draco's hand under the water and gave it a squeeze. "What are we going to do?" he sighed. He was thinking about the big picture, but Draco seemed focused on the here and now.

"To begin with, you could kiss me," said Draco, already leaning in.

Harry met him halfway, pressing their lips together with a moan that spoke of both pleasure and frustration. They snogged like that for long moments, no contact between them other than their mouths and the hands they had linked together. Eventually, it wasn't enough; Harry wanted more. He scooted closer to Draco, placing his other hand on Draco's bare thigh.

Draco speared his other hand into Harry's damp hair and angled his head to deepen their kiss.

Harry moaned and swept his tongue into Draco's mouth, reacquainting himself with Draco's bewitching flavor. Harry broke the snog to take a breath before bending his head to nuzzle and kiss Draco's throat. Draco groaned and let his head fall back, releasing Harry's hand to clutch at his shoulder instead.

Harry kissed his way down Draco's chest, pausing to blow bubbles aside before tonguing one of Draco's pebbled nipples. Draco made an encouraging sound in his throat and tightened his fingers in Harry's hair.

Harry sat up straight and grinned at the sight of Draco's skin, reddened from the scrape of his stubble. "Sorry about that," he murmured, the final word spoken against Draco's lips as Harry captured them in another hot, languid kiss.

Harry forgot all about marriages, mermaids and missions. He was aware of nothing but Draco--warm, wet and willing Draco--in his arms. That is, until an unwelcome voice intruded.

"Well, well, what do we have here, boys?"


Sparks 11

gift: birthday, rating: pg13, verse: sparks, content: eighth year, content: hogwarts era

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